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PS4 Nat type 1

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First off, Hi. Is the nat type showing type 2 on your PS4 console? if it is then this is open nat and is fine it's just the way it shows it.

As for not been able to use powerline adaptors, you can. I have two that plug in directly to the socket and you can then plug another plug into them as they have an inbuilt socket. :)

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I have one plugged into mains socket in hallway, I plug an Ethernet cable and multi socket into that.

Then I have one in the office which goes into the mains socket and a multi socket into that as well as an Ethernet cable which feeds a 5 socket Ethernet switch.

As long as the power line plug is first inline you should be good, I have exceptional across the board on Internet test and ping 11 ms with no packet loss

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Unfortunately I don't have plugs close enough to the PS4 due to them being ripped out (app poor wiring) I hope to fix this soon, likely after Christmas.


Either way I'm feeling very frustrated atmo, having bought the Netduma and hearing claims the Wifi is stronger than the BT Home Hub 5, instead I've gone from 78 down, 20 up to 30-35 down and 18 up. I'm experiencing constant Beaver Error codes on Destiny, and overall I feel I've downgraded.


Ethernet is imo a luxury, in your average British house at nearly 30 years old we have one or two ports downstairs and that's it, I respect Wifi is the least desirable but I'm limited to my options.


I've seen the returns please policy, so I'm feeling like I'm out off options other than to swap back to the HH5 and putting the Netduma away.

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I've also just noticed I'm running 1.03.3 but there's a 1.03.4 update that looks to have been available for a while? I'd love some help please, do I need to update, and if so why did my 2 week old one come with an old firmware?


ISP: BT Infinity 2

Down: 78.8

Up: 18-20



Down: 25-35 varies

Up- 12-16


I followed the instructions from here: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=bt_home_hub_5

But I also came across this: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/570-bypass-bt-homehub/


I can only use Wifi for now but hopefully soon Powerline. Can I get a clear direction to go in because atmo I've had to turn Geofilter off to stop getting Beaver error codes on Destiny.


I have my DHCP lease set to 21 days does this help/ make a difference.


I hope someone can help me soon, I mainly bought the Netduma for Geofilter for Destiny and Trials.

Thank you.

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There is a newer version than that. 1.03.5 follow http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=fine_tune_netdumaand it's the first option. 

For wifi use a wifi analyser to find the best channel in your area, this may improve speeds. Otherwise you're limited to what wireless N can achieve. 


For Destiny go to settings > miscellaneous and have auto&bleeding edge cloud ticked then apply.

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When you click the upgrade part it will take you to the thread with all the instructions, it also includes what is included in the upgrade.


Part of the instructions is for preserve settings to be ticked so everything should be saved.

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