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Trying to figure out if why I cant seem to get a consistent connection while playing Black ops 3. Shooting through people or they are skipping around map even when everyone in lobby is 4 bar connection. Any help would be appreciated. Also my isp is 150/15 rogers cable I sometimes try droping it to 100/10 but doesn't always help.







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Hey welcome to the forum!


Your issue is that your base ping ranges from 27ms-48ms so it's unstable, you're experiencing jitter & spikes. This will account for the issues you're having. 


I would recommend downloading a program called ping plotter and run some tests over different days/times. Gather evidence of your connection being unstable and take it to your ISP as proof and see if they can improve it.

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As Fraser said that a pretty unstable base ping.You definitely need to run some test on PP 2-3 times a day.run some on a quiet network,then some at peak times for your area (5-9 pm ish) and see if there is a difference.Compile a folder of your results for 7-10 days and get in touch with your ISP and explain the situation.


But you'll end up having to get a line supervisor or tier 1 tech to come out as the guy who comes out to check your line will check from pole to house and if your getting at least 85-90 percent of your speeds,they will say there's not an issue on their end.That's where you'll need the tier 1 tech or line supervisor to come out.


And as always run the test hardwired,not wireless.

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Google has given some erroneous readings of late, so we might want to try a destination that is a little more stable.


Try Twitter and see if you can run one sample during PEAK times, like shortly after dinner in your area, and then OFF-PEAK times, during the middle of the night when everyone is asleep (0200-0400hrs is best).


The delta between the two will greatly help determine how much Jitter and bullshit you are fighting through.  This, unfortunately, is not an isolated problem with Cable TV service, we have reports of the same thing happening in several states and multiple countries.


We just need to establish a base line so we can see how much trouble you are really in and get you a recommendation on next steps.


As for the "shooting through people" effect - I have witnessed this on both the XB1 and the PS4 platforms personally.  I am convinced that this is the result of that players' Jitter and line noise that is interrupting those precious 1's and 0's that are your bullets. We can't "prove it" in the essence of white paper you can hit Activision/Cable company with.  But the ability to prove the theory is sound is the fact that I can play games with UK friends and run great hit detection, even with 150-180ms ping to their servers, and vice versa.


It's a theory, but it's holding solid for a couple of months' now that we have been looking into this anomaly.


Get a couple of Ping Plots and we'll see if we can't get you some information you can use.



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Are you getting phone service from the same provider by any chance?  In the future, try to "blame" the internet reliability (you use it for work) or the phone service (you need it as it's your homes only phone line when you are gone with your iPhone/Tablet) because those are REGULATED services.  Regulated services are ones that the provider has to address in a given time window once they reach a "filed" point.  That doesn't mean your initial call, it means the point that the condition is reported enough, or confirmed by field investigation.


Internet gaming isn't regulated at this time, which is how they can give you the run around on that aspect.

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Just as said above ISP's could care less about your gaming experience,if your getting 85-90 percent of your speeds then it's all good on their end.That's really all there required to do by law.So never say it's fucking up your gaming as they don't care,it is however effecting your work and that is an issue,it's your story tell it so it benefits you   ;)


But you definitely need to get someone out to take a look at your line as it's got a ton of jitter

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