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Connection logs

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 I have mentioned something like this a long time ago.. Basically what I suggested was what I called an active connection log that would show what type of ports tcp/udp and port numbers receiving and sending. Along with send and receive rate.. Not fully exactly what your asking but well with in what your suggesting. In this it would also give the ip addresses tied to the receiving and sending. I feel this would be valuable info so one can physically see what is taking place. Other routers have a form of this. And I am a bit surprised that we don't see any form of this at all here..  I do like your idea as well and I see why you suggested it. Info like this would and can become quite useful for various things. One as you have pointed out above.


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11 hours ago, mstutz2319 said:

Did this ever get anywhere? A connection/NAT table would be a great feature that many other routers already have.

It's on the list but doesn't guarantee inclusion, I think later on in the year we'll be looking more into suggestions once our planned updates are done.

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