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Extremely slow speeds since installing XR500

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I've been looking through the forums for some resolution to roughly the same issue, slower speeds behind the XR500.  I'm convinced its a settings issue, that I've accidentally configured, but can't really nail down the problem. My WIRED internet speed service plan(Comcast/Xfininty - up to 500 down, 25 up). My modem is my own(don't rent from Comcast): Motorola MB8600 3.1. All cables have been tested (good working order - 5E or 6 cables)

Without QOS enabled my speeds are on fire: typically less than 15 ping, typically ~600-700 down and ~30-20 up. With QOS enabled(and sliders at 100% up and down) and using the same server/location to ping, my ping is slightly higher and speeds are typically ~25-40 down and > 2 up. The speeds I'm reporting are from speedtest, but I've tested several diff. speed test sites as well, with very similar results. NOTE: these tests have always been conducted through my Laptop (not my xbox).

The only wired connections I have are my laptop and my xbox. I have several other things throughout my house connected wirelessly, but nothing uncommon, otherwise. 

As for general settings:

Currently, I have my xbox i.p. in DMZ, UPNP enabled, and several ports related to xbox 'triggered.' ipv6 is NOT enabled. I have tried a multitude of combinations through reading through the forums, but this is where my settings are now... and I'm tired of trying to figure this out on my own. 

I'd be happy to share my current settings with anyone who could help me figure this out. Many thanks, in advance.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

The best way to see if it is a settings issue is to do a factory reset then without changing anything do a speed test with QoS enabled but not in use then on with QoS disabled and see if the speeds align more.

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33 minutes ago, doylebl39 said:

Hope your doing well. Not sure If you remember me. I was the first person in Newfoundland to own the netduma r1. We chatted on the phone about exercise for a bit lol

I'm doing well thanks, hope you are too. I'm not sure, was it me or Iain Fraser?

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Just wondering how long do you think it will be to get a beta invite...having some other issues with streaming media now ...have reset the modem and that helps for a bit ..its also isn't showing whats connected to the modem correctly.  . example... computer is plugged into port 2 but the duma os says it on port 3. 

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10 hours ago, doylebl39 said:

Hey Fraser Unfortunately I didn’t get an email yet. 

I just added you to the beta, look for the orange banner at the top of the forum to get started.

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