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Geo Filter Auto Ping Details

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 When using the Geo Filter I pay close attention to my ping and it always looks good while gaming. One of the servers I ping at is 28ms and rarely ever fluctuates. It stays steady.. And I think its a very respectable ping to game with.. In the Auto Ping Graph there is also Client tick rate, Host tick rate, Receive Rate, and Send Rate..  All of those are steady but one! And that is my Receive Rate.. My Receive Rate seems to spike a lot.. While everything else seems steady as can be.. Is it normal to see ones Receive Rate spike?  And can this have a negative effect in a game? I just find it odd that everything else is smooth but the Receive Rate.. Any thoughts?


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The only time that I would be worried about a spiking receive rate is if there was a massive dip just before it spiked. That would suggest to me that it missed a bunch of data and then had to rush to catch up, but then again it's UDP traffic so that probably wouldn't happen.

I think it's possible that it was just an especially busy moment in the game, lots of players nearby or whatever.

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Thanks Alex!  Have you experienced this yourself where ones Receive Rate would spike like that?  When you say it was possibly a busy moment do you mean the server may have been experiencing heavy traffic at that time?  The only reason I mention this is at the time of that spike you can feel it in the game.. There is another server that I can select but it has even worse Receive Rate spikes then the one I posted. But everything else seems steady and just the Receive Rate is spiking.. I just find that so strange.. Could this be possible from a bad Cat cable? Any suggestions or things I can try or is this out of my hands really?



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I believe Alex was referring to a busy instance in the game such as lots of players in a small area, multiple explosions etc. You notice it in game? How does it present itself, like lag or speeding up almost? I highly doubt this will be anything on your end or really anything to worry about as the more that happens in game the more the send/receive rate will increase.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I believe Alex was referring to a busy instance in the game such as lots of players in a small area, multiple explosions etc. You notice it in game? How does it present itself, like lag or speeding up almost? I highly doubt this will be anything on your end or really anything to worry about as the more that happens in game the more the send/receive rate will increase.

Thanks Fraser for your reply!  It doesn't seem to represent itself as lag. But definitely a speed up slow down effect. I notice this effect while playing in game.. Ive been trying to get to the bottom of this for sometime now and honestly cant figure out a solution on what to do. If anything.. What are your thoughts?

Thanks again guys!


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I'm not sure if this is anything you can resolve on your end. For some reason the game is sending/receiving more information than usual. If it was packet loss you would notice your ping rise so I think this must be in isolated incidents. Is there any correlation between what happens in game and when you see this? E.g. multiple explosions?

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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I'm not sure if this is anything you can resolve on your end. For some reason the game is sending/receiving more information than usual. If it was packet loss you would notice your ping rise so I think this must be in isolated incidents. Is there any correlation between what happens in game and when you see this? E.g. multiple explosions?

Im not sure there is anything I can do on my end either. Its strange no doubt. My send rate to the server is steady.. Which if I can remember off the top of my head I send about 280kbps.. And that is steady as a horse. My receive rate usually is around 580-620kbps. But then I get that spike which bumps it up to about 1200kbps..

When im in game playing and this spike explosion happens I notice a slowing effect and shot registration is very erratic. So if im in a gun fight when this spike occurs my shots don't register. There is a moment of hesitation..  What is strange about this is the fact that everything else including my ping doesn't move. My ping in game is 28ms and at most it only goes up to 29ms. But even that is really rare for it to even go up. I honestly have a ping which most would love to have.. It may not be the lowest ping out there but its very respectable and steady. Is this the correlation you are asking or is there something else?  If you can Fraser play Halo5 sometime and see if you get that type of spike. Id love to hear what others get in any game. Most if not all focus on ping and likely may over look this receive rate.. If you come up with anything by all means feel free to share what you might think it is! Thanks! :) 


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Hey Zippy. I know we discussed this earlier in a different thread. 

I was curious if you were still experiencing this issue or not. 


Fraser, I did attempt to reproduce this with my XR450 using same game on xbox. I played 3 multi player back to back games, never saw any problems during the game accept for me being rusty 🤣 All games and gaming were smooth as silk for me. 

I'm wondering if ether his gaming experiences are due to ISP service issue, or maybe a faulty router unit. 

Would need to test the gaming while being directly connected to the ISP modem and see if bad gaming experiences are seen there or not. Something to test as well, load up pingplotter.com and run some extended testing without the router online then with the router on line to see if you notice any differences or anything. 

Did you happen to remove the game from the console then reinstall it? 

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Might be time for a full remove of the game and re-install. I would remove, reinstall from disk first. Don't do any updates or let the system update during the install. Just cancel this. Let the install complete from disk. Then do updates. I saw issues and other postings about updates during installation can cause problems. I had one game that did this to me once. I might remove any game profile caches as well. Clear it all out. Once the game is fully installed and updated, you'll get your game profile configuration and status from MS servers for your account.

Zippy, is your MCC and Halo 5 installed on the consoles primary HDD or on a external USB? 


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Thanks guys for all your help!  Heres what I have done thus far. Halo5 Ive removed the game and then reinstalled it.. It was a digital download and no disc. The MCC I have a disc done the same thing with no luck either. Both games are installed on my HDD primary that is internal in the console. Ive done everything I can honestly think of. The only things I haven't replaced are my modem or router. As far as clearing ones cache how does one do that on the console? If anyone has any ideas or suggestions im all ears!

Hey @e38BimmerFN what is your ping in Halo5? Have you ever noticed what yours was? Are you one the East coast by chance?

Thanks everyone!


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6 hours ago, e38BimmerFN said:

I don't remember what the ping was when I was playing H5. 

I'm mountain time zone here. 

Okay cool.. Im just trying to figure out what server you likely get when playing H5.. We should play a few games sometime..  We can play some social slayer.. Im curious if we partied up how the game would play.. Let me know.. Thanks!


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