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Geo Filter is still ineffective. Aside from returning it, what is the solution?

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What the hell is the problem with this router? Does it actually do anything it claims?

Recently ping host just flat out stopped working. 

Most recent update. Same problem I had a month ago, but now I have screen shots. I am being CONSTANTLY connected with NONE of the peers in my region, so it cant possibly be that hosts are in my region and connection are out of it. 


I bought this router specifically for the DUMAOS, but it seems that its all sizzle and no meat. 





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It seems like you have allowed a server in that region so it now thinks you're in that area. Delete your allowed rules then hard turn off the console, wait 2 minutes and then boot up the console and game and then try again

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I have two allowed in my my list both friends. One is in Texas and one shows in Canada but is in Southern California. 


There is no other "allowed" in my list, and only the AWS server in Australia and a few people from Japan, China and South America are denied. 

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I reset anyway. Just in case. Power cycled the console. Jumped back in, and this is my most recent game. With my list of allow/deny. The two dedicated are in Japan and Australia. 

This doesnt seem like geo filtering to me. It feels like your code is denying anyone inside the circle. I have literally played against 3 people in that circle all weekend. 




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  • Netduma Staff

Not to worry, lets get to the bottom of it.

First of all, this should only be temporary. There's work currently underway on our cloud database - it's really necessary stuff to ensure every game is working correctly with the Geo-Filter. I've noticed another guy in Australia had this kind of problem though, so we're looking into both of your cases.

If you set the Geo-Filter to spectating mode and reboot the game, what happens? Since you aren't blocking anything, do you still get connected only to the East Coast? The most useful screenshot in this case would be your Ping Graph if you have Auto-Ping enabled. Lets find out the culprit servers here; information like their Domain Name will go a long way in solving this!

Also worth noting, it could be that you are connecting to West Coast servers, but they're mis-located on the map (so it looks like they're East Coast servers). You can tell if that's the case if their ping doesn't add up - if they have a really low ping even though they're miles away, that's likely when they're mis-located. I hope this helps, please let us know if you can grab some ping graph screenshots!

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So, If I set to spectating (as I do for PvE activities) I get connected to all kinds of people. Yesterday I got connected to one from the west coast and one from New Zealand, next game was one from east coast and one from Germany iirc. Ping Host works when spectating. When Spectating the ping is usually around 50ish (pretty good). In public areas I get people from all over the world (including my region), and everyone shows up as a head and shoulders. 

My Ping graph (I am not sure what you mean, the "host ping"?) doesnt work most of the time. It is just blank when filtering. The two denied dedicated AWS servers are about 160(japan)-300(Australia) Ping (why I denied them last month when I made my other topic post). 

I have no issue with low ping far away hosts (one of the reasons I was disappointing Ping Assist wasnt in the build when I bought it) - Like I said, one of the people I play with is located in SoCal and shows in Eastern Canada, so I suppose that could be the case here, but then why is everyone connecting showing in the eastern US? Shouldt at least SOMEONE show in my giant 1300km region?



Just to reiterate, what do you mean ping-graph, because I assume you mean the box below the map that shows the hosts ping. 

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  • Netduma Staff

I have a similar feeling to Fraser at this point - I think the game isn't properly detecting your region. Everything points to an issue like that - if the game thought you belonged to the US East region, you'd see the exact same symptoms you're seeing now. I can't believe this wasn't cleared up before, but which game are you actually playing and which console are you on? Every game performs online in a different way, so that's vital to know at this point.

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  • Netduma Staff
12 hours ago, WACK said:

Destiny 2 PS4. The most frustratingly terrible P2P game (why I pulled the trigger on this router).

Would resetting the router help, maybe?

Ah right. I totally agree, Destiny 2 networking is horrendous. I'm almost not surprised it thinks you're in an entirely different region! You could try resetting the router if you want. I'd say you should set the Geo-Filter to Spectating Mode and see what pings you're getting whenever you're connecting to the East Coast only. Those pings should be pretty high in reality, so if you're seeing really low pings over there could you please take screenshots of the Ping Graph (with Auto Ping enabled)? That way we'll be able to check out the domain names and see if everything's in order.

If you spot some games in your region as well it might be handy to screenshot those as well. I know Destiny 2 had some patches lately for the Black Armoury so I reckon they changed something on their end :)

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Thanks. Playing a match just now with spectating



De-selecting auto ping and selecting what looks to be the host


FWIW, Auto-ping host never works now. 

For all intents and purposes, it seems like there just are no players at all in the area between the Pacific and the Rockies. Like it is a black hole of non-gamers. 

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I am quoting Netduma Admin here so please try again after:

Hi everyone. We have just made a large Cloud update. This will improve IP location of all devices and all games. These changes will automatically install on your router within the next 24 hours, but if you would like to force your Cloud to update, please do the following:

  1. Go to your Geo-Filter
  2. Open the Geo-Filter Map Options (click the three horizontal lines in the top left of the panel)
  3. Click 'Flush Cloud'
  4. Wait about 30 seconds - 45 second for the Flush to complete. Don't worry if you see a message that says '"Error: The operation is taking longer than expected. Please briefly wait before using this R-App" - this is just a default popup that appears when something is taking a while to complete on DumaOS. Just clear the message and wait another 30 seconds for the new Cloud to complete its installation in the background
  5. Once complete, make sure you're happy with your other Geo-Filter settings e.g. home location, radius, Ping Assist on the R1 etc.
  6. Now restart your game

Don't worry if a server sometimes shows as a 'Peer' - there are still servers that we have not yet been categorised as servers. This will be something we tackle in the future but it is a purely visual benefit so don't sweat too hard if they're showing as peers.

We will announce this more publicly once we have feedback from you that things are looking good.

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>>Hi everyone. We have just made a large Cloud update. This will improve IP location of all devices and all games. These changes will automatically install on your router within the next 24 hours, but if you would like to force your Cloud to update, please do the following:

  1. Go to your Geo-Filter
  2. Open the Geo-Filter Map Options (click the three horizontal lines in the top left of the panel)
  3. Click 'Flush Cloud'
  4. Wait about 30 seconds - 45 second for the Flush to complete. Don't worry if you see a message that says '"Error: The operation is taking longer than expected. Please briefly wait before using this R-App" - this is just a default popup that appears when something is taking a while to complete on DumaOS. Just clear the message and wait another 30 seconds for the new Cloud to complete its installation in the background
  5. Once complete, make sure you're happy with your other Geo-Filter settings e.g. home location, radius, Ping Assist on the R1 etc.
  6. Now restart your game

Don't worry if a server sometimes shows as a 'Peer' - there are still servers that we have not yet been categorised as servers. This will be something we tackle in the future but it is a purely visual benefit so don't sweat too hard if they're showing as peers.

We will announce this more publicly once we have feedback from you that things are looking good.





Thanks. i'll try this
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  • Netduma Staff
11 hours ago, xr500user said:

Just FYI Fortnite still does not detect as high priority traffic over PC/wifi with DUMA classified games checked ..

Does QoS classified games update via cloud? or is that hard coded in the firmware?

I think that's to do with ports rather than our cloud - we'll try to take a look at PC games with High Priority Traffic at some point :)

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Do you have your ping asst on? I have noticed with my ping asst set to 30...even with my geo filter enabled ..if theres a server at 30ping or lower it will pull me out of my circle and place states over such as your graph is showing just to find the 30 ping or lower server which is what its designed to too. I have noticed that if I set my pint asst to 0 (its almost like turning it off to me) it will keep me on dedis in my area. Maybe you should try that also. I don't play destiny so I'm not sure how they work on Duma...just heard they are really bad. Good luck.

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  • Netduma Staff
1 hour ago, David824 said:

Do you have your ping asst on? I have noticed with my ping asst set to 30...even with my geo filter enabled ..if theres a server at 30ping or lower it will pull me out of my circle and place states over such as your graph is showing just to find the 30 ping or lower server which is what its designed to too. I have noticed that if I set my pint asst to 0 (its almost like turning it off to me) it will keep me on dedis in my area. Maybe you should try that also. I don't play destiny so I'm not sure how they work on Duma...just heard they are really bad. Good luck.

You're right David - in this case though it's not Ping Assist to blame. If you connect to a Ping Assist server, the icon on the map will have a dotted circle around it. Since there's no dotted circles on the map that can't be the cause. It's a good thought though :D thanks!

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I agree the GEO filter on this router is broken with the latest FW release ..I have my distance set for the PUBG-Fortnite Profile with Auto_Ping enabled and my Ping Assist set at 50. I tried to flush the cloud, remove and re-add console and desktop, change profile to Call of Duty, Destiny, etc and still..NOTHING on the GEO Filter map at all! NO other players show up, no servers..nothing!





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