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Could you share your result please so can see the report? Ideally take a screenshot and post here.

Could you also take a screenshot of your QoS page so we can see your settings? Thanks.

Please also make sure you have followed this guide: http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000077073-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-qos

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Judging by the speed test you haven't put the correct download speed that you get into Anti-Bufferbloat's bandwidth settings so you'll actually be throttling too much. Do a speedtest.net test directly to your modem with no other devices using the internet then put that in your Anti-Bufferbloat settings. Your PS4 also doesn't need 8.4mbps of upload bandwidth when gaming barely reaches 0.5mbps. I hope you don't have share excess disabled for upload otherwise that would cause issues for other devices, including the one you're doing that test on.

Finally I wouldn't treat DSLReports as the holy grail for bufferbloat testing. Bufferbloat only occurs when your network is saturated and that test won't do that. I would highly recommend you follow this guide to fine tune your QoS until you get very minimal spikes/jitter, then you can be sure it's as optimum as possible. http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-test-your-connection

5 hours ago, bbursley said:

hmm, funny. Another person who's Qos is broken. How long will it be till we see a real fix? 

Not broken, DSLReports is not a test that should be taken as 100% accurate.

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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Judging by the speed test you haven't put the correct download speed that you get into Anti-Bufferbloat's bandwidth settings so you'll actually be throttling too much. Do a speedtest.net test directly to your modem with no other devices using the internet then put that in your Anti-Bufferbloat settings. Your PS4 also doesn't need 8.4mbps of upload bandwidth when gaming barely reaches 0.5mbps. I hope you don't have share excess disabled for upload otherwise that would cause issues for other devices, including the one you're doing that test on.

Finally I wouldn't treat DSLReports as the holy grail for bufferbloat testing. Bufferbloat only occurs when your network is saturated and that test won't do that. I would highly recommend you follow this guide to fine tune your QoS until you get very minimal spikes/jitter, then you can be sure it's as optimum as possible. http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-test-your-connection

Not broken, DSLReports is not a test that should be taken as 100% accurate.

If dslreports did not saturate a network as you stated, then theoretically we could leave Qos off and there would be no “bufferbloat”. Ping plotter would also not show spikes in latency as well. They would not design a website intended for testing bufferbloat if it did not induce it. Also, Netduma Ltd charged money for an open source Linux kernel that falls under the GNU General Public License. Meaning that, if we purchase your distribution, then we have rights to that firmware. So yes, we are entitled to having a firmware that is supposed to replicate what are claimed in advertisements, especially when following by your guide. As you can see above the person in the above demonstrates with clear evidence 150/20 set for speed and sliders at 70/70. If that’s not broken then Neither was Humpty Dumpty when he fell off a wall... smh

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It won't saturate the network but it would use a fair amount. The guide for Ping Plotter tells you to saturate your network first. I don't believe that bufferbloat is the websites' primary focus, it's a speed test that also provides that information. I just did a test on my home connection that I share with 7 other people, without QoS enabled and everyone using their devices. I was getting slow page loading and yet I got A+, A, A+ - It is not accurate. DumaOS is a custom made OS, it is not completely open source as far as I am aware. If you follow the link I provided there you will find a % that eliminates jitter/spikes. The above person had incorrect speeds in their Anti-Bufferbloat settings by the look of it and so were throttling too severely. Every connection is different which is why the guide is important.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

It won't saturate the network but it would use a fair amount. The guide for Ping Plotter tells you to saturate your network first. I don't believe that bufferbloat is the websites' primary focus, it's a speed test that also provides that information. I just did a test on my home connection that I share with 7 other people, without QoS enabled and everyone using their devices. I was getting slow page loading and yet I got A+, A, A+ - It is not accurate. DumaOS is a custom made OS, it is not completely open source as far as I am aware. If you follow the link I provided there you will find a % that eliminates jitter/spikes. The above person had incorrect speeds in their Anti-Bufferbloat settings by the look of it and so were throttling too severely. Every connection is different which is why the guide is important.

So you’re telling me that a person setting their speeds to 150 and 70% slider should still give them a speed that’s far above that. Also it is, it’s based off openwrt, as many firmware’s are. Just because you customize it does not make it your own, if it’s built off a Linux kernel it falls under the GNU GPL, we bought that source code when we paid for the netduma with the code on it. The reason you couldn’t get antijitter patented is because you cannot patent something while using a kernel that is under that licensing. You’re also in London and probably have gigabit speeds, and the page loading slow can be at the application level due to the browser and plugins you are using, that doesn’t prove the prescience or abscence of bufferbloat at all. 

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No I'm not but I'm saying the settings are incorrect. It's likely due to IPv6 so @carloslfc could you disable that in WAN and LAN as well please.

I'm not a developer, I'm sure they can give you more information on the software if you would like it. We already have features patent pending so I'm unsure where you're getting that information. I don't live in London and I have 100/20 so less than the original poster. I was talking about all websites not specifically DSLReports. I am not arguing with you in some one else's topic. I am attempting to help carlos with the issues he is facing. You're frustrated because you don't feel that QoS works correctly for you, I get that but please don't derail another persons support topic.

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36 minutes ago, PharmDawgg said:

DumaOS seems to work for me Fraser. And this is with sucky Comcast cable. ijs


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That doesn’t happen for me, even with 70/70 and I have 100 mbit/s download and 10mbit/s upload. I never get A+ all across. Also my log shows I’m dropping packets. I noted this before but evidently nobody seemed to care. That’s what’s causing my quality to drop down most likely, the buffer can’t handle the amount of data from packet inspection, so what does it do? It drops it. If you look up information about the R1 openwrt info it states there are packets that get dropped. I’m assuming pharmdawgg is not using the R1

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JUST for reference, I have set things EXACTLY as you state, yet I still have issues. I set these side by side for you just to make it very obvious that im doing as you say. My quality of my internet is being hindered by the Qos badly. 








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GF was streaming on netflix, not during the buffer bloat test, but as the ping plotter ran, with 70/70. No IPv6 on. I got my information from the router details itself. Not to mention I researched the GNU license rule. Any bafoon can use google. Yeah im annoyed because it clearly is faulty. PharmDawgg is clearly using the higher end routers which were given much more focus. You abandoned your original adopters. Without the initial startup funds you wouldnt be here this fast. Its not an argument either, and PharmDawgg is a mod, im sure you guys would ship out a nice new router out to him anyways, just as well when SIM used to be active on here and he has since left you guys for OpenWRT firmware according to his youtube channel. People have a right to quality service without needing to me a moderator.

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@bbursley if you need help could you please make a separate topic with your information/issues and we can take a look there. 

5 hours ago, carloslfc said:

I have now put my ps4 into modem mode changed QS setting when I plug Ethernet cable into ps4 it won't connect to internet ?? driving me nuts 

What do you mean you've put your PS4 into modem mode? That's impossible. I'm not sure I follow what you have done, on the PS4 network settings make sure they're using automatic.

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5 hours ago, carloslfc said:

I have put my virgin media router into modem mode connected to the r1 and then to ps4 but now I am getting a dns error on ps4

Are you using an automatic setup in your internet settings with your ps4? if so then the Local IP the r1 gives you as well as DNS etc should translate automatically. If you are using manual settings, then unless you input a dns youll probably get an error. Now im surpirsed it would allow you to move forward without one but an alternative is to just use google dns such as and , all dns does is tells a device where a website is. Its kinda like a phonebook for the web.

Also it may be that your router did not bring DNS settings over even in bridged mode (which is weird) so if you are using automatic settings and the dns doesnt work, you could manually input one into your internet settings on the router side. This is one of my most favorable things, the r1 is SO easy to set up. Its literally almost impossbile to get things wrong, unless you have an unsual internet setup, which can happen im sure even in your case. 

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5 hours ago, carloslfc said:

I have put my virgin media router into modem mode connected to the r1 and then to ps4 but now I am getting a dns error on ps4

Are you getting DNS issues on any other device? Is the PS4 connecting using automatic settings or using settings you have entered manually? If you're not sure then restart the setup for the wired connection and make sure to select automatic. Also did you disable IPv6 for LAN/WAN on the router? 

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hi Fraser thanks for your help much appreciated..I have given up now to be honest...i do a speed test straight from my modem but they are so inconsistent from 120 to over 200 so it's difficult to put an actual speed into qos...I am the only person using this network also with only 2 other devices connected at the same time I also have issues when putting my virgin media hub into modem mode the r1 doesn't pick it up...I have given up lol.....

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3 hours ago, carloslfc said:

hi Fraser thanks for your help much appreciated..I have given up now to be honest...i do a speed test straight from my modem but they are so inconsistent from 120 to over 200 so it's difficult to put an actual speed into qos...I am the only person using this network also with only 2 other devices connected at the same time I also have issues when putting my virgin media hub into modem mode the r1 doesn't pick it up...I have given up lol.....

If you put the Virgin Hub into modem mode then make sure you're connecting you are using the modem mode port on the back of the hub (there is a specific port for it). If you don't connect the R1 into that port, it won't work.

That should hopefully then resolve your problems.

Also the speed fluctuation most likely isn't related to your modems or hardware, but the service from Virgin. During peak times, speeds tend to drop.

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  • Netduma Staff
3 hours ago, carloslfc said:

then would I have to do a speed test every time I use it to make sure I am putting correct speeds in the qos

Nah not at all. You should be fine to leave your QoS settings as they are; inputting your speeds is largely to help with initial setup of the router.

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7 hours ago, carloslfc said:

then would I have to do a speed test every time I use it to make sure I am putting correct speeds in the qos

If my research is correct, you technically have a fiber connection right? All I found is virgin media offering fiber. Fiber is typically a dedicated connection and should not be affected by other users around you, much like DSL, only fiber is even more dedicated than that. It baffles me that they do not have a customer support line that can assist you with this, most of them will still at least try. Have you ever done the line test with Pingplotter connected to the modem? maybe there's something going on that shouldn't be. Fiber travels at the speed of light, I cant imagine that there would ever be a reason for so much variance. If you are paying for a certain speed then id input those values, anything higher than that is just a burst im assuming. Sometimes providers are able to offer a speed higher than what you pay, but you dont want to rely on that. Even in my own QOS i set it to the 100/10 even though I often get 115/12 uncapped. Like @Netduma Jack stated, it should be virtually a set it and forget it thing. 

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  • Netduma Staff
5 hours ago, carloslfc said:

thanks for all the replies I will have a play around at the weekend 😁.bbursley virgin media is fibre to the box and then a cable to your house so it's not 100% fibre 

Feel free to experiment with the main features and run some tests when you've got the time, it'll be worth getting your settings just right in the long run :)

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