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Problem with Netduma

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First test with your ISP router only does that work?


When connected via both can you get to the Netduma's GUI (


If so try a misc settings reboot, if that fails turn off both routers turn on the first wait 30sec's to a 1 min then turn on the Netduma and wait for up to a min and re test.

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What is your first routers make and model?


Are you connected from your first router to the port one POE with the provided Cat6 red cable?


If yes have you tried another Ethernet cable from ISP to Netduma port one POE?


Have you then turned off both routers and booted them back up RE: my other post?

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Rebooted the sky router, and followed the settings again.

Thanks Zennon, all OK now, not sure why it happened.

Still on the fence about this router, played a lot of games of bops3, can't see much of a difference in the bad hitmarking.

Although, noticed my nat type is now open, and wasn't before.


Thanks again.

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Hi Baz, please try solver one problem at a time. So you have Internet connection now, that is good. Let's help you with lag, to get you started can you try this:



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You haven't shown the full test but going by the stats the are all exceptional, you will have to do another test at peak times when there is high use from other users of your ISP in your area but things are looking good in that test.


Have you reset the device priority? if not please do.

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Sweet jesus those are some fine looking numbers.I am jealous,I go from min 20 to max of 65.


Which will cause a person to be extremely pissed at a video game... :D

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