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Network Myths: Why Speedtest is irrelevant to gaming (Video)

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i dont know guys...

honestly i think you can do way better than that



first off i think that the topic the video covers isnt really a network myth at all, and if it is its none of the big ones

i think iver never met anyone in a game ever who claimed that pingtest = gameping or even something remotely like that as described in the video

mainly because no half-clever person would even start to compare the two because it makes no sense on so much levels to begin with

so if anything this video is dedicated to network newcomers, which i dont think are the target group of netduma anyhow since those wont understand like 90% of what your product makes so great anyhow

those are the guys who think their default ISP router is perfect since it has a flashy display, spaceship-like case and a modem integrated

basically the entire opposite of the R1


so i dont know what purpose this video trys to serve, i mean its no real product marketing video nor does it cover something that is widely known as a myth

yes its informative for casuals and might lure them into your youtube channel to check out more videos, which tbh is the only purpose i can see for that video


what i like though is how the video looks so much more professional to those previous ones, if there wasnt that facecam with video/audio not synced at all

this totally ruins the professionalism of the video lol

why must there be a webcam in the first place?

this makes the video look like it was part of some livestream or so and the streamer uploaded it to youtube incase someone wants to watch it again

this video would be so much better without it, i mean the voice sounds friendly, good audio quality and also doesnt have any accent that is hard to understand considering your international customers with no native english and such, so everything is already perfect




incase this is planned as a series of videos. what about some real network myth?


- what are the different types of lagcompensation that games usually use?

eg what is used in eg P2P sports games compared to other game genres and stuff, with the overall concept to unnoticely highlight how the R1 can take care of that or reduce its effect to give you a better gaming experience?


- are dedicated server really better than P2P?

iain already made a post about this highlighting stuff like dedicated servers are too maxed out when not rented by the community itself, queuing in the datacenter can happen (or micro-jitters as explained by iain in the QoS comparison R1 and the competition), all that kind of stuff that like the average gamer really has no clue about yet thinks dedicated servers must be better than P2P (which tbh in a lot of cases is true but not in general, highlight out the pros and cons of P2P and dedicated servers and how you can improve your gaming experience with the R1 for both )


- what is lag and what adds into it?

everyone knows about the online parts that add into it yet pretty much no one talks about LAN lag coming from your own network

eg weak router, interferences from wireless network devices or beighbour networks, lan/wireless, ancient connection box, ...

highlight out why this is so important, otherwise the casual guy will think lag is only starting in the internet means the default ISP router is absolutly fine to run with


man you guys have so much knowledge, like literally much more than the competition

use it for some actually innovative videos which no xXxYoutubeCoDPlayerxXx guy can also do by spending 5 minutes on wikipedia or google

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Od1n makes some valid points. I have heard people say that they have low pings and should not be getting lag.  I ask them how they know it is a low ping and they state "speedtest.net".  Therefore, this video is very valid.


In my opinion, I believe that it would be better to make a series or  one long video with detailed information on the various factors that affect gaming performance and how the various features of the Netduma help compensate, adjust, minimize and/or counter the effects.  


What are the various factors that affect gaming performance - i.e. ping, minimum bandwidth, jitter, network congestion, display lag, types of lag comp, distance, etc.)  

What features and settings are most critical for console games?

What features and settings are most critical for PC games?

What are more critical for dedicated servers vs P2P?


By understanding the real nature of the tools and how to use them, every owner can tailor their setup for their specific needs and issues more easily.  

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Good video it's so annoying when you hear people say I shouldn't be lagging my ping is 11


Uh ok bro


Also good points above, there is no one fix all and the battle needs to be fought from all angles. Hardware delays as well as connection delays are just as valid and important.

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One other thing though I figured the queuing was going to talk about the batches of data the clients use vs the server. I saw in another video your console communicates in 20MS chunks and the servers communicate in 50S chunks so if your information arrived at the server 1MS after it's last batch of outbound information it would have a 49MS delay at the server before being sent out.

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