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Auto Test Results -Seems off a tad

major masingil

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I found the results on the auto Congestion Control test a little suspicious. My ISP is 100/100 up down. It's a fairly consistent connection even without support from the R2. The auto tests usually place the sliders at the 95-99 range for DL but 15-20 range for UL. Seems odd. I have performed the tests during busy and quiet times on the home network. When using the Ping focused test the UL slider recommendation is lower than with the Bandwidth focus. 

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Could you provide a screenshot of your Connection Benchmark results please when Congestion Control is at 100% and another when Congestion Control is using the advised slider percentages? Prioritizing for latency will often be below the bandwidth focused outcome.

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49 minutes ago, Tua PR said:

Same here.

The first time I used out of the box, set it like  55% Download, 95% Upload.

Now, every time shows me 1%/1%

What do you get if you choose to prioritize bandwidth over latency?

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5 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Could you provide a screenshot of your Connection Benchmark results please when Congestion Control is at 100% and another when Congestion Control is using the advised slider percentages? Prioritizing for latency will often be below the bandwidth focused outcome.

@Netduma Fraser  you will see (1) test in the connection benchmark screen shots which shows a D grade for ping under load.  I had my work VPN on at the time. The 3 tests afterwards were done with my work computer off

CC at 100%

connection benchmark CC at 100%.png

CC at 100% DL and 19%UL (Bandwidth Priortized)

connection benchmark CC at 100dl_19UL_Band Prioritized.png

CC at 100% DL and 20% UL (Ping Prioritized)

connection benchmark CC at 100dl_20UL_Ping Prioritized.png

Auto test result_bandwidth.png

Auto test result_Ping.png

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What results do you get if you do the test again but prioritize bandwidth instead?

Prioritize bandwidth seems much more realistic, but, 100% download?




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for me, I got 100% UL and 100% DL, If I made the test when my network is busy, I got 54 UL and 35DL (Prioritize Bandwidth )

for Priotize ping I got 100%UL and 100% DL.  so my connection running well, I played on PS4 and PC, my daughter play on her Tablet and everything run well.

I think its good !

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Those are some very good results given your average ping. They are a suggestion so if 19% is too low for you then try raising it a bit higher to see if you can get a happy medium.

I'm definitely not complaining. I've seen what some of the other people have.  I just thought it was weird that there would be such a difference between Auto-setup UL and DL when the ISP is giving me 100 on each

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42 minutes ago, Tua PR said:

200mb Down/20mb Up

Your download speed is quite good and your average ping must be decent as well. If you run it when the network is being used more heavily it may suggest something different.

16 minutes ago, major masingil said:

I'm definitely not complaining. I've seen what some of the other people have.  I just thought it was weird that there would be such a difference between Auto-setup UL and DL when the ISP is giving me 100 on each

We will be making more improvements so it will get better over time.

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