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conection in private matches is not the same in open lobbies


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hey guys need help

i play competitve mode on call of duty modern warfare 2 and i dont know why but my hit dettection, aim assist, my skin movement are completely diferent in private matches.

The ping hits the same, it fells like a delay to aim.

My sensitivity in open looby and private matches are the same but the movement not even close

already tried changing qos, ping heat map, nat open 

i use the xr1000



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Something is up with matchmaking and latency as a whole.

There have been at least two times where I created a private match to test a loadout, put 5 bots in, and by the time I was loaded into the game, TWO bots already had at least one kill. 

This happened on a custom, private match where I was the only player besides bots. In no universe should that ever happen.  

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I talked to some friends and they sad there is no difference 

i think something is wrong with my connection since cold war happening, cant shoot from long distance because there is not hit

in ope lobbies everything works fine

If i create a looby with bots, conection is fine but against other players, UNPLAYABLE

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

In a private game with opponents you can't control the server you connect to, if you're playing EU or US for example you could get put on a server quite far from you. You can still use the Geo-Filter to identify and ping the server in a private game, then compare that with the ping to the server you get when using normal matchmaking.

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Everyone has a different connection, what works/doesn't work won't necessarily apply to others, even in the same area using the same internet provider. There is no way to make changes for just one game type. Can you provide a screenshot of your QoS page please?

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9 hours ago, XINDINHA1000 said:

i alredy put the new set up, i gonna send you guys a report in 2 days to see if anything changed

about adblocker and bandwitch allocation, do i use or not?

the pc is just for gaming

Adblocker won't have any use for gaming, so you don't need to worry about that. If you're just gaming, you can leave Bandwidth Allocation as it is too.

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The  private matches are a bif diffrent in this cod    every new game  puts you on a diffrent  server after ever pm from my many hours of teseting pm

 I havent checked what ports  pm use  but i guess it should be the ones ive posted many times  before in the forums

I think i might check tonight  what ports pm are using

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