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toby jugs

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someone posted this on the official cod forum the other day and i thought some of you would like it so i here it is:





 I bumped into a party of Netduma users yesterday and got chatting with them (I'd actually been doing some research on people I was connecting to... the game before I met them had me going negative against 2/3 bar Iraqis lol), and one of them says he hates connecting to dedis. Apparently they give him worse connections!


As I say I was asking around yesterday trying to find out where people I was matching up with lived. The first TDM saw me go 13-15 before I rage quit because my bullets were marshmallows and these middle Eastern guys were destroying me before I could see them lol. I sent three people (apparently in a party together) a message to confirm that they were playing from Iraq, and then I backed out and joined another TDM. This time there was a far smoother connection; I finished up with a very fast 29-6, which surprised me because 75% of players in the lobby had excellent stats. The top guy on the other team was in Scotland, and the three man party of Duma users in England were on my team. Before I asked them about their Netdumas (I saw their clan was named after it lol), I backed out and quickly joined a Mosh Pit KC game. There were only 2 minutes left to go, yet I was on fire - 16-3 with 24 tags. I did another check on everyone in the lobby, and everybody was in the UK, France, Belgium and Germany. Checking stats revealed the same picture.


I then got chatting with one of the Duma users and then they invited me to play some TDM with them. Dear lord, it was like nothing I'd ever experienced before... fantastic connections! No more seemingly dying in one frame. No more dying half a second around corners. No more getting the required number of hitmarkers to kill with a weapon that's unmatched for power in its intended range and still dying. No more going negative to 3 bar players  game after game I went 39-3, 28-0, 42-5... my worst game was a respectable 28-10, and that was after I switched classes half way through go unlock attachments for my Tac 19 lol. It was fun to see my accuracy stat go up again too 


I almost wish I was a more "hardcore" gamer because I still feel a little "eh..." about spending £150 on a router. Yesterday was arguably the best day for me on AW so far though 

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there you go the word is out there and it is growing big. I mean no body can deny it working and at this same time the hunt for a LAG fix in cod it a an going thing. Here we are that have finally found it but to mention LAG fix is not going 15 kd every game its that even filed where you know that you lost beacouse that guy was just better etc. Love to here that. Youtubers are starting to pic up THE DUMA Swang. Frist Drif and Elit now ACe its is just going to get bigger 

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+1  and huge thanks for posting Toby.  That was a good read and it's nice to see people who can embrace logic and facts can see the value.


All are welcome Murdoch.  Several of the more creative members have some really cool emblems.  I just run [Duma] as my clan tag and ALWAYS tag my guns with it as soon as I can.  I want someone to pick up my gun and wonder how it killed them so easily while they are getting hit markers. :D

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  On 6/18/2015 at 6:25 PM, Murdoch said:

When I tried doing adding clan tag Duna in the past it says already in use and I think I needed to be invited. How do you tag your guns?


I don't think its the clan tag, just the tag option I believe? I could be wrong but haven't had an issue doing that. Not sure how to tag guns, haven't done it!

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I guess it's the tag option in the game.  There are two levels of weapon progression.  The first one allows you to sport a "clan" tag - usually looks like it was scratched in with a knife or something.  The second level puts your emblem design on the gun.  Mind you, this is Black Ops 2, I haven't played much AW if that was the game in question.

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  On 6/18/2015 at 6:32 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

I don't think its the clan tag, just the tag option I believe? I could be wrong but haven't had an issue doing that. Not sure how to tag guns, haven't done it!

Correct. You can put any tag in. If you use your clans it says use clan tag.
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