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first i would like to say the netduma is a great product. the netduma team are here to help 24/7 they did a great job on AW/BOPS3 give them time with IW. 


second thing severs radius seems to be bigger then in BOPS3?


duma army rule# 

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  • Netduma Staff

Thanks evo95! We have Infinite Warfare and we're testing it as thoroughly as we can; hopefully everyone will see the benefit very shortly. And yes, we're here on the forum as often as possible, but we're still a very small team.


What do you mean by the radius being larger? If you mean the spacing between servers meaning you need to make your radius larger, then that seems likely from what I've heard Fraser say - there's always likely to be less servers available early on since some of those servers will still be dedicated to BOPS3, and also since some will now be dedicated to MWR as well.


We'll keep everyone posted as much as we can with how IW compatibility progresses :)

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  • Netduma Staff

By the sever radius I mean by this

Ah; that's interesting. The larger the circle, the more data is flowing through it; so it's likely that the IW servers are congested due to their current lack of servers.


As you can see though, the interface isn't great on phones at the minute! As soon as DumaOS is finished, the phone interface is going to be fantastic. I personally can't wait for that day.


We're still testing out the IW servers, so we'll try to keep everyone informed on how they run.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here are the MSFT Azure Server Locations - These were in use during Blops 3, I don't know about IW


PS4 uses/used both Choopa and VULTR servers.  I believe the Choopa are the less desirable of the two based on testing during Blops 3.  I can't currently find a link showing those locations but I believe a couple of guys here on the forum may have them book marked.

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