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xr300 super slow, settings or problem?

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I just recently upgraded to the gig speed internet from xfinity. I also purchased a new modem and the xr300 router to replace the rental unit. Modem is a cm1200. With a wired ethernet connection to modem i get mid to high 900'sMbps. Connected through xr300 still wired i get 116 best, most 90 range. Using app on phone both 2.4 and 5g i get 230-280 range. (all this is download speed). Seriously, faster wifi than wired?

I read the article in the knowledge base and the settings were what was recommended. Firmware version is Not sure where to go from here other than returning unit. Hopefully someone will respond and its just a wrong setting. I can play just fine wired to modem but im sure everyone else in house wants to play too.

Also yes all Qos settings are off. Not sure what other info someone would need. I just really want to see the speeds I'm getting through modem to the router. 

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So reading through the release notes for the firmware versions, this thing launched with slow wan/lan ports? Why wasn't that in the product description? I'm not feeling like the problem has been fixed either. Does that mean the incoming signal from modem is being slowed down through the ports causing the slow wifi, ethernet, everything? I've been reading through threads for days. It really shouldn't be this difficult. the initial impressions are kinda lacking. It honestly shouldn't have been sold at all if its this broken out of the box. 

Wondering if I would have had same issues with xr500 or if i should go w another brand altogether? Serves me right for trying to stay on a budget. (please let someone respond with a magic  setting that will just make it work)

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Netdumas staff are currently sleeping. Im sure you will get a response from them tomorrow with things to try. Your speeds should not be that low. And going to the XR500 isn't something I would do. You could try a full factory reset and disable all QoS and see if your speeds then have gone up or at least are closer to what your speeds are suppose to be. If you do a full factory reset you will have to start from scratch again though.. If you don't want to do that then just wait for Netduma to chime in here for you. Good luck!


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Thanks for response Zippy. Yea I gave up and went to bed too. I did try reset the other night as well. Now that I'm back at the same point i figured I'd make a post and ask for help. 

You don't recommend xr500? I was also looking into the tp-link ac5400 or asus ac5300? Trying to stay under $300, those are at that limit. I know a netgear site prob wont recommend another brand but what are opinions on those routers?  

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XR500 is a bit better than the XR300 but it depends heavily on your usage. If you use a lot of wifi, XR500 is better, if not and you use all wired you will most likely not see much benefit.


The speed problem you have has to be a software of configuration issue as both WAN and LAN ports on that router is 1Gbit, or an issue with other parts of your setup.


For reference though, have a look in your settings if all is right. Go settings > monitoring > statistics and look at your LAN connection. It should say 1000M/Full. If it says 100M/Full then that's your issue. You might need to try another ethernet cable or redo the connections.


Some routers can be sensitive to the type of cable. I had one cable with a bit of damage once, on my ISP router it would drop to 10M/Full, on my XR500 it would drop to 100M/full. After cutting off 10cm and redoing the connector it went to 1000M/Full. These speeds get negotiated on signal strength as far as I am aware so that's why it can vary between devices.


I just noticed while looking that up that my PS4 on XR500 drops to 100M/Full in rest mode, as soon as it wakes up it goes to 1000M/Full. So it might be a software glitch but I would investigate the physical cable first. Cable needs to be Cat 5E or higher for 1Gbps.


The reason I suspect the cable is because usually when it tops out around 100 it's an issue with that. 100M needs 2 twisted pairs and 1000M needs all 4 twisted pairs. If there is an issue with one it will drop to 100M. 

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 No worries your welcome!  Its strange that your speeds are that low with the XR300. If your still getting that low of speeds with QoS disabled then you will have to see what Netduma says. Im not familiar with the XR300. I have the XR500. The only reason I don't recommend the XR500 is because of the issues ive had with it. QoS being one of them of course but there are more issues im experiencing then that. There will be a new firmware out in the future that might address the issues with it. So that is why I don't recommend it at the current moment.  As far as the other brand routers. The ASUS AC5300 I did beta test. Was a good performer. The brother to that was the ROG Rapture AC5300. which was a nice router but had its fair share of issues. Even though most have been stomped out now.. That one I also beta tested.  tp-link ac5400 should also be a nice performer.But I am not familiar with it personally.. Good luck my friend! 

 One thing you could try and see if that fixes your issue is changing the MAC address in the XR300 to whatever you had before for a router. Clone that MAC into your XR300.



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settings are 1000m/full. tried another cable w/ no luck. 

now im not the greatest at this, is there an easy way to find old mac address? and how to change it in xr300? I already returned rented equip. 

Zippy you've seemed to have exp w a few different routers. As I'm reading seems every brand has it pro's and con, problems and fixes. I just don't want to try another router and keep running into one manufacturer issues after another. I also don't want to buy more than what i need. Another model that sounds interesting is the ax88u from acer. To give more info as to what i need and would like, Most of the systems people regularly game on are wired, but all the tv's tablets, phones are wifi. So i need some of both, but do like or find an interesting concept of what asus and netgear do for gaming in prioritizing especially when the other half of the house is streaming tv. The ax88u seems to have a ton of wired connections for future as well as run the wifi. Only other options are slightly more expensive and tp-link doesn't seem to offer any game oriented prioritizing from what i gather. Is it that important? Will i notice a difference? 

I chose the xr300 because for the devices that were going to be wifi it should do just fine and as of now i dont need 8 lan ports but can always add a switch later if i need more. Kinda feel like i should have just done a little more research on problems from model to model and so on, but if I didn't run into a problem myself i guess I would have had no reason to. 

Idk, unless i can get this worked out through weekend, next one I'm gonna try is the ax88u unless someone chimes in and says its full of issues too. Why are there so many options 

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 Im not trying to be the bad guy here but I just want you aware of the issues ive encountered with the XR500. Ive beta tested a lot of routers over time and have had good and bad experiences with some. I myself am just a bit cautious atm of buying any XR series routers with DumaOS on them because of issues ive had and others as well. And the length of time that has taken to resolve any of the issues ive and others have encountered..  I still think I would see what Netduma say about your issue. How long can you keep this router before having to return it? Just don't wait to long before your able to get a refund.  If your rented equipment has been returned then you cant really use the MAC from your old router if it was a rented and returned. Some ISP take time to grab the new MAC of your new router. You could always try cloning the MAC address of you pc and see if that gives you better results.

 When you first hooked up this XR300 when you went through the setup what speeds did the router detect on first setup? Did it detect your correct speeds at that time? Lets see if we cant do some trouble shooting first..

Also what Bert has mentioned maybe a possibility. You do want a good quality Ethernet cable. I know this isn't exactly to helpful info but we are just giving you some ideas.. First thing first though knowing your speeds at setup will help rule out things one by one..


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cloning mac of pc, is it just as easy as clicking "use computer mac address" in dumaos? 

yes during install it did show considerably less speed. 300 or less. 

i have tried a few different cables, all cat5e. If i unplug xr300 and use same cable from modem to pc i get full 970+Mbps. switching back to xr300 right back to 108Mbps. I would take that to believe the cables are fine. speed only decreases through xr300.

also im throwing asus gt-ac5300 into mix. has 8 lan ports, triband, seems like i wouldn't need upgrade for a while. Only $20 more than ax88u. Man everything is always "for $20 more theres a better option"

Got 30 days for amazon refund. Really want everything setup asap. family is getting internet withdraws. as well as I'll be busy w work again for a week so time to troubleshoot is limited. I can have ac5300 here tomorrow. Not to mention what is in stock at the local microcenter. I need working internet for everyone and at this point and i'll throw whatever amount of money at it within reason. I'll return what i don't need. Its kinda been a waste of time at this point. Of all the positive youtube reviews on nighthawk products i would have thought the experience would have been a whole lot better. What did the reviewers get prime samples?, paid in goods from manufacturer? I feel like their marketing dept really got me.

I'm game for any other ideas I can try. I feel like i just got a dud. Seems from reading around here there's a lot of those.  


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major differnces between ac and ax? I think after I eat im heading to microcenter. Both ax88u and ac5300 are in stock. Knowing what im connecting to it, should i come back w ax88 or ac5300? I know its my choice but obviously you know more than i do so if it were you? 

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Yes its as simple as clicking use this MAC in the DumaOS settings. You can try that..  Something else you can also do is input your seeds that your suppose to get and see if that also helps. Im still a bit surprised your speeds aren't higher though Also how many devices do you have on your network? In the bandwidth allocation do you have everything set to have the same amount of bandwidth? And share excess on?  I know you mentioned you have disabled QoS but you may need to enable that again to see if we cant joggle something loose. I was hoping by now Netduma would have chimed in here by now to give you some better advice.

 The AC5300 is a solid performer. The AX88U is the latest tech in wireless. So the AX in the 88U is what that stands for. Its suppose to be better wifi and better throughput. You could try that. I understand your situation where you don't have the time atm to mess around with these type of things. But at the end of the day its up to you to make the decision of what you would like and want. Never hurts to ask when you purchase whatever one you like at the store. Most will give a good opinion. The thing is when purchasing anything like a router always see what the return policy is.. Just so you cover yourself in that respect. So say if you go for the AX88U and you have issues early on you can return it for a refund. That's an example of course im giving you but either of those should be a good performers for you. Still was hoping Netduma would have chimed in by now for yah.. Wish I had better advice at this point for you. But never hurts to try another router of your liking if you don't have time atm and the family want there Internet! I get that ha ha.. Good luck and hope your luck will change!


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Thanks for everything Zippy. I'll be back w AX88u in a bit. If it plugs and plays w no issues It sure is going to leave a bad taste in mouth for nighthawk products. Also if someone chimes in w idea i'll try it before opening package. 

I only connected 2 devices so far. Hardwired pc and wifi phone. I also tried manually setting speeds already. I really wish i had a better experience because the the control the dumaos gives was intriguing. The asus software seems pretty strong sounding as well. I guess its all in the marketing but I'll try a few and who knows i may just make a review video if it is a stark difference in user experience. I sure as heck read through reviews and watched videos. If this thread or anything helps someone else make a decision then good its out there. 

also i hate it when i read through a thread and it ends without knowing if problem is fixed or not, so i def update for future readers. If net duma responds w ideas I'll try those before sending it back as well. I got 27 more days w it so i'll give them a chance too.  

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hmmmm. well....

straight out of box the ax88u works as intended. 953 compared to 106. There's got to be something wrong w xr300. Very expensive weekend for me but at least everyone can enjoy the evening and sunday. 

That really sucks tho. Of all the reviews I have read/watched I was excited at what the netgear products offered. Unless i get sent a test sample from netgear (yea right) to change my opinion, I prob wont reach toward another netgear product for a while. Granted the netgear modem i just bought as well seems to be doing fine. Idk, really disappointed in my exp tho. I would have let everyone laugh at me if i had same issue w ax88u, but with my little exp and a gut feeling, I knew I bought a dud w the xr300. If this thread helps anyone searching in the future, I'd bypass the xr300 at least until the firmware/hardware whatever the issue was gets fixed. 

I mean really, how disappointing was it to run into this problem, and on the firmware download section reading (launched w low wan/lan throughput). 

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 Your totally welcome! I just wish we were able to make a more positive result from our efforts. Netduma staff might be off this weekend so id say Monday you should hear something from them. Some of the Netduma features are very intriguing. And when things are working like they are meant to work it is a fantastic running machine. But with that said I just don't want you to have any of the issues I have with my XR500. I wish that on no one.. Even though you have the XR300 I feel some of the issues are across all series at times. Example would be what your experiencing atm with speeds. For some reason that issue pops up with me and my only course of action is a full factory reboot. Which after doing that how many times becomes a very big pain and usually is very short lived. Currently I don't even have my XR500 hooked up anymore until the new firmware comes out. Which already has been a very lengthy amount of time and I just cant have issues of that nature all the time so I had to take the XR500 out of my network until some of these issues are address.

 Currently im using my ASUS ROG Rapture GT AC5300 and that has come a long way from when I first beta tested that. Now that router has been a pretty solid performer. But it took a lot of work from us testers and input back to ASUS. But they stayed engaged and always sent new firmware out in a timely manner.. The thing im finding after beta testing so many routers is the more techy they get the more and more issues are sure to pop up! That's the nature of the beast. Good luck!


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That seems to be what I'm reading as well. Like I said reading reviews of all the newish tech in routers they all seem to have one issue or another. Every brand had its share of d.o.a. units. Shame i got one. At least this asus unit works correctly out of box. Can't remember now if it was an asus or tp-link review of wifi connection issues dropping out but I hope it don't start dropping out after a month. Only time will tell. 

Still If netgear has a fix I'll try it, at least up until I send it back. 

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 Exactly! Every router seems to have an issue of some kind. What makes the difference is how quick it gets resolved and how serious of an issue it is.  Your smart in buying what you did while still keeping an open mind about the XR300. That is the most logical approach. At least you have time to return the XR300 if the issues cant be resolved. I wish I had that option because I know what I would have done with mine by now..lol.. Ive had issues with my XR500 just shy of a year.. If that tells you anything.. Im stuck with this gem. But good thing is I have a few good back up options at hand!  Keep us posted on how things go for you. 👍


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Sorry we couldn't reply over the weekend. It looks like this thread kind of started and finished in our absence.

To me, it sounds like the XR300 you bought had a hardware fault. I can see no other reason why the product would not be able to produce the full expected speeds, especially given that other routers in the same setup have been able to produce those speeds.

I'd suggest returning the router for a refund.

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  • 8 months later...

I Just got the XR300 and experiencing the same issue.. max's out at 100mb on a 500mb line. tested other routers and get 500mb easily. i tried changing the mac address to the previous router but dont see any difference. Also QOS is off, wired and wireless getting the same speeds

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26 minutes ago, nomes09 said:

I Just got the XR300 and experiencing the same issue.. max's out at 100mb on a 500mb line. tested other routers and get 500mb easily. i tried changing the mac address to the previous router but dont see any difference. Also QOS is off, wired and wireless getting the same speeds

Hey, welcome to the forum!

Could you explain what your physical setup is please? Go to Device Manager and select the table view, do the link speeds for all the ports say 1000mbps?

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21 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Hey, welcome to the forum!

Could you explain what your physical setup is please? Go to Device Manager and select the table view, do the link speeds for all the ports say 1000mbps?

hi yes, they all say 1000M/Full

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22 hours ago, nomes09 said:

I Just got the XR300 and experiencing the same issue.. max's out at 100mb on a 500mb line. tested other routers and get 500mb easily. i tried changing the mac address to the previous router but dont see any difference. Also QOS is off, wired and wireless getting the same speeds

Same issue here. Got a 500/500 connection, but with the xr300 im a capped at 100/100 .. Connected my old router, and then i was able to use my whole connection.


21 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Hey, welcome to the forum!

Could you explain what your physical setup is please? Go to Device Manager and select the table view, do the link speeds for all the ports say 1000mbps?


21 hours ago, nomes09 said:

hi yes, they all say 1000M/Full

Same here.

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21 hours ago, CreamY said:

Same issue here. Got a 500/500 connection, but with the xr300 im a capped at 100/100 .. Connected my old router, and then i was able to use my whole connection.



Same here.

This is odd.

I marked the option 'disable port scan and DoS protection' in WAN Setup i know get my full speed.

Even removing the mark doesn't effect the internet connection.

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On 6/7/2020 at 5:13 PM, CreamY said:

This is odd.

I marked the option 'disable port scan and DoS protection' in WAN Setup i know get my full speed.

Even removing the mark doesn't effect the internet connection.

i solved this issue by turning of the modem and router for 5 mins. then started the modem until the internet light came on. waited a minute or so and then switched on the router. and somehow everything was fixed... i dont get my full 500mb, i get roughly 450 but im ok with that. will try the DoS protection setting to see if that helps.


Thanks again

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  • 3 years later...

I have this same issue, been happening over 1 year. I thought it was an ISP issue and blamed them. Moved house, changed ISP. Can get 446 on sagecom (default ISP modem) switched with xr300 and it's maxing at 96. 


QoS disabled, 1000m on LAN, 250 on 2.4 and 1300 on 5ghz. 


I'm using cat8 cables, speed tested as put in eithernwr ports myself. After reset and initial setup with use PPPOE connection and vlan with no config it's the same. 


I config static IP address, ports etc.. same speed. 


Rapp's never work, crash over and over. First and last Netgear router for me, and imagine that Vodafone and Eir default routers are both faster with no config, that's a bad sign. 

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