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upnp doesn't open 3074

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So the issue is UPnP off, port forwarding on combined with Geo on causes slowdowns of the interface? Very strange okay, and it's the specific port 3074 that causes this? 

yes right. i dont know if this is the specific port that slows it down, but its definitely portforwarding. but upnp doesnt open 3074

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The ps4 is not to blame I have tested it the ps4 upnp works fine. I played infinite warfare, advanced warfare and ghosts, it all forwards. Just Black ops 3 isn't requesting that your ps4 open that port the game is broken. That is currently the only game I own that will not request upnp ports. So everyone relax it's that dam game don't start thinking your hardware is meseed up


Uh you need to chill. Because I was stating fact from my experience. No one is complaining just stating an issue and hopefully Victor gets the help he needs.

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I can't recreate the issue unfortunately. Can you try unticking cookies and wiping the cookies/cache from your browser and see if that speeds it up please.



I've found that if I play a CoD game on my Xbox One, which will use port 3074 and have an Open NAT, then turn off the Xbox One and switch to my PS4 to play BO3, I will have a Moderate NAT in BO3. It's like BO3 sees port 3074 is in use, but doesn't try the next port, 3075. It will only try port 3074 and if it's open then it will use it and give you an Open NAT. If the port is in use or even associated with another machine, then it will give you a Moderate NAT. 


To get an Open NAT back on BO3, I will have to clear my UPNP, reboot the Netduma, and restart my PS4, then run the PS4 network connection test before opening BO3.


BO3 is the culprit everytime. 

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Very strange, have you tried that with ISP hub UPnP? Do you have to do the same procedure or does it just work immediately?

If you're responding to me Fraser, 

I only use the Netduma.




I haven't tried removing the R1 and using my own Asus RT-AC87U router to see if BO3 will try and open port 3074 after the Xbox One did.

I doubt it would. 

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I have the same issues as the guys above too. When i tried the port forwarding routine using the ports mentioned, unticked upnp and enable the ports and fired up my ps4 that is when the gui of the duma would hit slowdown and not be able to access the geof, on top of that my partners laptop would also get disconnected from the dumas wi-fi! It Also seems very strange, some kind of update via ps4 or Bops3 could be the culprit, as these isuues haven't always been the case have they!

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I have the same issues as the guys above too. When i tried the port forwarding routine using the ports mentioned, unticked upnp and enable the ports and fired up my ps4 that is when the gui of the duma would hit slowdown and not be able to access the geof, on top of that my partners laptop would also get disconnected from the dumas wi-fi! It Also seems very strange, some kind of update via ps4 or Bops3 could be the culprit, as these isuues haven't always been the case have they!

exactly my issue = slow GUI, geof shows nothing, my laptops wifi drops

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If you wouldn't mind trying that it would be really helpful so we could work out if it's a specific issue to the Duma or not


Well i haven't tried it with the isp router but what i did find is that if i set up the ports to forward 3074-3075 and the 9307-9308 to the ps4 with ps4 off, upnp off and port forwarding on and ports enabled then its fine, duma gui reacts smooth.


As soon as i start up the ps4 thats when the trouble starts with the gui! pages do load but they take around 60 seconds per page and indeed my partners laptop is disconnected from the duma :(


The only good thing is that this way black ops 3 shows open Nat type! Unfortunately I cannot game using these setting (well not when the Mrs is using her laptop anyway "which is quite a lot lol") But these are my findings thus far :)

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Same issue here Fraser, I stopped using R1 wifi but still slow downs

Okay, so i disabled the forwarded ports and clicked apply but did not re-tick upnp and apply, yet the laptop reconnected immediately and the gui started to flow smoothly!


I also seem to get very different internet speed readings through the Ps4 network test if i have upnp disabled compared to when its enabled.

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Can you try FQs19's suggestion from the other thread about this and see if you have the same issues please:




Your Xbox needs to be off before you do those steps. Completely off, not in Instant Startup mode. Or you can do a Restart on it.
If your Xbox is on or is in Instant Startup mode, it will retain port 3074 for itself, so no matter how many times you cycle the Netduma or PS4, the Xbox will still have port 3074 until it is restarted.

Sorry I should've made that clearer.

BO3 will not ask for port 3075.
It will only ask for port 3074.
So if your Xbox already used port 3074 and you haven't restarted it, then BO3 will see that port 3074 is taken and just give you Moderate NAT.
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