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Geo-filter doesnt work anymore XR700 fw.34

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My geo-filter doesnt work all of a sudden on my XR700.

Tried deleting the device turning PS4 off/on re-adding PS4 still it doesnt work see no icons on geo-filter nothing, did flush cloud several times as well still not working.

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Hey Mobel,

What caused you to notice that Geo-filter isn't working, are you connecting to servers that you've blocked or has the interface changed?

Did this occur after any configuration changes/updates you may have made?

When you load up a game, are you seeing the servers/peers pop up on Geo-filter?

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@Netduma Liam

I was playing a while without geo-filter enabled for the last week or so.

Until yesterday i want to enable geo-filter and added my device that goes good but then when the device is added nothing happens on geo-filter no icons nothing.

When starting a game Call of Duty no servers pop-up when I am in PS4 party chat i see also no icons as well. And when i put filtering mode it doesnt restrict nothing.

It simply doesnt do nothing any more also no icons no peers no servers pop-up. I have never had a problem before with the geo-filter.

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I just add it get 2 devices to choose from my PlayStation and my desktop i choose PlayStation and it should work like it has done always and then I do the radius with the slider as i know where the servers are in my region.

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Do these steps even if you've done some of them already:

  1. Hard turn off the console (no standby)
  2. Delete the device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Flush the cloud
  4. Re-add the device (make sure it says Console underneath it once it's added)
  5. Adjust your settings
  6. Wait 2 minutes
  7. Turn on console/game

See if it works then please.

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@Netduma Fraser 

I did this before already and it says Console underneath.

but I will do it again after watching the match (football) otherwise i will do a factory reset and see what happens. 

I will let u know what the progression is in about a hour. 

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@Netduma Fraser

Did all the steps u said, but still nothing also when i am on filtering mode it does nothing as i know normally when i was on filtering mode and enter a PlayStation chatparty i can not hear the people in that party and now i just hear everybody when I enter the chatparty with geo-filter on filtering mode enabled.

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Check the console network settings for the IP and then check the device manager to see if the device you think is the console has the same IP. It might be that it has changed and you're adding the wrong device - this can sometimes happen if you connected it via WiFi or ethernet as opposed to your normal connection method.

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Is it appearing online/offline in the device manager? Does Network Monitor show any traffic for it?

The beta has just dropped for the XR700 so upgrade to that and do a factory reset to prevent any issues carrying over and see if it works better then please.


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I am doing factory reset on the old fw then upgrade to 3.0 and do a factory reset again while letting the router idle for about 10 min between resets

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@Netduma Fraser

Even if i had changed some settings what could go wrong then ?

I was playing with port forwarding rules the last few weeks then changed to UPNP again withou PF rules.

I dont know was playing on WiFi a day before it happened and then changed to my wired connection and it didnt work.

Had a factory reset on old fw. did a upgrade after to DumaOs 3.0 and a factory reset again,

My devices all got new ip's and the PS4 got the right mac adress and ip in Device manager so what could be wrong ?

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57 minutes ago, Mobel said:

@Netduma Fraser

Even if i had changed some settings what could go wrong then ?

I was playing with port forwarding rules the last few weeks then changed to UPNP again withou PF rules.

I dont know was playing on WiFi a day before it happened and then changed to my wired connection and it didnt work.

Had a factory reset on old fw. did a upgrade after to DumaOs 3.0 and a factory reset again,

My devices all got new ip's and the PS4 got the right mac adress and ip in Device manager so what could be wrong ?

That's what I was trying to ascertain, if it was port related then potentially if you forwarded the wrong ports that might cause the traffic detection to be off. Could you provide a screenshot of the whole Geo-Filter page please fully zoomed out when you're playing a game - even if nothing is shown just so I can see if there is anything obvious.

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@Netduma Fraser 

I didnt forward the wrong ports and everything was working fine when i had the port forwarding rules on.

Geo-filter and Traffic priorization were working as they always have been working.

Yes I will send a screenshot as soon I am home but i was monitoring it for quite a bit and fully zoomed out nothing appears on the map none of the servers not for CoD, Demonware matchmaking and none of the PlayStation chatparty servers pop-up nothing at all.

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