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Considering buying a netduma


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Quick run down. I’d like to maybe purchase one. Currently I just am using cable provider modem. Playing ps5 any suggestions what router to maybe get ? Really wanna get it too get around sbmm and also lower my ping. Any advice or pointing me in the right direction would be amazing thanksn

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Hi and welcome

Normally you would pick a router that suits your networking needs, so if you have lots of devices and say some are AX and WiFi and coverage is important the XR1000 would be a nice choice. 
The XR500 is a WiFi 5 wave 2 router and very good at handling a busy network and again has good WiFi coverage but it’s not AX.

The R2 is a Netduma router and has the full functions of Duma 3.0. While is can’t compete with the other routers for WiFi it’s fine for a modest household where you don’t have a huge number of clients. This is reflected in the price. 

A lot depends on your needs. Unfortunately your base ping can’t be lowered as that’s dictated by your line but you can pick a server that offers the best connection which is a great feature.


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It won't really get you around SBMM unless you live in a very low population area and play unpopular game modes.


Ie when I play in Asia I played FFA and there was simply not enough players for SBMM to work when I only selected the SEA server. 

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Newfie has given a good rundown of the routers I would recommend for you. Basically if you prefer software then R2 is the one for you, if you prefer hardware then one of those XR routers is what you want. As above, it's unlikely to get you around SBMM as that is not its function, there may be ways to do it but that's not something we encourage or support.

If you're connecting to servers further away than needed the router will definitely help you, even if you're not it will allow you to force the servers that play the best/have the lowest ping. QoS will ensure your connection is as stable and lag free as possible.

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Duma OS does help me get around SBMM. As @Bert said, even I play modes like kill confirmed and control. Tryhards normally prefer Damination, TDM, hardpoint.

Without Netduma, the game connects me to higher ping lobbies with players of similar skill level. But with geo filter I force the game to look for a match on just one region server. It works pretty well, but takes time to find a match.

I would rather wait to join a game then play with a bunch of G fuel guzzling prestige master tryhards 24 x 7. 

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To be honest, last week or so I have been exclusively playing PC. Turn crossplay on, no filtering. Turn on auto sprint and just go blasting. Play some trance music in the background. Sometimes I get 30-30 sometimes i get 50-5 lol.


Don't care about SBMM, don't care on who plays mouse or controller or whatever.

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