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Xr1000 connection benchmark

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I found firmware 47_33 works the best for connection benchmark.


When I throttle to say 700mbps — 500mbps


i should around 700/500 in the speed test section right? Or does that part not matter?

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If you are talking about the speed section of Connection Benchmark I dont believe it will show your throttled speed.. The underload section though one should see the upload and download graph closer to the idle.. In terms of ping.. Hopefully that makes sense..



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The thing is, 


I think it accidentally read it lower than it was supposed to for 1 test, aka the right throttle settings and the results were amazing! And the game felt great. But then, I re ran it and it went back to eh stats. The only thing I noticed was that the speeds went back up. Just wondered if they could somehow line up. That would make more sense for duma in the future imo

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17 minutes ago, CRarsenxL said:

The thing is, 


I think it accidentally read it lower than it was supposed to for 1 test, aka the right throttle settings and the results were amazing! And the game felt great. But then, I re ran it and it went back to eh stats. The only thing I noticed was that the speeds went back up. Just wondered if they could somehow line up. That would make more sense for duma in the future imo

If the speeds went back up then I would say your QoS quit working on the second test.. Which would make sense by your explanation.. Are you able to lower your ping both up and down on the under load test? And if so do your results stay consistent over a few tests?



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Thats interesting.. I have the XR500 and I cant seem to get anything consistent on that.. Some times it works and throttles my speeds then all of a sudden I have full speeds again.. Not sure why that is and havent been able to figure it out.. Not sure if that is what your XR1000 is doing or not.. 


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5 hours ago, Zippy said:

Thats interesting.. I have the XR500 and I cant seem to get anything consistent on that.. Some times it works and throttles my speeds then all of a sudden I have full speeds again.. Not sure why that is and havent been able to figure it out.. Not sure if that is what your XR1000 is doing or not.. 


Yep exactly! 

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The Connection Benchmark results can differ due to time of day, load on the ISP network etc. If when the speeds are lower the results are better then that is what you want to use, if you don't want it to apply all the time then use Auto-Enable for Congestion Control and it will only apply when gaming.

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It would give bufferbloat more importance and better ability to fine tune. Cause right now I’m literally just praying it goes low and bounces around so I can get accurate pings 

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You can try running Auto Setup instead and using the Advanced options to try and find the sweet spot

Should I change the overall good put of the buffer settings then run it, then only use the first test?

It’s Buggy on the xr1000

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