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XR300 ping unstable even with ABB

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Hi guys, just wondering if there are any steps i can take using the router software to remedy this, or if this is potentially my line that is at fault. The jitter is always there regardless of ABB % setting, I followed the guide on this site to stabilise ping but it generally doesn't get any better than the screenshot graph. ISP is Zen, on a FTTC plan (no fibre to the premises available in my area from any ISP). I have frequent ping spikes when gaming, particularly on MW/Warzone, and whilst I know the game servers are poor, I just wonder if I had a more stable ping would I get a better experience? Tests on DSL reports sometimes show my upload and base ping goes up to the 800ms/900ms mark at its peak, so it seems something is amiss. My speeds are 60down/20up if this matters, and my router is handling PPPOE with a bridged HG612 modem in between. Any suggestions? Thanks.


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There is definitely an issue here.


Is your ABB actually decreasing your speeds? I only know the XR500 one, but there is a bug in that where it doesn't reduce bandwidth even if you set it to.


Also do you get this jitter on idle connection as well? Ie the pic is idle connection? 

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Thanks for responding Bert, Yeah it seems to decrease the speed just fine according to speed tests, I have share excess enabled but it'll still only hit 30Mb if say i set it to 50% of my 60Mb max download. And yes mate the image was taken on idle with just a laptop running the ping test connected, 70/70 bufferbloat % and wired using Ethernet. 

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Here is another (quick admittedly) chart taken with 65/65 ABB %, pinging a random Amsterdam server listed on DSL reports ping test. As you can see on hop 2 the latency peaks at 350ms, this is the first hop of my ISP if I'm not mistaken? This was also taken on a relatively idle network (Laptop performing ping test and an Xbox One X on homescreen, both on Ethernet). PS Sorry for the scribbled out parts, I'm just not certain if I should post any IPs related to my ISP even though its more than likely safe to do so.


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Hi Fraser, so I changed it to 2.5 secs as suggested and this is the result. ABB sliders set to 70% each, I was playing on my Xbox One X and my daughter was on her switch, other than that the network was quiet. Again hop 2 seems to peak at 202ms which seems strange, but im far from an expert so maybe its nothing to worry about. Thanks mate hope this is a bit more helpful.



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3 minutes ago, Bert said:

Why I would suggest trying the ISP router, if you have an issue with your line (very possible here) they will ask you for this. 

Thanks Bert, think I'm gonna try that first thing tomorrow and see what results I get, might aswell try it and see.

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Id follow what Bert said and try your ISP supplied router.. It will at least point you in the correct direction of where the issue likely is.. Also when you see the long red bars in the graph bellow like that.. Thats definitely a clear indicator of some serious issues..

Good luck!


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Hey everyone, so I did a pingplot using my ISP router (Fritzbox 7530) and below is the result. Used the same ethernet cable, same laptop and nothing else connected except the laptop running the test. Thoughts? Possibly not a line issue from what I can see but as i said, I'm no expert so perhaps I'm off the mark.  



@Netduma Fraser @Zippy @Bert @Netduma Alex

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It definitely seems better.


You seem to have a lot less issues with the first node you encounter with your ISP. 


On the XR300 it was connected to:



On Fritzbox it connects to:



I would actually try it again with the XR300 and see if you get the same first hub as with the Fritzbox and see what the result is. The routing across Zen is also different when you have hooked up the Fritzbox.


If you have an issue where your ISP is oversubscribed it will often show up at the first node and across their routers.


If trying the XR300 again makes it worse, it's worth trying hooking up the Fritzbox again and connecting the XR300 to that, either in DMZ or with all ports forwarded to the XR300.

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@Bert Hmmm good that you mention that as I didnt notice it was a slightly different address/node, but yeah i seem to have issues with the first node in both cases and the latency seems to get high at that point intermittently. So yeah, i think Im gonna get my XR300 back connected and try it again, and look into trying to get the XR300 into DMZ somehow on the FritzBox as it doesn't have the usual DMZ options so last time i tried I ended up with dual NAT, hence why im using the HG612 modem. But I'll dig some more and see what I can get working. Thanks again.

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So, I performed another test pinging the amsterdam server in my last couple pingplotter captures and there was still some instability, indicating there may have been issues with my testing protocol due to a possibly flawed choice of server to test with. So i performed another test similar to my first post but including another 2 hops presumably belonging to my ISP, and the results look fantastic IMO. There is still the issue where latency at my first external hop can peak at around 180ms or so, but this doesn't seem to be reflected in the chart (possibly due to the 2.5sec monitoring rate). I also pinged google DNS ( and had similar results as the image posted below, so provided I don't encounter double NAT issues this could be a promising solution. Thanks to @Bert @Zippy @Netduma Fraser you've been great help. Also I noticed my profile says I own a Duma R2, I think the only way to solve this is if you guys send me one through otherwise my profile makes me look like a liar 😜 haha just kidding of course but its possibly a minor bug somewhere.



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23 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Yeah that's loads better! Nice try on the R2 😂

God loves a trier so I've been told 😄, and yeah looking loads better now, thanks again mate.

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28 minutes ago, Zippy said:

Much much better indeed! :) 


Thanks again for the advice mate, was worried it was going to be a tough fix but you guys have been brilliant. Really appreciate it

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