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Best UK gaming ISP ?


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Hi All

Just about had enough of SKY . Would like to hear from those who really rate their current ISP and why ?


Have you got ADSL or Fibre and what package ?, i am with sky and my Fibre is great and the customer service id great also. BT are a joke to even get hold of and there products are not very good also. If you are able to get Virgin i would say try them as my friend has 100 down and 20 up with them and he is very happy but im not sure about the customer service.

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Was going to say sky lol on fibre pro coming out soon you can change your own line profile online if you want it on game mode speedy and so on sky broadband pro not fibre this option is already out

the option to change you're own line is allready out?I'm on sky broadband pro (not fibre) and im too having serious problems with it,when I get put on speedy gamer it's a great experience 20down 1.4 up but my line won't handle it so they take me off it and ping doubles with me literally being a second behind on AW and game is unplayable,if this option is out to customizer ur own line profile please point me in the right direction to do it because I'm losing hope

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I'm with sky fibre too and have no issue apart from having to use their crappy router, I also think they have very good customer service. 


Was with virgin previously and they had great bandwidth but my feeling was they weren't as good for gaming, didn't have my R1 then so can't say for sure just my impression when gaming.  Maybe some current virgin customers can weigh in.


I would also say avoid BT, their lines are OK but their customer service is the absolute worst, I mean so bad it's laughable.  They should hire the Netduma crew to teach them how to do customer service ;)

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I'm with sky fibre too and have no issue apart from having to use their crappy router, I also think they have very good customer service. 


Was with virgin previously and they had great bandwidth but my feeling was they weren't as good for gaming, didn't have my R1 then so can't say for sure just my impression when gaming.  Maybe some current virgin customers can weigh in.


I would also say avoid BT, their lines are OK but their customer service is the absolute worst, I mean so bad it's laughable.  They should hire the Netduma crew to teach them how to do customer service ;)

You can change the crappy Sky Hub with your own :)

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I have had fast path at 16ms and and I am now interleaved because of a noise burst to 32ms , and there is no difference  lag comp in games sees to that.


Think postitive and try again, factors can make you play worse and thinking that interleaving is affecting you will no doubt affect your performance.


Interleaving does not put you one second behind, not in my experience anyhow.


I have some friends on virgin and they suffer from packet loss and hi jitter at peak times they wont move because of the deal they *scratches head*

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Was going to say sky lol on fibre pro coming out soon you can change your own line profile online if you want it on game mode speedy and so on sky broadband pro not fibre this option is already out

Link to this info please? As I understand it there is not and will not be any option to amend line profile on any GEA FTTC product in UK. DLM has full control over that end re interleaving and error correction.


On adsl you could, with the right isp or router, choose your SNR and interleaving (fastpath is just interleaving off).


I'd love to be proved wrong re the sky fibre but not seen anything re this till that post hence the request for link. Would actually make me consider Sky but just now I wouldn't.


Unfortunately there is not a gaming ISP recommendation. Your connection performance is more dependant on local factors (exchange contention / node contention etc).


Every so often an ISP will have whole network issues (plusnet apparently having some just now for example) but that is relatively rare. I'd start by establishing what services are available at your exchange, generally it will be some or all of:


- BT 21cn ADSL





- Virgin


Once you have established that they we can advise further. But if the LLU services are not available then remember apart from Virgin, everything else will just be rebranded BT offerings on the BT network.


Not that I'm knocking BT, I'm with them now for FTTC (having said I'd never go back to them about 8 years ago!). Connection is great and pings perfect so no complaints currently. Even thinking of taking another 12 month contract to reduce my costs to £20 per month.


Hope that helps to at least give you an idea where to start.

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I have had fast path at 16ms and and I am now interleaved because of a noise burst to 32ms , and there is no difference  lag comp in games sees to that.


Think postitive and try again, factors can make you play worse and thinking that interleaving is affecting you will no doubt affect your performance.


Interleaving does not put you one second behind, not in my experience anyhow.


I have some friends on virgin and they suffer from packet loss and hi jitter at peak times they wont move because of the deal they *scratches head*

I found switching of the router for around 30 mins now and then got me back on fast path a bit quicker and it re-syncs a bit better too. DLM is a pain if you ask me it takes far to long to run, i did read they might be introducing another method that only lasts a day but not any proof.


Yeah looked into that, too many issues surrounding it.  Sky say they may be dropping MER though which would be nice

Its pretty simple to use your own router, if you go on my YouTube i have a video showing you how to get you sky username and password. It takes about 5 minutes to get and then you can use any router you want. heres my YOUTUBE, just look through my vids and you will see it. I cant post the video here as its a touchy subject :).

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As I understand it there is not and will not be any option to amend line profile on any GEA FTTC product in UK. DLM has full control over that end re interleaving and error correction.



Good info Buds.  Regarding the above, this is my understanding also.  DLM is omnipresent on all fibre lines and becomes significantly more aggressive with "x" number of router/modem desyncs in "x" amount of time.  The only contrrol we as end users have over DLM, is to limit the number of times we reboot the equipment.  



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shame you're not getting on with sky as they're about the only provider that won't traffic manage you at all, not even at peak times.


i have virgin upto 50meg download 3 upload, now the thing with broadband quotations is the use of the word 'upto' that tends to get sneaked into most sales pitches without you necessarilly noticing.it's usually a cold day in hell when i get anything close to 50meg, my d/l bandwidth gets firmly strangled down to less than 10mbps most evenings, because of technical issues with fibre that have already been explained further up the thread their 'superhub' does need a regular reboot also.


if you have any problems and want tech support it's hard enough to find a phone number for them , let alone actually get to talk to someone who spokes proper england.they could deffo learn a thing or two from the Netduma team on the subject of aftercare and support.


on the flipside they are really easy to haggle with if you're out of contract, i get my b/b and phone for 24pcm so i'll take the rough with the smooth.

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Guys thanks very much for your input . I used to be with plusnet and had no issues , switching to sky fibre 80/20 noticed a big difference negatively , DUMA did improve things but for the last 3 days I just get owned on COD , not just AW on XBONE but also now on the 360 with Blops2 and MW3 . My DUMA is set right I think and it gives me consistent 30-40 pings yet the lag is clearly there for 3days now

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