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Watch "The Sandy Ravage Chronicles Vol. 1" on YouTube



Im sure loads of you older gamers will have heard of sandy ravage and more than likely seen this video his first edition to the chronicles of ravage montages,for me my most entertaining youtuber to watch without a doubt,booster justice spas12 semtex ac130 or anything mw2 related this is ur man to get you hyped,posted this up for the younger generation of gamers coming through who may not have heard of him.give his older videos a watch and let me know some of you're favourite youtubers

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I only watched 1 sandy ravage video of him on MW2 getting a nuke. He was playing domination and didn't cap a single flag I don't think. After that I lost all respect I'm afraid.

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I generally only watch security/opsec/infosec/cointel/humint/geospatial-related videos on Youtube.  So my list is more along the lines of TheSecurityTube, Adrian Crenshaw, CCCen, DeviantOllam, DEFCONConference.  Though I do like Drift0r and K0sdff for game-related stuff.

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Loyal patriot is the shit,beer drinking,firearms having,baseball cap wearing good ole boy that...PTFO (plays the f**king objective) which I tell people all the time in game.


And I like Coach Topher even thou he's a troll he's pretty funny


And SSSniper wolf for reason's that don't need to be explained    :D

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There is a lot of controversy surrounding SSSniperWolf. It's not that she can't play since she played live @ E3, it's how she maintains her position on YT. She files copyright claims against any female gamer who tries to take the CoD Crown from her. That's just low and petty stuff you think teenagers do, but she is only 23, so it's par for the course.


Optic Midnite is a cool female CoD player. She's openly Gay/Bi, but she can bring it and there is no doubt she plays her own games along with her friend Jewel OG as well.


Drift0r (Brad) is OK, but let's be honest. He's never going to tell it like it is... CoD is dying and has serious technical problems. I like his informational videos on the weapons, perks and attachments, but since he was wrong about a lot of the Netduma functions, I am now taking his info. with a huge grain of salt. 


BDobbinsFTW is a video game YT I watch on a regular basis because he has the guts... Like Thunder402... To call out games, publishers and developers on their shady business practices. His stuff is aimed at kids who don't know how the world works yet, but he makes valid points about how messed up BO3 is probably going to be based on AW, and BO2 to an extent. He wants CoD to be a fun and good game again, but he knows we can't just sit here and make sellout videos... Like Ali-A and TMartn... If we want real change and progress.

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Hmmm... Wondering if optic midnight would be down for a 3way.... :D


Also Google should crack down against false copyright claims and ban that person. Also wonder if she is down for a 3way.


If driftor wants to get technical always up for 4 way with jwo

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I don't watch any.  Not regularly anyway.


  On 7/2/2015 at 2:00 AM, procreate said:

Hmmm... Wondering if optic midnight would be down for a 3way.... :D

Also Google should crack down against false copyright claims and ban that person. Also wonder if she is down for a 3way.

If driftor wants to get technical always up for 4 way with jwo


but that I would watch! - LOL

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