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Still random reboots since launch

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Do you think this is still a hardware fault? If so then I'd recommend seeking a replacement from NETGEAR directly. They're pretty good at shipping out replacements and the behaviour you are experiencing is not normal.

You have a one year warranty, so you should be well within it: https://www.netgear.com/support/contact.aspx

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Yea I’m pretty certain it’s hardware, I’ve tried all kinda things from beta firmware to turning off this option and that, plug in directly and everything jack and Frazier have mentioned over the months and while they usually work briefly it comes back. I’ll give it a go, but they either never answered my questions or gave me the run around early on with netgear support and I just came back here hoping a firmware fix would come eventually.  Doesn’t look like that’s gonna do it at this point so guess I’m at their mercy now.  Trying it now with low expectations, but if they make i good I’ll let ya know. 

Oof wow netgear are literal criminals, to honor my year warranty they make you say you’ll buy their premium support and if I wouldn’t have argued they would have already charged me.  As is they are supposedly going to call me back in 2 to 3 hours with an “expert”.  At least I think that’s what they said since they speak extremely broken English.  Last time they never even bothered calling back so I’m not holding my breath, this is my second broken nighthawk product and it will be my last.  Loved my R1 and netduma, but feel like the partnership with netgear has been a mess since from day 1.   Thanks for the idea to try the warranty even though I feel like they’re not going to honor it judging from that call and past experience. 

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Thanks for the idea and all the help, Frazier your actually the one who’s suggested the bulk of the ideas albeit on this and a couple other screen names cause I wasn’t getting password reset emails for a bit.   I’m actually eating my words at least it seems that way at the moment.  Apparently the call centers are just instructed to be a holes probably to avoid bs claims, but now that I spoke to the “expert” he simply processed the rma claim and I can have a new one here tomorrow or later in the week.  Sure it’s gonna cost a few bucks, but I’d have paid well more to get rid of this headache and have stability again.   Thanks again and I’ll let you all know how things end up, I’m actually impressed it only took a bit of arguing and not a full meltdown at just a couple weeks under the year warranty. 

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14 hours ago, Netduma Admin said:

Do you think this is still a hardware fault? If so then I'd recommend seeking a replacement from NETGEAR directly. They're pretty good at shipping out replacements and the behaviour you are experiencing is not normal.

You have a one year warranty, so you should be well within it: https://www.netgear.com/support/contact.aspx

Thanks, didn’t realize I even had a year as so many electronics are lucky to get a few months.  Looks like I should have a new one on its way here tomorrow, should see it by early next week.  They really gotta work on the call center training, cause the difference between my initial call and the expert call was night and day. Think the telemarketing company they have fielding first calls is where the bad taste or bad rep is coming from for many complaining, way to into the upsell to premium to already unsatisfied and unhappy people imo.  After that they were great, you saved me a whole lotta headache and possibly saved them another customer. Wish I’d have argued my way through this a year age 4/25/18 was my purchase date, so I got lucky. 

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Glad you have a new one on the way - I was going to say, they're good with replacements, so was surprised to hear you had a tough time there. 

If you have a ticket ID we can pass onto NETGEAR to help them improve their service.

Hope the new unit works great for you - they should be good for many years normally, so bad luck on your part here. Glad you're getting it fixed though.

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Thanks for the idea, I tried it all including some beta firmware options, mine was definitely a hardware issue though.  Thankfully I received my new router today and so far so good.  I’m sure glad the year warranty was brought up cause I figured I was going to be sol and was looking for other routers even though I’d hate to give up the Duma software.  Glad downgrading worked on your end though.  Mine would be fine after I’d try different firmware and other options than sometimes a couple months and others a couple days later  it would start up again eventually getting back to at least daily.  If your issue comes back rma Asap cause I only made it by a bit over a week and it took some, wel say convincing to the first round of customer service, after that they were good about it since they realized I wasn’t a moron and had already tried all the troubleshooting many times over.  I hoped a firmware update would fix it eventually and almost waited too long, always loved the R1 and hope to enjoy this one just as much now that I can spend more time gaming than I spend fighting the router again. 

Thanks again to all that helped, I’m actually the op as well, for whatever reason I wasn’t getting password resets for a bit.  Going forward hopefully I only need to come back for positive reasons now that I have new hardware. Safe to say this post has been resolved on my end now at least for now.  

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I had the same issue, I was having to reboot the router every 2-3 days. I then went out and bought a Netgear network switch for $50 and all is perfect. Have not rebooted once in months...

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5 hours ago, Mikzxr said:

I had the same issue, I was having to reboot the router every 2-3 days. I then went out and bought a Netgear network switch for $50 and all is perfect. Have not rebooted once in months...

Thanks for letting us know, glad you got it all working

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well as excited as I was to have a new router and this to be over it’s now doing the exact same thing as well.  Maybe it wasn’t hardware unless my lucks just that bad.  I assume it has to be something on my network causing some sort of bug, it’s odd ive never had an issue with the R1 and never had this issue with the older nighthawk.   Kinda at a loss for words at this point, guess I’ll reset it and try to get the log on a usb drive next time it shuts down.  Be back in the next couple days I’m sure. 

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@Sol0flyerz Try moving the router to a totally different wall socket, preferably on another fuse. Do not use a surge protector. Plug it directly into the wall. I had this same issue for days on end. It has to be something with either the power surging up or down that causes the router to fault and restart. I moved mine completely separate from all other devices and that fixed the problem for me. My guess is you may have large spikes or dips with your particular house or network as this doesn't appear to be a widespread issue. 

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  I did try that not long ago, but it may be on the same breaker and quite a bit of my wiring is original.  Ill run a new line direct to it and see if that alleviates things since my fuse box is right below my fiber line in the basement and occasionally I have seen a light dim here or there since moving into this house.   That’s kinda my last thought too aside from some kinda bug between the router and a device in the house, two best guesses would have to be Samsung tv or something with multiple ps4s I guess. The Samsung isn’t identified like everything else I’ve connected and shows as different things occasionally so maybe it’s not playing nice.   Anyway thanks for the idea I’ll prolly grab some wiring and run one in the next day or two just to try to rule out anything possible. 

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11 hours ago, SunTzu said:

@Sol0flyerz Try moving the router to a totally different wall socket, preferably on another fuse. Do not use a surge protector. Plug it directly into the wall. I had this same issue for days on end. It has to be something with either the power surging up or down that causes the router to fault and restart. I moved mine completely separate from all other devices and that fixed the problem for me. My guess is you may have large spikes or dips with your particular house or network as this doesn't appear to be a widespread issue. 

If this is the case get a small UPS or power line conditioner and see if it helps. 

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