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Supremacy DLC now available on PS4/PC


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  On 7/2/2015 at 10:08 AM, Netduma Fraser said:

How much DLC have they released for this game? Just curious but it seems like a lot!


A fair amount so far.


I think in its planned lifecycle there will be 4 sets of DLC, each containing 4 maps.


This is the 3rd set of DLC for AW now and SHG have been trying to keep the game fresh by also adding in some extra content such as; DLC only weapons (AE4 and OHM so far), some free weapons (M1 Irons, Royalties, Single SAC3) and a load of loadout stuff.


I think it's great that they're putting out content so frequently. However, I sometimes feel like some of this time could be spent on improving the game rather than giving us all a re-skinned exo suit that we'll never probably use.


Gun balancing and SBMM/connectivity are the biggies for me. The R1 is definitely helping out on the connectivity part, but this game seldom runs perfect. I'm just glad +90% of my lobbies are fun now!

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to me it feels like they are trying to squeeze out every little last penny from the cod franchise by expecting clients to spend on maps and skins when they should be listening to the community and improving the game. The whole supply drop idea is a complete money scam, it is designed so that if you pay more you get more drops and better weapons, hence you will be able to outgun me, the poorer player. It's ridiculous and I'm not spending any more money on it till bo3. 

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  On 7/2/2015 at 10:44 AM, quickfaith said:

A remake of Skyrise from MW2 is included in this new DLC.


I'll be playing on that bad boy for sure!

downloading this right now.  the last map pack was only so so for me.  reminded me more of something you would see in titan fall.  This map pack is looking a lot more like traditional cod maps.  Just from the videos i saw, all the maps look like they might have belonged to mw2 right along with high-rise.  Very excited to play them!

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I remember when I was a child games should be entertaining and fun to me. Challenging also. I am ok with new maps but when you wanna accomplish the binding of a playerbase to you, you should invest some money in good servers - not in DLCs. Anyway I will drink some beers, try them and try to have fun (maybe with some people from the forum - see our Netduma Clan post). 


I miss the old days on BO1 (DLCs included) - that was FUN to me  :mellow:

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They keep pumping out DLC because the game did not do as well as previous CoDs. It's probably the lowest played one of them all, even before Ghosts.


Perplex (from the last map pack) and Kremlin are how the stock maps should have been from the start, IMO. Large, multi-level that use the Exos to their fullest. Instead, we got BO2 left-overs, more or less. I don't know if that was on purpose, but AW (the entire game) smacks of cost-cutting and only putting in the bare minimum to turn a profit.


Also, if you own both consoles, you have probably been playing this map pack for a month already. This timed exclusive DLC has to stop. There is no excuse for it other than greed.

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  On 7/2/2015 at 10:08 AM, Netduma Fraser said:

How much DLC have they released for this game? Just curious but it seems like a lot!

They're not really pumping out anymore dlc than normal.  4 map packs with maps plus the zombies.   Extra skins and guns started with Black Ops 2 so it's pretty normal for that now as well.  The one thing we are seeing more of is customization.  But this is the 1st game that had a 3 year cycle with plenty of time to add these for us.  


The one thing i think they did wrong was adding the ability to buy supply drops.  That kind of makes it a pay per win game.  But aside from that i love the fact that they've added all of this extra stuff.  Sure they make extra money doing it, and people are going to complain.  But it's extra stuff that was added for us, the player to enjoy or not buy if we don't like it.  I expect we're going to see a lot more of this from all of the CoD developers with 3 year cycles.

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  On 7/2/2015 at 5:00 PM, Murdoch said:

I don't have any dlc packs yet. Can someone explain what game modes are available in each? Also would it hurt my lobbies if I only bought a later one without the earlier ones?

They'll be in their own separate category until the next dlc comes out.  It has a tdm and moshpit playlist.   When DLC 4 comes out they'll move dlc 3 into the regular playlist with all of the other maps.  I'm sure it will affect it somewhat but you should still be able to find rooms.

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I selected the5gb download and its taking forever to download, 3 hours so far on a fttc connection 28 down. I guess a lot of people are dling at the same time

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I got the season pass and deleted the maps from my system as the games were horrible with the player base so fragmented.I got tons of people from Mexico and South America in my lobbies,which is fine in you live in South America or Mexico but I don't.So IMO it was a waste of money and I get better games with out the DLC,but your milage my vary.

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I do see that a lot.  If you want people just in the geo then maps might not be worth it.  I only have half the room in my geo if lucky.  I like map variety though, it's nice to see other maps other than the same old originals.   It really comes down to if you want that extra variety or not and are willing to sacrifice other people making it into your servers.


The maps don't feel as much MW2ish i was i hoped. I could see them fitting a lot more with black ops2; could just be the art style in the game though.  Sky Rise definitely feels different with the exo movements and is littered with snipers but can still be good fun

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I played them yesterday and actually liked them .... the connection was really good  :huh:

Usually when new maps come out the connection is very bad. They reminded me of the old 3lane map desings of cod. I like that.

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Well aw its a frist game i dont purchSe a singel dlc map. The players base is so small any way dont wont to ruin it. At this same time that training map is so very tempting as i love comeback

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  On 7/4/2015 at 7:57 AM, Thunderwing Doomslayer said:

the maps are ok but the worst thing is they put them in their own little section and not in the main playlist , this just moves people out of the main list so their is less people to play against and it is standard games only no love for us hardcore gamers .


well i kind that understend that methods.


If the maps were add to main rotation then lest say you are in game playing on solar games is finish and new one coming up only you and 2 more people have that map as it ia dlc map. What heppens?


Game kicks out rest of the players with this map to get you a game. People for you previous lobby are put in to basic maps.


So there fore its esentialy the same thing. Just saves you a hustle of lobby changing all the time.


Problem is thw low players base. Witch is caused by the game its self.

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