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What determines hit detection?


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12 hours ago, davemarsden132 said:

The 3074 and 3075 bit how do i do that? Also im on PC wil this bit be the same 



i added extra ports for vanguard but still the same rules

i streamed for 8 hrs today i just got off, got 5 or 6 wins (378 total br wins) , tons of kills, and my squad won this weeks tournament on the call of duty companion app

I also uploaded a pretty cool video to my youtube page



IMG_7427 (1).jpg



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9 hours ago, TODDzillaInLA said:

better lobbies as in better connection to the lobby... yes

Thanks. Do you know if ps5 works the same with handicapping higher bandwidth? Also, could you send a screen shot of your port forwarding rules please? I’ve done everything so far except port forwarding. 

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On 22/10/2021 at 19:15, TODDzillaInLA said:

Assolutamente no, ho sempre questo problema, pago per la migliore connessione Internet e poi ho la peggiore esperienza per capire come utilizzare correttamente il mio router net duma. Quando ho comprato il mio primo router R1 e l'ho collegato, ero come amico, questa cosa non fa differenza, ero così sopraffatto da tutte le impostazioni extra che non ne ho toccato nessuna perché non volevo rovinare nulla. Continuo a prendermi delle botte, quindi sono andato su YouTube e ho guardato tutti i video in ritardo che potevo trovare. A poco a poco ho notato che avevo delle impostazioni che erano nei video che stavo guardando e questo è successo nel 2014/15 ho comprato il mio r1 alla fine della guerra avanzata, poi bo3 è caduto. io uso la ricerca lobby per le lobby da 60 ms perché il rilevamento dei colpi era molto meglio di tutti quei video di YouTube e un sacco di tentativi ed errori e

questo è proprio quello che funziona per me. non sto dicendo che funzionerà per tutti e le mie impostazioni hanno dovuto cambiare durante le diverse versioni di COD e gli aggiornamenti individuali di metà gioco

ip statico per la mia console, imposta l'indirizzo IP statico su duma os

port forward tutte le porte consigliate per la mia console

upnp off

io uso qualcosa chiamato GRC | DNS Nameserver Performance Benchmark (google it) per trovarmi il DNS più veloce per la mia zona. googles 8888 e 8844 e 1111 non sono mai stati vicini alla cima della lista per me (questo è un argomento completamente diverso ma sento che molti streamer e creatori di contenuti di YouTube danno false informazioni così poco Billy e Timmy possono correre e non essere in grado di uccidere qualsiasi cosa a causa delle raccomandazioni sbagliate sulla classe della pistola o dell'impostazione di raccomandazioni) guarderei sempre gli ultimi video di JGOD, quindi proverei l'installazione e sarebbero un culo completo, guarderei nickmercs e noterei che gli allegati che mostra sulla pistola non lo sono gli stessi allegati sono effettivamente in giro con  https://clips.twitch.tv/MagnificentFuriousSwordRedCoat-4IrwzWyZU9V8vYDU

ok, sono andato un po' fuori tema. io uso quello strumento dns per trovarmi il dns più veloce cambio l'impostazione su duma os sotto wan/rete da auto a dns lo strumento dice di usare poi metto anche quel dns sulla mia console

per QOS durante la riproduzione di MP xbox live ha un limite di 25 MB per qualsiasi connessione Internet più veloce di quella che diventa handicappata, più veloce è la connessione più dura il motore di compressione del ritardo ti colpisce, quindi quando gioco MP su quelle lobby da 9 ms ho i miei cursori impostati su 20 MB in giù 5 MB in su , quando gioco a Warzone li ho impostati su 70% in meno / 70% in su e per la priorità del traffico forzo solo 3074 e 3075

per il filtro geografico durante la riproduzione di mp o warzone credo che il ping sia il re ho il mio pin di casa impostato su dove vivo effettivamente e il cerchio del raggio impostato su un minimo di 311 miglia,

ci sono molti video sul mio ig @TODDzillaInLA e sui miei team IG @OWUH_Gaming dove puoi vedere che ho sparato per ultimo e uccido per primo un sacco di volte a causa del vantaggio che l'hardware dei giocatori di PC ha rispetto ai giocatori di console

questo era di ieri, stavo giocando a duo e duo/quads


can there be conflicts if I keep UPNP and portforwarding activated together? if I only activate the upnp I get moderate NAT on the warzone, while if I also activate the portforwarding the NAT is OPEN. Right now I've turned UPNP off and the game seems to be doing better in hit detection too.
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On 11/22/2021 at 8:49 AM, TODDzillaInLA said:

i added extra ports for vanguard but still the same rules

i streamed for 8 hrs today i just got off, got 5 or 6 wins (378 total br wins) , tons of kills, and my squad won this weeks tournament on the call of duty companion app

I also uploaded a pretty cool video to my youtube page



IMG_7427 (1).jpg



Could you DM me all your router settings for me to copy please mate? Do you also know what other ports i need to add to the qos page for PC


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31 minutes ago, davemarsden132 said:

Could you DM me all your router settings for me to copy please mate? Do you also know what other ports i need to add to the qos page for PC


If you could DM them me too I would appreciate it. 


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On 10/22/2021 at 6:15 PM, TODDzillaInLA said:

Not at all, i use to have this problem all the time, pay for the best internet then have the worst experience to i figured out how to use my net duma router correctly. When i bought my first R1 router and plugged it in i was like man this thing makes no difference i was so overwhelmed by all the extra settings i didnt touch any of them cause i didnt want to mess anything up. I keep just taking a beatings so then i went to youtube and watched every video on lag i could find. Little by little i noticed i had settings that were in the videos i was watching and this was all the way back in 2014 / 15 i bought my r1 at the end of advanced warfare then bo3 dropped. i use to lobby search for the 60ms lobbies cause the hit detection was way better then after all those youtube videos and a lot of trial and error & after watching different streamers for months on end i figured out how to dial in the lowre ping lobbies with all the dumo features

this is just what works for me. not saying it will work for everyone and my settings had to change throughout the different version of COD and individual mid game updates

static ip for my console, set static ip address on duma os

port forward all recommended ports for my console

upnp off

i use something called GRC's | DNS Nameserver Performance Benchmark (google it) to find me the fastest dns for my area. googles 8888 and 8844 and 1111 have never ever been close to top of the list for me (this is a completely different subject but i feel alot of streamers and youtube content creators give out false info so little billy and timmy can run around and not be able to kill anything cause of the wrong gun class recommendations or setting recommendations) i would watch JGOD's latest videos all the time then try the setup and they would be complete ass, i would watch nickmercs and notice the attachments he shows on the gun is not the same attachments hes actually running around with https://clips.twitch.tv/MagnificentFuriousSwordRedCoat-4IrwzWyZU9V8vYDU

ok so i got a little off subject. i use that dns tool to find me the fastest dns i change the setting on the duma os under wan / network from auto to the dns the tool says to use then i also put that dns on my console

for QOS when playing MP xbox live has a 25mb cap any internet connection faster then that gets handicapped, faster the connection the harder the lag compression engine hits  you so when i play MP on those 9ms lobbies i have my sliders set to 20mb down 5mb up, when i play warzone i have them set to 70% down / 70% up and for traffic prioritization i force 3074 and 3075 only

for geo filter when playing mp or warzone i believe ping is king i have my home pin set to where i actually live and the radius circle set to the minimum of 311 miles,

there are alot of videos on my ig @TODDzillaInLA and my teams IG @OWUH_Gaming where you can see i shot last and kill first alot of the time because of the advantage pc players hardware rise have over console players

this was from yesterday, i was playing duo's and duo / quads


Just came across your post, I have tried the settings except for port forwarding, dns change and traffic prioritisation. Oh... boy hit detection has been crisp on Vanguard, before now ping ms is usual from 35 -60ms other times higher. But now its <12ms all the time both in game ping and on geofilter.

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6 hours ago, Kg123 said:

How would I go about doing these settings I’m on ps5 I play only vanguard until the new caldera map comes out

do the same thing but port forward for ps5

10 hours ago, Seye said:

Just came across your post, I have tried the settings except for port forwarding, dns change and traffic prioritisation. Oh... boy hit detection has been crisp on Vanguard, before now ping ms is usual from 35 -60ms other times higher. But now its <12ms all the time both in game ping and on geofilter.

can i get some thumbs up lol

On 11/24/2021 at 2:18 PM, davemarsden132 said:

Could you DM me all your router settings for me to copy please mate? Do you also know what other ports i need to add to the qos page for PC Cheers

On 11/24/2021 at 2:50 PM, RobBob said:

If you could DM them me too I would appreciate it. thanks

On 11/24/2021 at 4:16 PM, Max2110 said:

Me as well thanks 

go through the thread i have posted it multiple times

On 11/23/2021 at 8:58 AM, Erik said:

can there be conflicts if I keep UPNP and portforwarding activated together? if I only activate the upnp I get moderate NAT on the warzone, while if I also activate the portforwarding the NAT is OPEN. Right now I've turned UPNP off and the game seems to be doing better in hit detection too.

Yes thats why i turn upnp  off and use port forwarding only. If you can not dedicate your internet connection to gaming only then you maybe want to leave upnp on

On 11/22/2021 at 9:52 AM, RobBob said:

Thanks. Do you know if ps5 works the same with handicapping higher bandwidth? Also, could you send a screen shot of your port forwarding rules please? I’ve done everything so far except port forwarding. 

Yes it works the same but google the ports that eed to be ported for the game you are playing for the device you are using


Oh and Happy thanksgiving to everyone in the U.S.






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15 hours ago, Seye said:

Just came across your post, I have tried the settings except for port forwarding, dns change and traffic prioritisation. Oh... boy hit detection has been crisp on Vanguard, before now ping ms is usual from 35 -60ms other times higher. But now its <12ms all the time both in game ping and on geofilter.

What are the settings? Just upnp off and 25/5Mbps bandwidth?

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9 hours ago, johnnytran said:

What are the settings? Just upnp off and 25/5Mbps bandwidth?

Thats about it. I have 50mb down and 10mb up, so manually entered speed 20mb and 5mb up then moved the sliders 70/70. Thats pretty much it, I didn't do the port forwarding and DNS has the current settings feels really good.

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8 hours ago, TODDzillaInLA said:

do the same thing but port forward for ps5

can i get some thumbs up lol

Takes about 5 to 8mins to find a game on warzone tho but when it does its fantastic experience. I wanna try the port forwarding bit, not sure I did it correct but please correct me if I entered it incorrectly.

Happy Thanks Giving.

Screenshot 2021-11-26 at 19.15.22.png

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On 10/18/2021 at 8:49 AM, Killerelite06 said:

I though it was latency but my ping to the servers is 3ms (Johannesburg) and 21ms (Cape Town) respectively. I throttled my connection to 2.5/1.5 and for a few games it felt responsive with great hit detection before returning to the delayed feeling.

What determines how many and well the bullets connect ? Does speed have a effect or was it placebo effect (I think it fools the lag comp system) ? 

Side note: South Africa is a very mixed space when it comes to connection. Some have fibre with low ping and up to 10Gbps where others have LTE and ADSL or use their mobile hotspot 
Can that have a effect on how well the game performs ? 

I'm from South Africa too. I experience the same issue. I have a thread opened on it aswel. Today I felt like my character was running with a 50kg weight on him. That's how sluggist the game gets. 

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On 10/18/2021 at 5:40 PM, Killerelite06 said:

I have two options the 3ms one and 21ms server then after that it’s the London based one which is 168ms. I would love a way to artificially add latency (like a slider that adds latency) .

I tried adding AD, some games it help, others it doesn't 

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For those who dont get the shoot first die first etc. Probably think we talking shite! Im a 3/4kd player, there is no way in hell i dont lead and hit my shots on these guys. But this is my mate who is spectating me. 

Shame i didnt record my screen for a comparison but i accidently stumbled across it on his.

So i am leading all my shots, shooting infront of the two guys. But on my mates screen im about 0.5 seconds behind. 

But that is the difference between killing them 2 and not killing them, which them affects my game. I end up jumping the wall and kill both but then get killed from across. Thus affecting my game. 

If my internet was fine, i would have dropped them both and flanked to the left across the bridge and not died. 


Just thought id share this for those who dont understand and think we are just crying over nothing if u get me! 

I really wish there was a proper fix, but i dont think ill ever find one so im just stuck with it being how it is ha. 



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1 hour ago, davemarsden132 said:

For those who dont get the shoot first die first etc. Probably think we talking shite! Im a 3/4kd player, there is no way in hell i dont lead and hit my shots on these guys. But this is my mate who is spectating me. 

Shame i didnt record my screen for a comparison but i accidently stumbled across it on his.

So i am leading all my shots, shooting infront of the two guys. But on my mates screen im about 0.5 seconds behind. 

But that is the difference between killing them 2 and not killing them, which them affects my game. I end up jumping the wall and kill both but then get killed from across. Thus affecting my game. 

If my internet was fine, i would have dropped them both and flanked to the left across the bridge and not died. 


Just thought id share this for those who dont understand and think we are just crying over nothing if u get me! 

I really wish there was a proper fix, but i dont think ill ever find one so im just stuck with it being how it is ha. 



Not a good example, if you slow down the frames you see your missing almost all your shots. shoot first die first is you shooting first hitting all your shots and sill dying to latency.

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9 hours ago, TODDzillaInLA said:

Not a good example, if you slow down the frames you see your missing almost all your shots. shoot first die first is you shooting first hitting all your shots and sill dying to latency.

Thats what im saying, on my screen i am hitting all my shots. 

This is not my screen

This then clearly shows the fact that the two screens are totally different which is what i was saying - MY SCREEN i leading the shots, hitting every shot. HIS SCREEN i am about 0.5 sec behind clearly showing the vast variation in the game. 


I do not miss them shots, i get accused of chronus and hacking all the time because i am that accurate. 


At my old house on blackout i was a 5kd player because my internet was good. 


I am a 3.5kd player on Warzone with the shit internet - you really think a 3.5kd player would miss all them shots? 😂😂 most deffo not... as mentioned in the post ON MY SCREEN i hit every single shot which is why at the end of the video you can hear my confusion. 

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So on his spec of me the guy is where the guy is...

On my screen the guy is about the pink line, so on my scrren im hitting the player. 


He isnt actually on the pink line in the game, he is approx 0.5 seconds ahead, where he is shown on my mates game.

Thus, making me miss the shots because im shooting thin air 

Screenshot_20211202-110622_Samsung Internet.jpg

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14 hours ago, davemarsden132 said:

I am a 3.5kd player on Warzone with the shit internet - you really think a 3.5kd player would miss all them shots? 😂😂 most deffo not... as mentioned in the post ON MY SCREEN i hit every single shot which is why at the end of the video you can hear my confusion. 

Hmm... 3.5KD? 🤔



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Thats where your not reading the original post bud. Are you english or not i understand you not understanding if not english if u get me.

Ill try explain.


I am Axel, me sat at my PC. Am shooting infront of the player ON MY SCREEN. The shots miss im confused.


My friend CITRUSDAZ is spectating me, he is dead. But he is streaming, on his stream i shoot behind. 


So on my screen infront, his screen behind. That shows the variation in the 0.5 second delay between my screen and his screen. 


Does that make sense now buddy? 

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