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Does anyone notice any improvement?

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Seriously I don't think my connection is that bad not to improve it a little when it comes to gaming. 8mbps down 1mps up and the ping rounds 40-50, and I get the same settings on games, like in CoD, always 3 bars and 100ms of ping (higher than other players in lobby), when I play Tekken, I still get this lag input when I make a move on my character+there are sti huuuge lag spikes in matches. That happens when the game actually finds an opponent, but it is hard as hell. Then we have Mortal Kombat, I played the first one well and then they started matching me with those yellow bar opponents which I don't know why keep popping up tho I decline their matches.

And let's not mention the wifi issues.

I feel cheated as hell with this router, and I'm thinking about suing this company.

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the router works, it does what it claims. the fact that you have a 1mb upload speed and a relatively high ping is your isp connection. I have a large 4 bedroom house and my wifi works in every room and outside in the garden. The geo filter, server selection and blocking as well as it's great QoS (congestion control) make it worth it's money. 


For evample to play cod you need about 900kbps especially if you are in a party. I would suggest you improve your broadband if at all possible.


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It says it works with every single type of connection, and now I have to improve my speeds to use it? Nope sir, I bought it because everyone recommendet it, even with 5mbps connection, "it works fine" and they even get 50ms of ping lobbies. But sure it was a youtuber who was paid to say it.

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have you inputted your speeds into the bandwidth settings? Try lowering the sliders to 80%. make sure reactive is selected. deep packet disabled and ipv6 in misc, wan and lan.


I am just a forum member trying to offer a solution. I am sure a more technically advanced member will reply shortly. I know it works on all connections i am just going off what i know about call of duty and their servers. i dont play mortal konbat or tekken.

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What I would do first is let the netduma tell you where you're connecting. You more than likely have an issue with terrible routing and geo location.. The game will check your IP address and it's geo location.  All sorts of things can interfere with this.  We had to file 6 FCC complaints to get our ISP to update their own ARIN records because the entire network is located in the Central US; OK, TX, AR, MO, CO, KS   yet everyone was geolocating to Haleyville, AL.  So here's what would happen.    We are routed from OK to OKC, then straight to DALLAS.  So instead of the game putting us in servers in DALLAS which would be shortest path etc etc.. NOPE because of the ISP laziness on paperwork we were playing in EAST and SOUTHEAST Servers.  So our ping was 80-120ms always.   They told us tough shit.  Once I proved the issue with the screenshots form the netduma, I filed FCC complaints on behalf of every player in our CLAN and within 30 days they had a fine and within 60 days the reset the records and gave us Static IP free of charge that would geolocate us in OK.   Now we geolocate correctly.   


I have another ISP for backup and it's the reverse.  Our network is nationwide with the 7th largest telecom carrier and EVERYTHING routes to Chicago.  So if I force conenct to DALLAS on that line my ping goes form 33ms to 80-100ms becuase of shitty routing.  So do some work on your end and come back with info and it can be resolved.  GIGO, Garbage in Garbage out.  

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Sorry you feel cheated, but when setup properly the R1 does everything it claims..No more and no less.. I have a avg Ping of 24ms, when I play BO3 my lobbies are 90% of the time 30ms or under (between 60-100ms without the R1)..yeah they're 3bar players sometimes in the lobby..but the Netduma doesn't stop people from joining the lobby, just where the host can be located. I've used as little as 3mbps down and 300kbps up and played hours on BO3 and seen no difference in my play or lag, if I try to host a lobby then obviously they're problems at low speeds.

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It says it works with every single type of connection, and now I have to improve my speeds to use it? Nope sir, I bought it because everyone recommendet it, even with 5mbps connection, "it works fine" and they even get 50ms of ping lobbies. But sure it was a youtuber who was paid to say it.


I'm not a paid youtuber and 99% of the problems I see on here are user error, ISP related, or a bad game (black ops 3). As others have said, if you setup the router properly, it works.

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And what are the proper settings??

My personal preference is to use the COD ultimate profile, or set your location in the ocean with the smallest size geofilter, then set ping assist to +15ms more than your base ping and keep strict mode on. Also keep the congestion control sliders set to 70% while gaming so other people can't make you lag.

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My personal preference is to use the COD ultimate profile, or set your location in the ocean with the smallest size geofilter, then set ping assist to +15ms than your base ping and keep strict mode on. Also keep the congestion control sliders set to 70% while gaming so other people can't make you lag.

I always keep strict mode on but it won't work.

What is putting the geo filter in the ocean going to do?

And where do I put 70%? Preemtive or reactive?

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I always keep strict mode on but it won't work.

What is putting the geo filter in the ocean going to do?

And where do I put 70%? Preemtive or reactive?


With this setup it will filter by whatever you set your ping assist to, so you will only connect to games with pings less than what you set.


You're starting off with a high ping of 50ms so that limits you to what you can limit your search to.


Pre-emptive or reactive depends on what speeds you have. Since yours are really low, use pre-emptive.

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And how does that work?

Download it to the pc/laptop and ping the Google server and leave it running at night from say 6pm onwards,this is most likely the busiest time of the evening in ur area,make sure nobody is using the Internet in youre home at the time so they can't cause lag spikes,if you have no jitter you will have a nice flat line,testing the line Idle will give you a clear view as to what's going on

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  • Administrators

Sorry to hear you're having a hard time. 


If you ping shown by speed test when no one is using the internet is around 40-50 then that is about what your base ping will be. You won't be able to get a game ping lower than this and we cannot lower this ping for you. It is down to your ISP. 


However, getting 100ms games shouldn't be happening if you have setup the router correctly. 


ALL devices should be connected to the duma in order for the congestion control to work correctly and eliminate any local congestion. 


I would advise you provide us with the screenshots from the below guide so we can best advise as well as including your speeds/physical setup.




What WiFi issues are you having? Dropouts? Just un tick wifi workaround in settings > miscellaneous.

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Tried to put the thing in the middle of the ocean and it won't stop kicking me out of every single lobby. This device is fucking useless.

You ain't gonna get support going off like a little kid maybe tone down the language as there is probably kids on this forum who don't need to see that

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I would download Ping Plotter and test your line (your ISP connection) to see if you have any major issues there first (and post the graph showing an hour or so plot here so that we can see it). There are lots of threads on how to use Ping Plotter in the forum already so you should probably have a look at them too.


And then provide the information and screenshots that are detailed here...



You need to provide the information that is requested if you want us to try to diagnose the problem.


You wouldn't go into the Doctor's surgery and just start screaming and shouting "Owie Owie Owie!" and then swear at him, would you?


The majority of us are customers by the way, we're not paid employees, so threatening to sue isn't a great way to introduce yourself.

And please mind your language, this is a family show.

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