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Slow internet speeds through the R2


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That speed test is ran through the R2 connected to the PC that I ran the test on, how am i getting a faster speed test with a better long through the r2 but then when I run the speed test on the R2 is what it is above? Really weird 

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My r2 is connected to the HUB “my ISP” 

I ran the speed test through the R2 which is connected to the ISP HUB, 


the R2 is the only Ethernet connected to the ISP hub, 

ran speed test and got the results you see below, when I run the test on the r2…I’m getting a d rating for speed, what gives, 


I put the R2 in the DMZ of the HUB…what do I need to do to get the speeds I get from my speed test through the r2? Something in the r2 is bottlenecking my speeds and making mY ping be 3x what it should be…… we have some of the fastest Internet in the world 




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Thanks that makes more sense, you are getting a lot more on the R2 than you were previously, disable the protection options in WAN Settings and then whatever speed you get after that will likely be the maximum you'll be able to get through it.

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