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New Advanced warfare dlc 2 hype


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They can add all the BS features they want but as long as they keep releasing only 2 game modes for DLC,IMO they are chasing people from playing the maps.

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Game populations are already thin because of the fourplex of consoles on the market. Once they quit releasing watered down versions for the old systems it will hopefully get better. Honestly I have AW for both PS3 and PS4 the difference in frame rate and graphic clarity is unbelievable It's definitely worth upgrading to the new gen imo. 

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Game populations are already thin because of the fourplex of consoles on the market. Once they quit releasing watered down versions for the old systems it will hopefully get better. Honestly I have AW for both PS3 and PS4 the difference in frame rate and graphic clarity is unbelievable It's definitely worth upgrading to the new gen imo.

Not trying to sound like a dick but if you're on last gen you might as well be on a ps2. The difference is astounding. I went back and played ghosts on xbox 360 last fall and ugh. Right now in the USA Gamestop has a great trade deal too. You're 100% right about it being worth it
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Yeah the player pool being split into 4 by the systems,then add on top of the some people getting the first DLC but skipping the second.OR people getting the second and skipping the first or people not getting any DLC.You do the math on that one by the time all the DLC is released across all 4 platforms,they player pool with be so fragmented it won't be funny.I got the season pass (wish i wouldn't have) played the new maps for about 2 hrs and deleted them from console.Maybe give them a try again when they get into normal rotation.


And i heard the rumor that they are gonna continue to make games for PS3 and XBOX for 2 more years as they can't just cut consumers off at the knees.Some can't afford a new system and they can still make money by making the games for last gen and slowly phase it out with plenty of notice to people as to when it will stop.

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