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Basically a VPN filters the location and maybe the connection. The results are another location with another IP and a slow connection right?

So how it works this Hybrid VPN?

What i'm interested to know if it filters the connection resulting more slow than normal and if yes, how can i improve it?

Does the QoS useful in this case?


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I have the XR500 and have tried using the Hybrid vpn but as this only supports UDP and TCP connections i would be more incline to just use a vpn on the devices you want to use as then you would be able to choose more option like ipsec or ikev2 which will give you a faster connection, ive done many testing with ipsec and ikev2 and depending on the server i pick usually get the full brunt of my connection were on udp or tcp say if i was on a 50 meg connection when i activate the vpn it would drop the speed to around 10 meg.

As for the changes to the hybrid vpn maybe one of the net Duma lads can answer that question as i dont know weather its something they implemented or something net gear added.

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So HybridVPN still works in the same way as a traditional VPN client, you apply the VPN to a device, the IP/location changes and you're routed through that server instead and due to only supporting OpenVPN currently the speeds are restricted. However, that is where the Hybrid part comes in - unlike other VPN clients we allow you to be able to apply the VPN to specific applications/services on your device. For example say you were a streamer you could VPN the game but have the stream run through your normal connection all on the same device so the stream gets full speed but your game is protected/forced to another location. Gaming doesn't need much bandwidth at all so it will provide enough for you if you need it.

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just out of curiosity how much does online gaming need for bandwidth down my sync speed currently is 70 down with a throughput of 66 meg  and 17 in sync up throughput 16 meg ive currently go the antibuffer bloat set to 79 down and 70 up i keep getting mixed results when i search for bandwidth and online gaming. 

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59 minutes ago, Mastersgt21 said:

just out of curiosity how much does online gaming need for bandwidth down my sync speed currently is 70 down with a throughput of 66 meg  and 17 in sync up throughput 16 meg ive currently go the antibuffer bloat set to 79 down and 70 up i keep getting mixed results when i search for bandwidth and online gaming. 

Gaming actually uses very little bandwidth, often less than 1Mbps. What are the mixed results you're seeing? 

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sorry i should of been more accurate what i meant was when i do a bit of searching i get result on the line of 5 to 10 meg down should be set and about 4 meg on the upload but as you say gaming usually can run pretty well on about 1 MBPS so was just wondering what you guys would recommend as a balance to be fair i only play GTA 5 online and cold war online  

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