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I am about to get the Netduma, have been a fan for a really long time.

My internet speed is this: post-5181-0-66508800-1448945896_thumb.png

When I tested my connection, I had about I guess 3 smartphones and a desktop computer connected to my home internet.

I'm just wondering if I will still get good speed, I have had to go through about 2-3 routers now because I was getting 98-120 ping and only getting 3 mb download speed and about .38 upload. I'm just worried that I won't be satisfied but I love all the features for the Netduma x-x

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What are people in your home using the internet for?  That sounds like the culprit as to why your speeds are low.  Have you tried to you QoS the devices in your home on your previous routers? 

I'm pretty much the only one in the house that plays games, or uses the internet alot. They use the internet on their phones. I'm not familiar with what 'QoS' is? If that means Speed test yes. I had to have TWC come over all those times to replace the modem/router. The router/modem I have now is working perfectly, I just don't know if the Netduma is going to be the same way as all my previous ones.

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gaming doesn't take much bandwidth, but if folks in your home are watching videos, netflix, whatever then it's going to eat at your bandwidth.  QoS is basically controlling which devices get a certain amount of bandwidth.  You have to also think about how you have been proactive in trying to remedy your connection besides purchasing routers.  If you haven't done anything the netduma isn't going to fix things.  Check our the start guide to see how it works and see if it's something for you as you definitely can't plug in the router and expect great things to happen.

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The netduma's congestion control is like QOS on steroids it stops my son's streaming youtube from affecting my pings.


In my eyes the best feature of the duma hands down.

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  • Netduma Staff

So is the Netduma considered a modem also? Or do I have to use an ethernet cord from my current modem to the netduma router?


It is not a modem. You have to use an ethernet cord from your current modem to the Duma :)

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Speeds are fine for the duma and like Z already stated above the CC on the duma is one of the best features on the router,everyone can do their own thing...netflix,download iTunes,surf the web etc all without affecting your gaming.


Which we all know is huge to the gamers in the house as without the duma your packets will get put at the end of the line so to speak and your gaming will suffer.


And welcome to the forums,if you have more questions just ask,that's what the forum is here for.

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