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Calling all Destiny Players!

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I don't understand how can you make an cloud update on our routers?

Are we always connected to your network?


I believe every four hours the router checks to see if its cloud version is up-to-date, if it isn't it downloads the new cloud version from the Netduma servers and updated itself :)

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  • Netduma Staff

Thanks Crossy.

I understand now why there is an option "Enable auto Cloud".


Can we do it manually?


I'm not sure. I think pressing the 'Apply' button might fetch the new cloud but I'm not sure - Fraser/Iain will have to confirm if that true or not :)




From Frasers post below I assume I'm wrong :)

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Just minor correction strict mode on has not changed, I highly recommend playing strict mode off unless you're very patient and want the best connections possible. 

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Remix/Chive strict mode has NOT changed at all. Padlocks can be ignored in strict mode for destiny.


This change should stop all lobby booting in strict mode off. If you get lobby booting with strict mode off, then in theory its the game. Please let me know how you get on. It will take at most 8 hours to propagate since Fraser made his post :)  

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I'm Away for three weeks for work. Can't wait to try it out when I'm home. Is this update only to fix lobby booting? Or is it to make it better overall? When I don't have strict ticked I have no problems with booting. With strict on I can get booted but when I see padlocks I uncheck strict padlock disappears then re check strict. Works fine.

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Destiny setting

autocloud & bleeding edge = checked

Ping Assist = 0ms

Strict mode = off

Peer ping = checked


with Fast Search setting, i could't get to Tower. i was getting error code: Bee


after power cycling the modem & router, i was able to land :)



i'm getting bungie error code Bee & getting booted from the Tower while playing solo.


btw, what's the server with lock mean?

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It might not be the R1 with Bee error code because I have been hearing non-duma users getting this error alot as well.  Lobby booting might be Bungie server issue.  

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Very first two games after this update and now I get a "rabbit" error almost immediately on every load with a geo filter of 800km.


Edit: 5 games now, no successful connections, just non-stop rabbits. Geo-filter appears completely broken for me now.

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everyone please use this thread to discuss Destiny: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/6318-1034-destiny-error-code/


Prencher please play with strict mode off and make sure you have auto cloud and bleeding edge cloud ticked in "Settings > Misc" then click apply. The key though is the strict mode should be unticked. Please respond with your info in aforementioned thread. Thanks :)

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