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Desync / Extrapolation issue

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I’m at my wits end with this fight. I’ve been dealing with this issue for years now (since BO4) and I’m tired of it, boss.

To sum it up, it seems as if I am constantly a 1/4 second behind everything that is going on. Bullets come flying at me out of thin air from enemies I can’t even see. Or if me and another enemy round the corner at the same time, they always see me first. I almost never get out of a 1v1 gunfight without taking damage, because on the enemies screen I just stood there for a second like a bot before shooting back. 

On the flip side of that, If I am full sprinting anywhere around the map, the server side prediction extrapolates my character out ahead of me. Enemy players will see me come around a corner on THEIR screen before I’ve even come around the corner on MY screen. I’ve tested this thoroughly by sprinting towards corners and stopping 4-5 feet before, pausing (to give the server time to sync up to my actual position), and then running around the corner where I will then have a fighting chance at winning the gunfight. I bot-walk pretty much everywhere now because if I dont, I’m screwed. 

Oddly enough, I don’t get any latency warnings, no one is packet bursting around the map, and my ping is very stable. The only quasi-workaround that I’ve found to this is using geo-filtering to camp the Florida and NY servers. With a 50-65ms ping, the game seems to run smoother. But ONLY if I play solo. The second I join up with teammates, it goes right back to feeling awful. I can also squeeze a few good games out before the poopy hits the fan again if I unplug and hard reset my router and get some fresh IP’s. This will usually net me 3-5 games where everything feels really smooth and crisp before beginning a rapid degradation in the quality of my connection. 

This issue is present on both my PS5 and PC! 

I’m using Quantum Fiber 1gig with a C5500XK ONT (bridge mode) —> XR1000. UPnP is on, NAT is Open, both systems are hard wired. On Speedtest.net I pull 940+/- a few up & down. I have all QoS completely disabled as the buffer bloating is abysmal with it on. I’ve adjusted those sliders every which way and it just feeds me awful results as opposed to running it wide open. 4ms ping, less than 10+ latency down/up with 0.5-1.5 jitter.

There has to be something I’m missing. My friends think I’m crazy, and I’m starting to believe it. BUT they’ve seen the proof! When I watch THEM stream, it’s like they’re playing a completely different game than me! Perfect hit detection, mostly in sync with the game, aim assist works like it’s supposed to etc etc

Please feel free to ask me anything and I will do my best to answer! Thanks for reading, and I really hope we can find a way to resolve this. 



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Did you have this issue before using the XR1000? Do you have it when your PS/PC is directly connected to the ONT? 

If you could record a video of the behavior you're seeing that may help

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1 hour ago, Densha-Warrior said:

good to hear, can you explain please?

I just typed out a long reply and it vanished it into thin air when I hit submit lol

I ended up adjusting my MTU on my router from 1500 to 1472. For poopys and giggles, I pulled it all the down to 750 with no degradation in performance. I am on a 1gig fiber line however.

There are plenty of good YouTube tutorials on how to properly test and adjust your MTU values. It will vary from person to person based on your hardware, so I highly recommend doing so! 

Not to say that the game is perfect, and I’m still susceptible to bullpoopytery, but this is the smoothest CoD has felt for me in almost 5 years. No more shoot first die first, no more getting shot around corners, etc etc This was an issue I was experiencing across all games btw. 

Please feel free to ask any other questions! Happy to help. 

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36 minutes ago, Burtchnasty said:

I just typed out a long reply and it vanished it into thin air when I hit submit lol

I ended up adjusting my MTU on my router from 1500 to 1472. For poopys and giggles, I pulled it all the down to 750 with no degradation in performance. I am on a 1gig fiber line however.

There are plenty of good YouTube tutorials on how to properly test and adjust your MTU values. It will vary from person to person based on your hardware, so I highly recommend doing so! 

Not to say that the game is perfect, and I’m still susceptible to bullpoopytery, but this is the smoothest CoD has felt for me in almost 5 years. No more shoot first die first, no more getting shot around corners, etc etc This was an issue I was experiencing across all games btw. 

Please feel free to ask any other questions! Happy to help. 

ok thanks,

on the pc, did you changed the mtu too?

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15 hours ago, Burtchnasty said:

I did not. Only on the router! My wife works from home so I have to wait until she goes to bed before I can “mess up the internet” haha 

Lol I have the same girl at home XD,

So now you're at 750 mtu on the router?

And smartboost etc, what's your settings?

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3 hours ago, Densha-Warrior said:

Lol I have the same girl at home XD,

So now you're at 750 mtu on the router?

And smartboost etc, what's your settings?

@Densha-Warrior I’m on an XR1000 so no smartboost.

My MTU is 1472 as that’s what works for my network/pc. YMMV

I have QoS turned off and am otherwise raw dogging the game lol 

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game has been unplayable for me i gave up getting shot around corners, multiple hitmarkers to the head and fighting my controller when trying to aim cuz it wants to pull me off target 

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