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Netduma setup tips.

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Hi, I'm a new to this forum.I ordered my ND a few days ago. It's do for delivery today. I can't wait to get it hooked up. I figured while I was at work I would post this thread for tips so I could have little head start on my setup.

I was planning on using the ND has my primary router for wifi and using a hard wire for gaming. I'll be ditching my isp's modem/router combo and using a Motorola surfboard cable modem.

My DL is 94mbps and UL is 13mbps.

Any tips would be appreciated!


Thanks in advance!

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I'm located in the USA in NJ, I have Comcast as my isp my paid for speeds are 150dl and 15up, Im using the arris sb 6183 with the netduma as my primary router for my wifi and a hard wire to my PS4. I got everything hooked up and updated to the new version. Everything seems to be working fine Im just not sure if Im using this router to its full ability. My in game experience was still the same as it was with my old router/ modem combo from Comcast. I used the geofilter and had my ping set to 40ms with strict mode ticked but I kept getting high ping lobbies. I guess I'll just keep tinkering with it until it find some settings that work for me. The one thing I'm a little confused about is changing the bandwidth. What I'm not sure about is do I put the speeds that I'm paying for in for the bandwidth or the speeds I'm actually getting? If I'm not ever going over 120dl should I be using turbo mode?

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I went through the the same issue because I had that router as well. Just a suggestion: If your just looking for a modem I went with the Zoom model 5370. And it was compatible with Comcast.

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I'm located in the USA in NJ, I have Comcast as my isp my paid for speeds are 150dl and 15up, Im using the arris sb 6183 with the netduma as my primary router for my wifi and a hard wire to my PS4. I got everything hooked up and updated to the new version. Everything seems to be working fine Im just not sure if Im using this router to its full ability. My in game experience was still the same as it was with my old router/ modem combo from Comcast. I used the geofilter and had my ping set to 40ms with strict mode ticked but I kept getting high ping lobbies. I guess I'll just keep tinkering with it until it find some settings that work for me. The one thing I'm a little confused about is changing the bandwidth. What I'm not sure about is do I put the speeds that I'm paying for in for the bandwidth or the speeds I'm actually getting? If I'm not ever going over 120dl should I be using turbo mode?



To find your actually speeds set congestion control to 100% and do a speedtest.net test to a server closest to you. Input the results into set bandwidth. To find the best CC settings go to DSL reports and run test. Is Comcast cable? If so click on cable. This is where you want to find the best cc settings for yourself by looking at the bufferbloat meter and trying to find the lowest ms reading that it peaks to. The recommended settings for cc is 70/70 you may find that you can get better results using different % you will just need to keep testing every time you change congestion control. (when you change cc be sure to update distribution) If you move any of the settings on the distribution flower you have to reset distribution there is a bug in the current firmware.


If you want to find your base ping go to internet diagnosis tab and run test. Use chrome. Ping assist will allow out of geo locations connect based on the ping you input I myself rarely use pa unless at night when its harder to find games and I would set it 8-10ms. I personally find that setting my geo radius to around 200km will allow me to connect to dedi/listen server on bo3 but then again its less than 30km from my location.

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hey Jerz welcome to the forum I am also from jersey and also have comcast I have a Arris TM822. Let me know how you make out. Im on xbone but Im sure some of the settings should be the same.

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Last night I made a few adjustments and it seemed to pay off. First I rebooted both my modem and and router. Than I opened the router page and went to cc I set both sliders to 100. Than I ran my speed test and Internet diagnosis.


Speed test results (speedtest.net)



Ping - 11ms


Internet diagnosis

Ping- exceptional



Packet loss-no loss.


Than I went pack to the router page and went to cc and adjusted my bandwidth to the numbers I got during my test. I followed the optimal setting guide for speeds over 60mbps. The one thing I did different was I left deep packet loss ticked and I adjusted my sliders to 75% on both. In cc I have 80% going to the ps4 with share excess on. Everything seemed to work fine.


I went to gaming (blops3). I went to the GF and set my radius around 500mi and pa at 50ms with strict mode ticked. I hosted 2 friends that are Also both in nj . I'd say we're average players with spm's around 300 and k'd's around 1. I don't know if me hosting them helped their game, but it seemed to. We had a host that was around 40mi from me with a ping at 20ms. Usually we would have more bad games than good games during our sessions,but last night was different. We proceeded to own just about every lobby we played in. Us 3 were on top of list in almost every game. the best thing about it was this all took place while my internet was in full use by my family. Most of the time during my sessions I could tell instantly if my daughter or wife started streaming a movie or something as my game play experience would suffer. Last night I had no problems and the only reason I knew there was streaming going on was because of the network monitor. Needless to say I feel like the nd is doing its job.

Thanks for the help guys.

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Fantastic to hear it is working well for you! As it works now you may not want to mess with it but if you want your full speeds then:


100% anti-flood

reactive algo

share excess on

reset device prio & apply

IPv6 disabled in wan, lan & in misc settings

Deep packet off in misc

Turbo on in misc

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Just to note form personal experience...


I am on the East Coast, too, and the NYC dedicated server is TERRIBLE, IMO.


One reason is it allows people from across the Atlantic, and South America to play on it regularly which will fuck up anybodies game regardless, if they have the Netduma, or not.


Second, due to the dense population, ISP routing often goes out of the country (into Canada) and then back down the East Coast (sometimes to Florida!) and back up again. This adds additional latency on top of your base ping. So, I tend to put my digital home location in the Mid-West and camp the Kansas City server which gives me 30ms ping on PS4, and 50ms ping on XB1 (it used to be 30 as well, but after the last update it's all jacked up - lol).  Point is, internet traffic heading West has a lot less congestion and nodes to pass through than staying ni the East. So, give it a try and see if you get even better gaming experiences?


I also know the ISP provider of the Chicago server throttles their bandwidth at peak playing times in the evening which also adds lag, too. Plus, it's another server where many Latin American players are allowed to play, go figure.

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Last night I made a few adjustments and it seemed to pay off. First I rebooted both my modem and and router. Than I opened the router page and went to cc I set both sliders to 100. Than I ran my speed test and Internet diagnosis.


Speed test results (speedtest.net)



Ping - 11ms


Internet diagnosis

Ping- exceptional



Packet loss-no loss.


Than I went pack to the router page and went to cc and adjusted my bandwidth to the numbers I got during my test. I followed the optimal setting guide for speeds over 60mbps. The one thing I did different was I left deep packet loss ticked and I adjusted my sliders to 75% on both. In cc I have 80% going to the ps4 with share excess on. Everything seemed to work fine.


I went to gaming (blops3). I went to the GF and set my radius around 500mi and pa at 50ms with strict mode ticked. I hosted 2 friends that are Also both in nj . I'd say we're average players with spm's around 300 and k'd's around 1. I don't know if me hosting them helped their game, but it seemed to. We had a host that was around 40mi from me with a ping at 20ms. Usually we would have more bad games than good games during our sessions,but last night was different. We proceeded to own just about every lobby we played in. Us 3 were on top of list in almost every game. the best thing about it was this all took place while my internet was in full use by my family. Most of the time during my sessions I could tell instantly if my daughter or wife started streaming a movie or something as my game play experience would suffer. Last night I had no problems and the only reason I knew there was streaming going on was because of the network monitor. Needless to say I feel like the nd is doing its job.

Thanks for the help guys.



Excellent you don't want to mess with it too much. If you do change some settings be sure to give it enough time to see if it  actually changes things.

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Very cool,nice to see someone get what the duma can and can't do.If your gameplay was fine IMO you should keep the settings for a week or so.That way you have a baseline to go from and if you need to tweak settings from there make small adjustments and write them down so you know your headed in the right direction.

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