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Frequent severe dropping of internet speeds

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Everything was going fine with my nighthawk xr500 router and modem until 2 weeks ago a storm happened in my area causing my internet lines to be brought down. I contacted my ISP and they had repaired the damaged lines outside my house and even provided me with a newer and better modem. The technician ran speed tests on the modem and router and said the modem was pulling above avg speeds as in a good sign, but said the router was lacking in speeds. Ive tried resetting the router multiple times and changing and turning on multiple different settings. Still no change. I get 1gb download speeds and 40 upload. I'll run a speed test on my lan connected pc and pull the speeds that I pay for. Then run another test a minute later and pull below 100 download, but my upload is rather normal. Playing games are almost unplayable with frequent lag spikes and internet connection interrupted signals. I've tried 3 different ethernet cables and still no difference. All devices in the house will experience slow speeds frequently.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. Did the power go out at the same time with that storm?

If you connect to the modem does it give the same speeds consistently the whole time? Do you get any lag spikes connected to that?

Have you entered your expected speeds into the XR bandwidth settings? If you disable QoS completely are speeds consistent? 

What are your QoS settings generally?

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8 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. Did the power go out at the same time with that storm?

If you connect to the modem does it give the same speeds consistently the whole time? Do you get any lag spikes connected to that?

Have you entered your expected speeds into the XR bandwidth settings? If you disable QoS completely are speeds consistent? 

What are your QoS settings generally?

Power did not go out at all. The modem consistently brings above average speeds. I've also entered expected speeds into bandwidth settings. Disabling qos doesn't seem to make a difference. I usually keep it on the recommended 70% for both sliders but I've tried raising those higher and also maxing them out to 100%. Still no difference

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I've done that and the issue still persists. Also another thing i noticed, I have 2 Pc's hardwired to the router and for a couple days there were no indicator lights saying the ethernet for both pc's were being used, until today both indicator lights magically appeared

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What is the exact model of the ISP modem? - Do you have other devices connected to that instead of the XR? It may be worth you trying the 3.0 beta to see if that improves it at all - I'll be posting a new version over there today so wait for that and do a factory reset after and see if it helps: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-DumaOS-3-0/bd-p/en-home-beta-npg-duma

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Also a follow up, I upgraded to the new 3.0 beta and things have gotten worse. Constant internet disrupted on multiple different online games. And when netdumaos is checking for speeds of my internet for auto setup/qos, it estimates speeds much much lower than what I should be getting.

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10 hours ago, Concealed said:

Docsis 3.0 or 3.1 I believe. Now that I realize it, the modem has 2 different mad addresses on the label on the back of it. How would i go about entering that into the XR modem internet settings?

4 hours ago, Concealed said:

Also a follow up, I upgraded to the new 3.0 beta and things have gotten worse. Constant internet disrupted on multiple different online games. And when netdumaos is checking for speeds of my internet for auto setup/qos, it estimates speeds much much lower than what I should be getting.

I mean like a Netgear CM200 for example. Copy the top MAC address and enter that in the Internet Setup page (first page) of settings. Did you do a factory reset after upgrading? Did you enter your speeds in that you expect? Yes we're aware it doesn't report the highest speeds at the moment so enter it manually.

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Do a reboot as some people on the latest XR beta have noted that after a reboot and a few hours that it is working better than initially after upgrade. After a reset did you change any settings before testing again?

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37 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Do a reboot as some people on the latest XR beta have noted that after a reboot and a few hours that it is working better than initially after upgrade. After a reset did you change any settings before testing again?

So I changed the mac address to the top address on my modem and then rebooted the router, but now I have no internet when it comes back after the boot, so I changed it back to use default mac address and I have internet now.

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Okay what I would suggest is either upgrading to the beta firmware (new build was released on Tuesday) and then doing a factory reset or using TFTP to upgrade to your same version and then do a factory reset for the freshest install possible.


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