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Firmware in final testing

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How long does it take to test firmware? Either it works of it don't! What ticks me off, is some people have it and some don't. I'm tired of waiting. It should of been released as a beta so we could all test it. If it's in final testing, it obviously doesn't brick the router, so release of already. It's ridiculous that only special people get fixes, and the rest of the consumers are chumps and don't have the intelligence to test a firmware. You guys need to adjust your attitude towards your user base. 

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Special people don't have it, 99% of the consumers do not have this, only a few testers that have been testing with Netgear for a long time. We don't decide who tests Netgear routers, that is up to them. Once a firmware has passed all tests then it will be released. Part of the testing is endurance testing which means it must run for a certain amount of time without rebooting, turning off, disconnecting itself etc. That is just one part of the tests and that in itself takes a long time. I understand your frustration but please be patient, I imagine you'd rather a firmware that works but takes a little longer to be released than one that doesn't but is released quickly.

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I guarantee there will be bugs unless netgear updated their out of date code! Nine months is a lot of patients. If a car dealer had your car for nine months, I'm sure you'd run out of patients too! These routers where purchased as people's main router. I for one am tired of explaining to my family why it doesn't work as intended and how I got ripped off $300.

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Guest Killhippie
  On 8/13/2019 at 6:52 PM, Sunaikinti said:

I guarantee there will be bugs unless netgear updated their out of date code! Nine months is a lot of patients. If a car dealer had your car for nine months, I'm sure you'd run out of patients too! These routers where purchased as people's main router. I for one am tired of explaining to my family why it doesn't work as intended and how I got ripped off $300.


All software has bugs every router, every phone, every TV every operating system. It’s impossible to have tens of thousands to millions of lines of code and not have bugs or now and then regressions. Netgear is not the only company that has issues believe me. Sonys android firmware for their TVs is buggy beyond belief and if you bought an OLED TV in 2018 you actually bought 2015 hardware which is now out of date. This is the world we live in nothing is ever perfect but each update will bring something new to the table and maybe some bugs. The longer it’s tested the better chance we have of a good and stable final release and even though I have been one of the ones complaining I am well aware after many years of beta testing firmware and hardware that patience is at the end of the day is the only thing we have, we can’t control who writes the firmware we can’t control the company that publishes it, we just see how it turns out when released.

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The XR500 is a very unique router. While I also agree its taking along time that is just the nature of the beast. You have DumaOS that has to be stable and then you have to have Netgears firmware to be stable. Then those two have to play nice together. Which can and does take time. More time then what your average firmware on basic type routers. That's just one example and reason. Now the more features a router has the more chances for things to go wrong. This really is a very complicated router tbh. The more testing done now the better.  And if issues arise while testing a firmware as complicated as this im sure it will be delayed or take even more time to get things worked out. Which im sure will further delay any new firmware release.

 I have been very critical and harsh towards Netduma and this XR500. But if I wasn't they might feel left out and not loved! At the end of the day no matter the outcome of this XR500 I will still love the guys at Netduma for what they are and stand for. Life is to short these days to do anything less then that. No one has worked so hard and tried to give us features like Netduma has for us gamers alike all around the globe.. That in itself deserves credit where credit is do! At any point when or if Netduma decides to create another router of there own whether it be a R2 or whatever. I will be that guy standing in line to get one!  


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Don't get me wrong. I support netgear. I have three netgear routers and two switches. The r7000 is one heck of a router. I have no problems with it at all. I have a r7500 as an AP and it has three hard drives connected to it. The biggest issue I have with the xr500 is the device manager, which is a known problem. I must keep my ps4 in sleep mode or it goes offline. The ipv6 passthrough works on the xr500 btw. This is a nice feature. I know I can downgrade to .32 to fix the device manager, but I lose ping assist. It worked right before, so it seems like an easy fix. The r7000 is still supported, but the r7500 is eol. I just hope the xr series is supported for years to come.

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Guest Killhippie
  On 8/13/2019 at 10:59 PM, Sunaikinti said:

Don't get me wrong. I support netgear. I have three netgear routers and two switches. The r7000 is one heck of a router. I have no problems with it at all. I have a r7500 as an AP and it has three hard drives connected to it. The biggest issue I have with the xr500 is the device manager, which is a known problem. I must keep my ps4 in sleep mode or it goes offline. The ipv6 passthrough works on the xr500 btw. This is a nice feature. I know I can downgrade to .32 to fix the device manager, but I lose ping assist. It worked right before, so it seems like an easy fix. The r7000 is still supported, but the r7500 is eol. I just hope the xr series is supported for years to come.


The R7000 was a good router that suffered at the hands of bad updates for the longest time. After adding the Arlo stuff and removing it the router never felt 'whole' again for a long time, and there were so many complaints on forum about it. The R7800 has so far been one of Netgears best router based on just netgears own firmware, but that's been buggy of late with high ping spikes in 5Ghz and attached devices not working properly even with Voxels great fork. Also no real updates to that router either for a long time, and QoS on the R7800 has not been updated since 2017 as Qualcomm has given up on Streamboost.

 Right now is not the time to buy Wi-Fi 6 gear either as its based on draft 3 not the final ratified version and next year we will see new silicon that can take full advantage of the final draft at the end of the year, rather like wave 2 for Wi-Fi 5. Yes this XR500 router is unusual and has had its fair share of bugs since I got one as a beta tester and a later launch model. (without the messed up port printing on the back) However looking over the forums I don't think the XR500 is any worse than the R7000 for issues with firmware tbh. Googling R7000 Netgear router bugs bring up a lot of unhappy users and bug info.

 I hope the long gap means Netgears management has finally got a grip of the lousy firmware that was being written for very good hardware. When three separate firmware devs in Taiwan all are using different versions of the same code for routers, so the XR500 had a later version of OpenSSL compared to the R7800 which had a newer version than the R9000 which has a really outdated version but was the flagship at the time, it boggles the mind (no wonder the XR700 is buggy as its a R9000 warts and all.) Apart from making it known we don't like this practice and voting with our wallets there is nothing we can do. So its either move on or just realise this is the way of modern life and find a good third party firmware from the likes of Voxel or Merlin and many others who take time and have pride in their work. As long as you don't mind maybe not always having the latest Wi-Fi drivers all is good unless you brick the router, and then you are on your own as Netgear don't support using third party firmware as far as I know.

 DumaOS when working as it should is a great OS (because its not created by a multinational company and they take great pride too) but they need full IPv6 support I will say. I may not like the length between patches one bit for Netgear's DumaOS routers, but that is more to do with Netgear than Netduma I imagine. Netgear really dumbs down their interface, maybe so they can avoid support calls as someone I know mentioned elsewhere. Asus make great firmware (Merlin based) but some of their hardware has been lacking and the number or times radios have failed even on the RT-AC86U which is a great router is quite surprising. You will never find perfect hardware or firmware or the perfect OS, it doesn't exist and if you are looking for it you will just drive yourself mad.

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Ok mais la question est : "cette version qu'il travail depuis décembre 2018 est elle aboutie ou sur le point d'être aboutie ?" c'est plus de la patience, ni du test là !!!!! C'est surtout savoir si le XR500 est bugé au niveau du matériel ou du logiciel, car dans le premier cas, on peut le jeter dès maintenant !!!!

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Guest Killhippie
  On 8/14/2019 at 6:31 PM, Fuzy said:

Ok mais la question est : "cette version qu'il travail depuis décembre 2018 est elle aboutie ou sur le point d'être aboutie ?" c'est plus de la patience, ni du test là !!!!! C'est surtout savoir si le XR500 est bugé au niveau du matériel ou du logiciel, car dans le premier cas, on peut le jeter dès maintenant !!!!


Vous devrez attendre et voir. Il y a quelques personnes qui testent le firmware, aucun commentaire ne peut être fait jusqu'à ce que netgear décide de le publier. Aucun routeur n’est tellement bogué qu’il a besoin d’être jeté. Je conviens que c’est trop long, mais vous n’obtiendrez pas plus d’informations sur le micrologiciel, c’est inutile de demander. Quand il sera publié, vous pourrez décider. Désolé, c'est la façon dont les tests bêta sont destinés à tous ceux qui les testent. La fuite de firmware a causé assez de problèmes lorsque quelqu'un a dit qu'il était sorti, mais ce n'était pas le cas et ils n'auraient pas dû le faire. Il est inutile de poser d'autres questions pour le moment.

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Pourquoi ne pas poser la question ?...

Je pense qu'il est plutôt logique de poser la question, c'est ce à quoi sert ce forum !

Suivi, pas de suivi..

Et je ne vois pas en quoi la fuite du V.56 est un problème... ça laisse en revanche de l'espoir pour les déçus et les impatients ! 

Je ne suis pas dans les petits papiers mais en toute sympathie vous nous faites une "Dutronc".



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Guest Killhippie
  On 8/14/2019 at 8:49 PM, Fuzy said:


Pourquoi ne pas poser la question ?...

Je pense qu'il est plutôt logique de poser la question, c'est ce à quoi sert ce forum !

Suivi, pas de suivi..

Et je ne vois pas en quoi la fuite du V.56 est un problème... ça laisse en revanche de l'espoir pour les déçus et les impatients ! 

Je ne suis pas dans les petits papiers mais en toute sympathie vous nous faites une "Dutronc".




Vous semblez toujours ne pas avoir compris la nature des tests de microprogramme / matériel pré-version / bêta. Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à en parler! La première règle du test bêta est de ne parler qu'à ceux que vous savez utiliser mais par les canaux appropriés. Ce fil est encore un exemple des retombées de quelqu'un qui ne respecte pas ces règles.

  Il est spécifiquement demandé aux personnes de ne pas discuter du firmware publiquement en acceptant dans certains cas un NDA (accord de non-fermeture) ou par le fournisseur du firmware vous demandant de ne pas le faire, dans ce cas, Netgear. C'est si simple. Ce fil va vraiment dans des cercles de plus en plus décroissants maintenant. Je crois comprendre que vous êtes frustré, mais quiconque utilise peut-être 0,56 ne peut en parler publiquement, car ils ne sont tout simplement pas autorisés.

  C’est les règles établies par la société / les membres du personnel des sociétés qui distribuent les microprogrammes à des fins de test, sauf s’il s’agit d’une version bêta publique, ce qui n’est pas le cas. Il n'y a plus rien à dire sur le sujet.

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