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The Xbox one problem list


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So I figured we should start a list of every time one of your xbox one consoles goes messed up.

So to start yesterday my xbox wiped itself whilst I was out the room, I mean I think microsoft hates me.

The 360 always used to give me problems

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It's just Bill Gates. You don't remember high school. Do you? Think Steve Buscemi in Billy Madison. Just kidding. Mine reboots itself occasionally in the middle of coming on. I'm still kind of disappointed by the fact most games won't work if I'm not online. So what the hell am I supposed to do if the Internet goes down in the middle of a bad storm?

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I've had both systems be less than perfect. 360, ps3, one and PS4 (obviously). Definitely less than perfect. At least they were under warranty this time. My first 360 died on day 366. They would not warranty it. It took me 4 years to go back to another 360 after that.

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The xbox 360 can open a message faster than an xbox one can. The 360 can invite people to games/parties faster. The 360 can do pretty much everything the xbox one can do, except faster and more stable. I would take a 360 with improved graphics and a free kinect so I can say "xbox record that". Drift0r did a video comparing the two consoles side by side of starting them up and starting a game - then inviting 5 friends to join a game/party and search for game. It took over 15 minutes IIRC on the X1 versus about 3 minutes on the 360. It's a slow and laggy mess with a horrible UI. I use my phone's smartglass app to do everything like adding friends, sending or reading messages, or anything other than starting a game just because how slow everything is to load and open. It's not my internet speed either, I have 125 down and 20 up. I have no experience with the PS4 so I can't say it's any better or worse.


I know in AW to invite someone to my game, I have to back out to the multiplayer menu and make a new lobby every time I invite someone else. Probably a game bug, however the whole party system is terrible on X1. There are times when my controller dies without warning me that my batteries are low, then my mic doesn't work or connect back without doing a hard reset on the whole system. Sometimes my mic will work for a few minutes, controller randomly disconnects and then stops responding to any input. This is not a controller issue for just me, because it happens to my friends ALL the time.


Moving to headsets, you can't use your old headset unless you buy a $50 adapter which actually costs about 10 cents to make. You can buy a new X1 headset, however they are only STEREO and you get no surround sound with it. Waste of money because whether it's a $30 microsoft headset or a $300 Astro headset all you will get is STEREO sound. You have to use old headsets with the mic adapter to get true surround sound gaming. I use the Turtle Beach X41's without a problem. The old Astros also should work.

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I mmoded the xbone headset to my old a40s and a50s and it worked well. When the new adapter came out it made my a40s not work on my Xbox one anymore. I tried everything including hours on the phone with support. My a50s work fine with the toslink and mixamp now but what a pain in the azz.

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The fact they didn't make 360 games compatible with the newer system was an "aim at foot, pull trigger" moment too, imo .


Greed or stupidity, take your pick but that really annoyed me.  I know Playstation haven't done the backward compatibility thing as yet, but last I heard they do have plans to introduce it at some point.


I suppose the older I get the more cynical I feel towards these big companies.  It feels like they're trying to squeeze every last red cent out the end user with little to no improvement to service/product for the people who got them to their world dominating positions in the first place.


I wish the Duma team every success, but please don't become corporate Assholes!  :lol:

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I can tell you one thing, the PS4 friends interface rocks! It.s one thing they did right, also have a flawless private party chat system that you can set up-invite friends while in game and only takes seconds. The sound while in private chat is so clear and you can talk through loading screens as well, now if Sony would just pony up and upgrade their servers we'd be happy!

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I'm sure xbox one owners will be able to play older titles with the addition of windows 10. I own an xbox one and have been with XB for years yet my gameplay is way better on PS4. I don't know if that's the consoles or the level of competition from one platform to the other. When BO3 comes out I'm gonna convert.

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Xbone ,I set mine to energy saving mode (turns off fully and not just stand-by,) a lot of people put into stand by (not realizing) then unplug big no no, that causes problems

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Xbone ,I set mine to energy saving mode (turns off fully and not just stand-by,) a lot of people put into stand by (not realizing) then unplug big no no, that causes problems

That has killed a lot of my friends xboxes, I'm now on my second xbox one. The first kept crashing every time I loaded a game so back to amazon it went ;)

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Nightmare they should make it more public that it is in sleep mode unless you change it to power saving mode (fully off)


It is just like if you put a pc to sleep and unplug it for hours come back to it and boot it , what a mess it is in, hanging and all sorts wrong until you do a full fresh reboot.


But on the xbone there is never a fresh reboot unless you hold the on button for 10 seconds or change to power saving mode *scratches head*

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