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SmartQoS Version 4 like having AimBot!

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2 hours ago, Seye said:

Your opponents didn't put up much of a fight, nice editing.

netduma doing its thing. and thank XOPriince on tiktok and IG for the video editing 👍

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23 hours ago, TODDzillaInLA said:

netduma doing its thing. and thank XOPriince on tiktok and IG for the video editing 👍

I wish I had lobbies like this, mine is demons every game but still I dorminate either way.

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mine use to be the same way, every lobby was like playing against a CDL team. i got my first duma in 2014 and all that changed, but those competitive lobbies make you better. these bot lobbies are just for youtube videos

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13 hours ago, Seye said:

I wish I had lobbies like this, mine is demons every game but still I dorminate either way.

I honestly don't know how my KD is above 3, this is the worst running cod for me connection wise. Really crap people I've vs over the years seem to be untouchable but when I ask their stats, they have low KD and SPM, it's just something is happening with the connection where they are probably seeing me first and killing me and on my end i'm just getting hit markers if I can even get a shot off at them lol. I do get sweaty pro wannabes jumping around most matches but even the bots are made out to be pros due to the connection issues. I just want to relax and run around with a pistol but unless I'm using a nicely tuned gun, the potatoes I get on my team going 5-30 every match make it impossible for me to use anything other than a good gun..

Most people have good internet these days so I don't understand why they don't make ping king. Why do they have to balance the latency out each match, something which I think is buggy cause what else is causing the issues when my ping is a stable 5ms?

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14 hours ago, TODDzillaInLA said:

mine use to be the same way, every lobby was like playing against a CDL team. i got my first duma in 2014 and all that changed, but those competitive lobbies make you better. these bot lobbies are just for youtube videos

Even with duma I still meet demons but once I'm in a good lobby ping latency no random bullshit like poor hit reg etc I fry the lobby with ease even with cheaters and sweaty tryhards dunk on them all I still dominate and they call me out for cheating :) .

Its like the game is itself is out to get me and still have to deal with opponents in the game lmao...Once I notice the signs I quit the lobby or just switch to warzone. I just love hearing there rage is like music to in my ear LOL.

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On 7/13/2023 at 2:22 AM, Seye said:

Even with duma I still meet demons but once I'm in a good lobby ping latency no random bullshit like poor hit reg etc I fry the lobby with ease even with cheaters and sweaty tryhards dunk on them all I still dominate and they call me out for cheating :) .

Its like the game is itself is out to get me and still have to deal with opponents in the game lmao...Once I notice the signs I quit the lobby or just switch to warzone. I just love hearing there rage is like music to in my ear LOL.

if i disable qos and dont use geo filter and play 100 percent organically all 6 players on the opposite team are scump status or better

you either have to be a 🐐 like shroud or you need to PTW. COD got way to competitive and to many people trying to be pro streamers no one playing to have fun except a couple of us on this forum. Not to mention more then half the COD community is up to no good in different form factors from one way to another

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9 hours ago, TODDzillaInLA said:

the better your internet is the harder the LCE handicaps you

Whats LCE? Just hearing this for the first time, the other day saw someone on this forum post a video difference between sbmm and eomm....I had no idea there was such a thing called eomm

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9 hours ago, TODDzillaInLA said:

the better your internet is the harder the LCE handicaps you

Whats LCE? Just hearing this for the first time, the other day saw someone on this forum post a video difference between sbmm and eomm....I had no idea there was such a thing called eomm

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On 7/15/2023 at 4:03 AM, Seye said:

Whats LCE? Just hearing this for the first time, the other day saw someone on this forum post a video difference between sbmm and eomm....I had no idea there was such a thing called eomm

Lag compression engine, I'm probably going to piss some people off but i believe eomm is a conspiracy for bad players to have something to complain about other then lag. You can not prove eomm just my 2 cents

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2 hours ago, TODDzillaInLA said:

Lag compression engine, I'm probably going to piss some people off but i believe eomm is a conspiracy for bad players to have something to complain about other then lag. You can not prove eomm just my 2 cents

Trash players complain all day lmao they say you cheater without actually proving they’re statements and then they end up becoming the sore loser that cheats on games just to fill they’re little egos. Cheating become so rampant that I don’t think it even worth playing online games any longer to be honest…not only that if your a good player you get punished for being good do to sbmm it so obvious too the only way to avoid it is by scheming the system or just partying up with good teammates that aren’t brain dead 

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1 hour ago, DARKNESS said:

Trash players complain all day lmao they say you cheater without actually proving they’re statements and then they end up becoming the sore loser that cheats on games just to fill they’re little egos. Cheating become so rampant that I don’t think it even worth playing online games any longer to be honest…not only that if your a good player you get punished for being good do to sbmm it so obvious too the only way to avoid it is by scheming the system or just partying up with good teammates that aren’t brain dead 

the average person has no clue but there is so much involved when it comes to cheating for COD, 1 - it gets extremely expensive the average cheating is spending a minimum of 120 US to keep playing all month and burning through accounts. 2 - Their PC eventually becomes hardware band so they can never play legit again on that PC. 3 - lets say you cheated on cod but you want to play fortnite. Fortnites anti cheat will detect cheats for other games and flag you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/19/2023 at 3:06 PM, TODDzillaInLA said:

the average person has no clue but there is so much involved when it comes to cheating for COD, 1 - it gets extremely expensive the average cheating is spending a minimum of 120 US to keep playing all month and burning through accounts. 2 - Their PC eventually becomes hardware band so they can never play legit again on that PC. 3 - lets say you cheated on cod but you want to play fortnite. Fortnites anti cheat will detect cheats for other games and flag you.

This chea...person would know 

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Anyone that doesn't think EOMM or SBMM isn't a thing can't be very good. 

Considering pros hate it as much as the "people that complain about anything," I would say you're living in a fairytale land believing it doesn't exist. 

There is something to be said about lag compensation adding difficulty as well because when I geo locate (when it decides to work) to the other side of the world, I have my best games. 


Its also been proven by a couple of well known you tubers working together that SBMM prefers that or over latency. 

I've played a few "EOMM doesn't exist" people in local matches and they've been terrible every time.  I've also let them play on my account and they can't compete in any way. It's sad how bad they've been. 


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I think they should ban anyone using a vpn. It's ruined the game, not because they're getting bot lobbies but cause it's messing up with the connection for those of us not using one. I feel like the matches I have that run fluidly are vs people with low ping but the rest where there's poor hit reg, getting shot around corners etc. are cause there's people vpn'ing, hot spotting, or stuck in the 90's with their 56k connection

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@johnnytranMate you should make research as to what a vpn is and why it exist in the first place if you like being gang banged/ddos by the government or anyone in the internet then your welcome to be so....the people who use certain vpns are of course abusing the engine the same way those corporations are using schemes to make you play the game everyday and either enjoy the game or hate the game depending on your skill level if your a casual you get bot lobbies and if your a sweat you get sweat lobbies. To add they getting rid of the vpn function wouldn't do a thing since you can still use a vpn by lan through a pc which actually works better since on the router your limited to 20mbs do to hardware limitations. Oh and let me add most of the players you talk about are on PC already using cheats so it just like adding cherry on top of the cake 😂

VPNs will coexist till the end of time and as the future becomes more dangerous you'll definitely need one

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23 hours ago, DARKNESS said:

@johnnytranMate you should make research as to what a vpn is and why it exist in the first place if you like being gang banged/ddos by the government or anyone in the internet then your welcome to be so....the people who use certain vpns are of course abusing the engine the same way those corporations are using schemes to make you play the game everyday and either enjoy the game or hate the game depending on your skill level if your a casual you get bot lobbies and if your a sweat you get sweat lobbies. To add they getting rid of the vpn function wouldn't do a thing since you can still use a vpn by lan through a pc which actually works better since on the router your limited to 20mbs do to hardware limitations. Oh and let me add most of the players you talk about are on PC already using cheats so it just like adding cherry on top of the cake 😂

VPNs will coexist till the end of time and as the future becomes more dangerous you'll definitely need one

I'm not against VPN's being used for their purpose but when people use them for gaming it messes up the experience for other people in the match. I have a dynamic IP so I'm not worried about getting ddos (do people still ddos people? I thought that only happened like over a decade ago) and I don't put myself in any position where I'd be a target for a ddos attack anyway. 

People are welcome to use it for anonymity on their home connection but for gaming? come on.. cod's code is trash as it is, when you have someone with an unstable vpn in there getting packetloss or high ping it makes unpredictable gunfights - often frustrating bullshit "i shot first!!" moments and who's getting the shit end of the stick? me with my low ping cause the game has to give these guys a "fair" chance at getting kills too due to their shitty connection

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@johnnytranAs stated before people use it do to how rigged the system is if your a youtuber on the top your on a whitelist given bots lobbies this is how you typically see them go on streaks when in reality they would be getting stomped you could argue they're cheating as well do to that known fact that activision will deny but when documents get leaked it what everyone already knew....As for ddos attacks that is still extremely common you just have to meet the old booty loser in a lobby with his mouse and keyboard plus a cronus zen on console to already know there cheating and will cry if you shit on them without any cheats 😂

Also a dynamic IP doesn't protect you it only a temporary measure and not everyone has the ability to have dynamic IP do to ISP restrictions and becomes more  a hassle when you get to talk to some indian dude/female that doesn't know crap about anything

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@FuzyThat ain't saving your router bud 😂 I would guess maybe from a couple of packets but most users just full on assault you knowing they're frying there own network since there basement dwellers

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