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Device still able to download yet on 0% device control?

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Hi all,


I'm just wondering why a device that has been allocated 0% bandwidth in device control can still download? For example, I have a Mac connected to the Netduma as well my Xbox One, I noticed a game was laggy despite 100% being allocated to the Xbox, looking at the network monitor my Mac was downloading. How is this possible?





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That's funny I had similar on weekend.

deliberately set my daughter's computer to 0% and no share excess but she carried on streaming YT and playing mc no problem.

It definitely worked before. I wonder, I was trying to do it through the PS4 browser which normally worked maybe they updated browser.

I will do a scientific check tonight if I get a chance.

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If you have share excess and the device prioritization set to 0 it should not be able to access your bandwidth. Now there is a bug with the prioritization flower in the current firmware. 1.03.5m. And there will be fix in the next update 1.03.6 which the canaries are testing right now.

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Share excess was never enabled, tried with it ticked and not and same issues. Hopefully the next update fixes it as it's very disruptive. Strangely though if my Xbox is set to 0% it won't even connect to Live so not sure why my Mac can install updates etc.

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  • 2 months later...

Any update on this being a future implementation? It's getting to the point I'm having to turn devices off that are connected to the Netduma in case they start downloading an app or whatnot, yes I could probably go through the settings to make sure they don't but giving them 0% bandwidth should surely eradicate them being able to do anything internet wise! This was one of the features that drew me to buying the router.

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 Ah, I see.  Yeah that's a good question, even windows 10 is always wanting to do some hidden crap and connect to this or that. Win-10 does have a setting called "Quiet Hours" and I use it, not sure if it kills everything though. This info does you no good on a Macbook though, sorry.

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Hi all,


I'm just wondering why a device that has been allocated 0% bandwidth in device control can still download? For example, I have a Mac connected to the Netduma as well my Xbox One, I noticed a game was laggy despite 100% being allocated to the Xbox, looking at the network monitor my Mac was downloading. How is this possible?





Was share excess ticked andy?  Even if you allocate 100% to your xbox, if you have share excess ticked your other devices will be able to do their thing on the network when the XB isn't using all of your bandwdth.

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on windows 10," quiet hours" just stops notifications and sounds between 12 am and 6 am, and the times can not be changed

 Good to know. Pretty useless feature then and not what I thought it was, won't bother with it anymore.

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Good to know. Pretty useless feature then and not what I thought it was, won't bother with it anymore.

I know, it's a joke. When I found it I thought the same thing as you, but was mistaken. Can't even change your quiet hours either...pretty lame

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Hi, yeah someone mentioned this when I first created the thread and it was never enabled so that can't be an issue here, thanks for the response

Did you try a speed test on your Mac when you had everything allocated to your xb and share excess was not ticked? It would be interesting to see if your bandwidth was way low compared to normal.


FYI giving your xb 100% of your bandwidth is wasting it. It doesn't need anywhere near that much of your network to work perfectly especially when you have hyper traffic, cc sliders, distribution flower, and the geo filter all designed to make your gaming experience fricken awesome. Take care bro.


Crikees, I didn't realize this post was from February. Did the .6 update change what was happening?

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Well I only have a 2mb ADSL line so I'm not inundated with bandwidth unfortunately, the only devices connected to the Netduma are 2 x Xbox One's and my MacBook, I do find a lot the other Xbox will download updates in the background when off, of course I could prevent this by switching it's mode to energy saver but I really like that it can download updates when off. Again, if I set this to 0% bandwidth it will still manage to download whilst and hog the internet!


So yeah, its not a big issue but a really annoying one and the 0% isn't working basically!



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It sounds like the issue you want is to prevent lag when any device starts downloading right? Reset distribution, share excess on and put anti-flood at 70/70. It will eliminate any impact each device could have on your connection. Ensure all devices are connected to the R1 otherwise congestion control will not work correctly.

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It sounds like the issue you want is to prevent lag when any device starts downloading right? Reset distribution, share excess on and put anti-flood at 70/70. It will eliminate any impact each device could have on your connection. Ensure all devices are connected to the R1 otherwise congestion control will not work correctly.


Well I tried that and I have network monitor on constantly, all ok for three games of COD then I noticed the Download Total Usage shoot up to 2.3mb and it was indeed my MacBook doing "something" for around 10 seconds, funnily enough I didn't notice the ping change in game

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