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About dumar1 router


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I had the netdmart for four or five years around i think

And in the pasti used 2 routers and 1 modem  but it was a long time ago

It was a copy of simjc74 setup  apart from he has a better tp link router

I now am going back to this setup amd wanted to know this

If im using two routers wouldnt it cause issus   eg

Atm i am on older fw and using reactive but the tp link dosent use reactive so would the tp link overide it  when the data gets sent through  tp link


Also when i use traffic prioratization  would the tp link overide tha data when it gets sent through ithe tp link


At the moment i have hg612 modem  connected should  it then be my netdumar1 router then my tp link

Or tp link then netdumar1

I hope that made sence


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I use two routers... BT HH5 with OpenWRT and Netduma R1 and have encountered zero issues.

The TP Link should not override your QoS no.

Again, it shouldn't override your traffic pro neither.

Go with Modem - TP - R1.

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Depends what you want to do, if you want the R1 QoS to control everything then do modem > R1 > TP, if not then modem > TP > R1. Just keep in mind you're double stacking QoS which isn't really needed so if it's R1 > TP for example and R1 is throttling to 70% then the TP however it does QoS may reduce that further.

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Fraser would traffic prirtization still work if  i use tp link r1 or r1 then tp link

i just wandering if it would overide it as the tp link dosent have traffic prirtization 

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If you do TP-Link then R1, the QoS might not work perfectly. Depends if you connect anything else to the TP-Link or not.

If the amount of bandwidth that the R1 gets isn't constant, the QoS features will mess up. For example, if you connected your computer straight to the TP-Link, and that computer started a download, the bandwidth available to the R1 would decrease. This would mean that the bandwidth balancing measures the R1 was performing would be inaccurate.

If you're just using the Geo-Filter though, you can plug the R1 in any order you like.

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Sorry but in my last post im talking abou traffic prirtization   but i think you guys are talking about qos  stil  

sorry if im making things confusing with so many questions

19 hours ago, kinel said:

Fraser would traffic prirtization still work if  i use tp link r1 or r1 then tp link

i just wandering if it would overide it as the tp link dosent have traffic prirtization 

I think you guys answerd a diffrent question my new question ws about traffic prirtization 

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Oh right... Well if two devices are fighting over traffic and they're both connecting to the R1, then traffic prio will help. If one device is connected to the tp link and another is connected to the R1, then I would assume the TP Link device would get priority as it has less steps to go through. It's hard to say.

What you could do is to use the TP-Link's traffic prio to prioritize all traffic to the R1, then use the R1's traffic prio from there.

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The tplink dosent have traffic prirtization

 my setup will be either modem to tp link then connected to dumar1  all my devices will run through the r1 only nothing will connect to the tp link this is the way i run it now and have in the past

or my setup will go modem  to-dumar1 to tp link all my devices will connect through the tp link nothing will connect through the dumar1


But what im really trying to find out is the tp link dosent have  traffic prirtization  only the  netdumar1 does

So when the data udp gaming packets runs thoughh the tp link would it  overide the prriioatized packets  from the dumar1

I hope i made sence and explained it  a bitbetter

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Modem > TP link > R1 if you have the R1 in the TP link DMZ with it's WiFi & QoS if it has it disabled then everything will still work properly, packets can pass through no problem. If you don't disable these things then you'll prioritize the packets coming out the R1 but they wouldn't be as quick to exit the TP link if the TP link QoS gets in the way for example. If you did modem > R1 > TP link then all the features will still work for the individual devices but only if you put it in AP mode. If it's not in AP mode then the R1 will just see it as one device and so you will not eliminate congestion.

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12 hours ago, kinel said:


what is ap mode i havent heard of that before only bridge mode ive heard of


AP mode this is the default, most common mode for all wireless routers, also called Infrastructure mode. Your router acts as an central connection point, which wireless clients can connect to.

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