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Virgin Super hub 3 issues

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Since getting an upgrade to the virgin media superhub 3 i have been getting intermittent drops outs daily. I have contacted virgin and they have responded with


Prathibha:It seems that the settings that you've got on your router/extender/booster isn't compatible with the Hub and affecting the connection. 



Any guidance or help on this please

  1. What firmware version are you on? R1 debug version 1.03.6g running on rb-951g-2hnd
  2. What speeds do you get from multiple speed tests?  130g - 190g download 15 g apprx upload
  3. What is your current setup? vigin media super hub 3 , in modem mode connected to net duma then to a net gear gigabit switch then distributed via patch panel and wireless
  4. What is your specific issue? since moving to super hub 3 internet drops out intermittently wired and wireless.
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i dropped virgin after being with them and formally telewest for 15 years. I know theres a big set of issues with the hub 3 but do not know of any with the duma attached to it......try removing the switch and see how it goes, just in case.   

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When I upgraded from Virgin 60down/3up to Virgin 150down/12up, I had no end of problems with my internet and tv.

I changed isp and haven't had any problems since.


1. Only suggestion I have is to turn everything off for a good 5mins.

2. Turn the Superhub back on and wait 5 mins.

3. Turn the Netduma back on.


If that doesn't work then I would factory reset the Netduma from miscellaneous settings and then do steps 1 to 3 again. Make sure you wait for the 5 mins though.

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It's definitely not a compatibility issue, I'm certain of that - I used my Netduma with multiple different Superhub models and they all worked fine (including the new white one).

My problem was that they rolled out some infrastructure changes that screwed the pooch, literally overnight.

I 'upgraded' my service, got a new hub, etc, in an attempt to fix it but the lag persisted and made games completely unplayable (it was really bad lag, I couldn't really even walk in BO3). An engineer came round and told me that there was a problem with their network and that everything within my house was fine (including my extra router setup) but he said he couldn't fix it. His words were "every one of my callouts today is going to be like this".


The best thing you can do to test it is to download Ping Plotter (it's free for 30 days) and then plug your laptop (over ethernet) straight into your Superhub (leave it in modem mode), nobody in your home will be able to access the internet while you test your line like this though.

You'll probably need to turn off your Superhub for 5 mins so it forgets it's love for the other devices.

When you reboot it you should be able to access the internet through your laptop and you can run Ping Plotter.


Ping the BBC or twitter.co.uk (make sure it's UK or you'll see a 100ms ping).

Set the interval to 2.5 seconds (not the shortest interval).

Right click the graph at the bottom and set it to hours.

Once you've got a plot of a couple of hours, save the image and post it up here.

Best to plot at peak time or whenever you normally game or see the problems.


If your PP results come back fine then we know we have a settings issue to look into.


Alternatively, post up pics of your settings and we can check if something is not quite right.

I don't think it's your settings though, the fact that it's an intermittent dropping of your internet strongly suggests an isp problem.

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Thanks for that Colonic boom great advice :) will try the first option at some point as the mrs and kids will not be happy if i disconnect them lol will do it when shes at work :)


As for the settings i haven't really played with them manually I normally just use the Cod Ultimate profile but if you need the settings i can post

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Thanks for that Colonic boom great advice :) will try the first option at some point as the mrs and kids will not be happy if i disconnect them lol will do it when shes at work :)


As for the settings i haven't really played with them manually I normally just use the Cod Ultimate profile but if you need the settings i can post


The game settings shouldn't be causing intermittent drops, it's more the connection between the Netduma and the Superhub (or the Superhub and the world).


I'd try the 'turn it all off for 5 mins and then back on at 5 min intervals' method first, that resolves a lot of issues.

Then the same again, after a factory reset of the Netduma if it made no difference. Obviously after a factory reset you'll need to do the setup again but that's pretty quick.


Let us know how you get on...

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right did a few hours attached is the png i also did a csv export , pp2 and capture the first 35mins on the trace onto a mp4 can link to dropbox if the last three are needed . i have no idea what any of it means lol


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That's a wired connection from your computer straight into your Superhub in modem mode, right?


When you say your connection dropped, what do you mean? Did you get booted from a game while playing wired over ethernet? Or do you mean your wireless laptop told you that you'd lost connection to the internet? I'm curious because, although there's a lot of jitter/spikes in the plot, I don't see any total packet loss (a red bar would be visible in the graph at the bottom).


I think the PP2 file is the proprietary ping plotter file format, if it is then that's good that you've taken it because you can reload the data into PP and then make the graph show more detail (shorter time frame) or show the full plot.

If you have got that PP2 file, can you load it back up in PP and then right click the graph at the bottom to 'show all' or show more hours? (you said you plotted a few hours but the graph only displays an hour.


I'll add that I'm by no means the most knowledgable (or even close to it) regarding ping plotter (the Dr will be online tomorrow and will have a look I'm sure). He'll be able to diagnose better than I can.


It looks very much like my Virgin plots used to look. I'll try to find my old post and add a link.


edit - I found this one...


It's not ping plotter but the second image on the first post shows you the difference between my Virgin 60mb and switching to the Virgin 150mb, either side of the red lines (red lines are 100% packet loss while I was unplugging stuff).

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HI yes my laptop was connected directly to the super hub everything else was disconnected

When the connection dropped i lost all the internet mrs could not use internet via wifi and i was playing black ops it disconnected xbox live and game disconnected obviously from the black op servers :(.

My xbox is wired to the duma. not sure on graph ill have to check as i set it to an hour :( may have to run it again.

I am keeping note of times of day when the connection drops as supposedly virgin have placed a monitor for a week on my broadband

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From the picture you posted there is a hell of a lot of spikes. Can't see any cut outs specifically in that plot but if your connection is that un stable I am not surprised it's been cutting out. Try and collect as much information as possible without the duma connected (so they can't blame it) and see what the results are then give it to them as proof. Waiting for them to get back to you about their monitor results - likely scenario - "The monitor results show everything is normal" then you can slap them with the proof.

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HI have added the graph to show the full trace. Finally spoken to someone in the UK from tier 2 support from virgin. Described what you chaps said to the engineer who did some checks and potentially is seeing a network issue. They are seeing spikes but nothing to warrant a network fault in the area but as this is causing issues for me this could be a wider problem that has not yet been reported by anyone else, they are sending an engineer in the next week to check the cabinet to look at the fiber connections and replace. He said he as they have seen this before.  Fingers crossed he know what he is talking about and it will be resolved as it has been dropping out all day .  :( no BO3 for a week damn what to do


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Well if that's not a network fault in the area, it's certainly a network fault at your house.

That's some himalayan spiking. I've been there and it's not a happy place I know.

I hope they can sort it out for you before you go nuts  ;)


Keep us updated.


The compatibility issue (with the Duma) that they mentioned is complete bollocks by the way. But when the engineer comes round make sure you have the Duma disconnected (and I'd suggest not even visible), otherwise I can easily imagine some cowboy engineer trying to blame the spikes on the Duma - and we know that's it's definitely not the case from your modem-mode graph.

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Typical virgin line jitter wise, horrible as usual.


40ms of jitter average with spikes of higher my advise get rid as quick as humanly possible and move to fibre.


There is a disconnection in the last plot you have posted @ 6:53


We need to shout from the trees down to the citizens "do not touch Virgin for gaming if you know what is good for you"


Alas they have now brought out an 20 up version "just for gamers using their superior broadband"  their tainted words not mine. they make me rage doing this, duping people.


Activision are now a co sponsor with Virgin :faceplame: if we had that emoji.

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Now this will be interesting on Saturday i have an engineer coming out co check the cabinet. In the mean time i found that Virgin has released a supposed gaming package Vivid 200 gamer. It was released on the 1st of September and the person i spoke to said they at the moment cannot  say about any improved latency as it is so new. But they the signal is different to support the enhanced graphics on consoles etc, sounds like a bit of bull to me. anyhow managed to get them to upgrade me for free to see if this helps with the issues before the engineer comes out on Saturday 



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Now this will be interesting on Saturday i have an engineer coming out co check the cabinet. In the mean time i found that Virgin has released a supposed gaming package Vivid 200 gamer. It was released on the 1st of September and the person i spoke to said they at the moment cannot  say about any improved latency as it is so new. But they the signal is different to support the enhanced graphics on consoles etc, sounds like a bit of bull to me. anyhow managed to get them to upgrade me for free to see if this helps with the issues before the engineer comes out on Saturday 




Interesting! Let us know what you find! Do a test to see what your base ping is now without it then do one after its been set up please :)

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Ok all i have captured 3 hours of results and it does not look good. I also did a speed test direct from my laptop via cat 6  to the virgin hub 3 and then laptop to  netduma router via cat 6 then netduma to virgin hub 3 via cat 6 . Yes the speed from  is better than previous package but at the moment it still drops outs still occurring and getting worse. 




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You're getting your speeds but that is a gnarly graph I'm afraid.


Is that's the new gaming package in that graph?


When you recorded that graph; was your laptop connected to the Superhub, with an ethernet cable, while it was in modem mode?


It's bringing back traumatic memories looking at it...

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They cannot fix it Manny :( they over subscribe and they will not stop doing that.


Fibre is great in the Uk low latency, loads of members swear by BT, I use Talk Talk, some love SKY.


All have a usual jitter of 0.50ms to 1ms unless you have a line issue.

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