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host on the south pole.


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Playing last night and got connected to host in the middle of the Atlantic. Ping was only 25 so am guessing hes an english netduma. Anyway I allowed him and went for some bait. Next game back I searched and there he was, right on the south pole ha ha ha so I moved in next door for a while.

Anyone of you lot??

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I dont think moving your home location actually moves your IP so that doesn't make sense. Of course I could be completely wrong in which case that is much cooler than I thought it worked :)

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u think am telling porkies??


I don't doubt what you think you seen, but important to clarify you can't do what you said was done with the Netduma. Someone may buy based off an incorrect assumption.

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Thats right just saying you can move your position on the map to where you like but it does not move you geographically like a proxy or vpn would , it is not a fellow duma user in the ocean but a misconfigured server more than likley.

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ahhh I'm not 100% sure if i am allowed to give away company secrets, but we have a penquin ( we tried to convince fraser to go but he was whining about the cold too much )who is one of our testers to test lag at large distances 

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Guest Netduma_Iain



I think if the geoip database doesn't know the location of an IP(its very very rare) its get longitude and latitude of 0,0 which happens to be Antarctica. The guy should be moved back to Blighty in next cloud update.


Yes Buds & Zennon are correct moving your home with the Duma does not move your home for other people. Otherwise you could do naughty things like watch US tv by moving your home to US lol

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