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Wifi dropping out to frequently..

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Already mentioned this in previous threads..but now im getting pissed off with it..Its a regular thing now with my wifi dropping out..wired connection is fine..had to reboot now 4 times in last 5 days to connect back on to wifi..dine the 5 minutes switch off thing with router ..had wifi work round on and off but still the same problem.

My old Asus router i guess had to be rebooted probably 2 in a year. There is deffinatly something wrong with this router or software.


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No other wifi on....on channel with no other wifi ( done a wifi scan)..im not the only one with this problem..there are plenty of posts on this forumn with the same problem...If my old router doesnt drop out when I connect it..but the duma does..that must tell you something..Im not new to this so have already tried everything to solve this problem.

The router is great when im gaming(wired before you ask) and still works even when the wifi drops out.

There is a problem with this router that needs sorting out

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Recommend adding your Asus Router as a Access Point and turn the Wifi off on the Duma.  Works great for me with no drops.  Also able to get ac speeds. 

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Was contemplating doin that to get wifi coverage in my man cave at the back of the house...but what i want to know is why are so many people experiencing this problem with the duma?

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Ok..1..why do u keep saying do a factory reset when there is a problem u cant understand..dont you think that the people on here no anything about anything network related..this is a problem with the duma and yoy arw just ignoring it

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Sorry didnt mean to upset you..know you are only trying to help but have done everything possible through reading other posts with the same issue..my point was that if there doesnt seem to be a fix ..the answer is always...do a factory reset...I have previously had this issue and yes it did fix it for a couple of months..but how many times must I do a factory reset..my previous router never had a factory reset in 2 years..thats my issue with this router

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Some people have encountered having a wireless device nearby to the router e.g. a mobile can cause the wifi to drop. Try moving any wireless devices away from the router and see if that resolves the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some people have encountered having a wireless device nearby to the router e.g. a mobile can cause the wifi to drop. Try moving any wireless devices away from the router and see if that resolves the issue.

Fraser, I'm not sure that telling everyone in my house not to put there phone within a certain proximity to the Duma is an acceptable solution to the problem.  I've now tried every conceivable option suggested to resolve this issue and it just does not go away.  There is a fundamental issue with the wireless on this device.  Please can you confirm if this is being looked into with the router manufacturer and can we expect some kind of firmware update to address the issue?

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Another thing to check is the wifi channel.   I occasionally experience wifi issues.  At these times, I use wifi analyzer to look at the wifi channels.  In most of these cases, my wifi channel is the same as a neighbor is using.  I believe that their wifi use auto channel; therefore, I have to change my occasionally. 

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  • 1 month later...

Still having issues with wifi dropouts with the Duma..at least once a week..its not just one phone..its all wifi connected devices..cant get wifi unless I reboot. For a test I again connected my old Asus router up for a week and no dropouts.

Please dont tell me to use my Asus as a access point for wireless to cover up what I believe to be fault with the Duma.

On the gaming side I believe it does a great job most of the time.

But please get someone to test this router because its faulty

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Which security mode are you using?

Have you tried the other them both? Several people have said that switching this minimised their problems.

Obviously it's always a good idea to reboot the router after a change such as this.

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Tried switching security mode on all items no change.

Had to reboot this evening again all wifi off...incidentally there have been occasions when im on my phone and not realised the wifi has disconnected because it auto connects to 4g only to be suprised when Im informed that ive been connected to my wifi again.

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Fraser, I'm not sure that telling everyone in my house not to put there phone within a certain proximity to the Duma is an acceptable solution to the problem.


It's good advice.


It's sensible not to have a base unit / cordless phone anywhere near a wireless router due to them using the 2.4Ghz band.

Not sure about cell phones but I why take the chance, there's no need to put one down next to the router anyway.


The same goes for baby monitors, some use 2.4Ghz.


Also, don't put your your router near a microwave.

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Tried switching security mode on all items no change.

Had to reboot this evening again all wifi off...incidentally there have been occasions when im on my phone and not realised the wifi has disconnected because it auto connects to 4g only to be suprised when Im informed that ive been connected to my wifi again.


What's the device(s) that is having the problem?

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Ok agreed but the duma is nowhere near anything with a wireless frequency..its in the same place my old router was which never had a dropout


That one wasn't to you Scooby but it's useful to know that that's not the cause of your issues anyway.




All wifi devices


Ok, I didn't realise it was all of them. I meant what are they specifically, iPhone / Macbook / old PC laptop.

But if it's a variety of old and new devices...


Do the devices completely lose the connection to the Netduma?

Or does the SSID still show (and the wifi signal) but the internet connectivity just drops out?


When you changed the security mode, did you restart the Netduma afterwards and all of your wifi enabled devices?

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Ssid still shows...if the wifi has dropped its the kids who normally shout first...check my phone and yes im on 4g..go to wifi settings and i can see that my phone is trying to connect but nothing untill i reboot the router..same for all items

Yes to security mode question

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