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Open NAT with mulitiple xboxes

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7 minutes ago, Nathaniel said:

Does anyone know when the Duma team is going to update the XR1000 so you can play mulitiple xboxes without getting moderate/strict NAT??

You would have to tie the forwarding ports to each xbox's IP address

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doesn't work. sat with netgear for 3 hours on the phone trying every port forwarding and port triggering combination. They said Net duma team is aware of the inability for their software to accommodate multiple xboxes on one ip without disrupting NAT. Just wondering if there is anyone with knowledge of time table. Pretty embarrassing. I had the ASUS, it worked flawlessly. It just didn't have the many cool features the XR1000 has. Features are kind of pointless when you have moderate NAT though

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I can’ tell you what worked for me ,  go into the network settings on the Xbox and advanced settings . There is a drop down menu for the ports ,  make sure the main  xbox is on automatic and that should then be 3074 port . Then the next xbox change it manually to any other port from the menu  ,  do the same with the third xbox again a different port and so on . Make sure you have UPNP or DMZ working . Not sure about port forwarding never tried that 

Hope it works for you 

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Id follow exactly what @BL4CK OPS V3TRN said.. That should work.. Id use UpNp and set it up like that using alternate port selection in the Xbox Network setting tab.. It also has always worked for me!

Good luck!


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It's a Netgear issue and they are actively working on it but have said it isn't a quick fix so I unfortunately don't have a timeline. Is the moderate/strict NAT on the game or in the console settings? If the former and it's open in network settings then it's more likely a misreading by the game as the console will be open so it shouldn't cause any issues.

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10 hours ago, Nathaniel said:

do you guys have multiple xboxes working with open NAT on all of them? Manually assigning ports doesn't fix nat. It will revert to different ports everytime you start up.

I personally don't, not sure about the rest of the guys. Where are you seeing that your NAT is strict? In the console settings or in game?

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10 hours ago, Nathaniel said:

do you guys have multiple xboxes working with open NAT on all of them? Manually assigning ports doesn't fix nat. It will revert to different ports everytime you start up.

Are you looking to open xbox live nat or a specific game nat? When you select a specific port it doesn't revert maybe you are thinking about something else? I have not tried 3 xboxs but 2. The same rule applies simply going into settings and selecting a port for xbox live to use in the connection settings of the xbox. Not assigning ports from the router

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