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Double NAT type and connection issues


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So I've been through all the previous forum threads looking for solutions. I went through the optimal settings guide and did everything it said step by step and I still seem to have a double NAT type (moderate) on my xbox one X. I have my BT home hub 2 ( or smart hub 2 can't remember which but it's the newest one) with wifi still on ( the only device connected to it is a wifi repeater disc that's wired to my smart TV and rarely used for internet anyway) then an ethernet from port 1 of the homehub to port 1 of the NetDuma. From there I have my xbox hard wired in as well as my powerline extender, my playstation (not used) and my brothers PC. Most devices on wifi are connected through powerline adapters that come from the NetDuma. I can't seem to solve the double NAT type issue, also my connection seems to be really unstable on the NetDuma whether connected direct to router or powerline extenders. I have QOS set up with an anti-bufferbloat of 70% and the per device bandwidth set up with it set to not share excess, yet I'm still having issues. I have around 40 down and 10 up and my network monitor on the NetDuma never really shows about 15 mbps usage even at peak usage yet I'm still having issues as is my borther when gaming.

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Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I'm having issues within the xbox settings menu saying double NAT. In terms of connection issues it's very slow now to find matches in Fifa 19 and my brother plays overwatch on PC, it was never like this before (straight from BT router, we had less lag issues then also). Also my brother and I lag whenever my parents are using the internet (not the smart TV) even though they are on the powerline network which goes through the NetDuma with the QOS set up.

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I would actually recommend you have share excess enabled, having it disabled is probably the cause of your lag issues.

For NAT, do you have the R1 in the BT Hub DMZ? If not you will need to do that to avoid a double NAT. You'll need to put the WAN IP of the R1 into the DMZ, not the LAN IP (the one you use to access the interface).

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Hi Fraser, I've got the WAN IP (Found in system information as per the guide) in the DMZ of my ISP router currently and it's still displaying the Double NAT. As per the guide I also tried to put my xbox in the DMZ and still had no luck removing the double NAT. I'll try to re-enable share excess and let you know how that goes. Let me know if you guys have any other ideas because I'm stuck on this one.

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Remember that share excess is a separate setting for download and upload. Make sure they're both set to on, otherwise you'll get a permanent hard limit on all of your devices.

It might be tricky to remove the double NAT because the BT Home Hub doesn't play nicely with other devices.

But here's some suggestions anyway: 

  • Go to DumaOS interface, go to System Information, write down the WAN IP
  • In the devices section of the BT Home Hub, find the device with that IP from the first step
  • Set the IP to static, and set a memorable name for the device like "Netduma R1 ArcaPulse"
  • Go to the DMZ page of your Home Hub, and choose Netduma R1 ArcaPulse from the list, press Apply
  • Disable the firewall on the Home Hub, should be safe as only the TV is going through there
  • Delete any Port Forwarding rules on the Home Hub

Also check your NAT type using the Xbox settings menu's network test instead of the in-game one, it usually works better!

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Hi Alex, after doing everything you've suggested I initially got the double NAT again after a router restart, however I left it for a couple of hours, power cycled both routers and now have an open NAT. Thanks! I'll let you know how the share excess goes for both upload and download, and if the double NAT problem comes back in a couple of days (probably friday).

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Can I also ask what's the point of goodput. Why is it better to have that on rather than set a more conservative upload and download speed (such as 37mbps for my download when i usually get between 42/44)? Does goodput effectively allocated the current available bandwidth to the pre set QOS? 

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Setting a more conservative upload/download speed was something I was going to suggest in the previous step before realising that my reply was getting a bit too long, but if you'll forgive the rambling i'll tell you why:

You've got your TV connected straight to the Home Hub, so the Netduma would be unable to apply anti-bufferbloat and QoS settings to it. For this reason, I would suggest lowering your QoS bandwidth settings (in the side menu) by 5mbps. This is because HD video tends to use 5mbps, so by lowering your bandwidth in the QoS settings, you'll be allowing for the TV.

As long as every other device apart from the TV is connected to the R1, anti-bufferbloat should be effective! Based on what you said in your first post, the speeds you should set are 35 down and 10 up.

Regarding Goodput, I would leave this always enabled. There's some technical reason why we have the toggle there, but it's one of those settings that you don't need to mess with. I think I recall somebody saying we were going to get rid of that button since it's such a rare occasion that you'd want to turn it off.

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An update on the connection issues. They seem to be really bad whenever anyone else in the household is using any device for anything. For example I was playing completely fine gameplay was smooth. My brother starts watching youtube upstairs and then I get constant stuttering and freezing in gameplay. The network snapshot showed that we were using less the 8mpbs combined at it's peak yet we're getting 44mbps from the landline which is why I'm confused as to why I'm still lagging with enough available bandwidth and QOS set up with 35% to xbox on upload and download with share excess on. I've got anti-bufferbloat on 50% and bandwidth on 33mbps down and 7.5 up to account for the smart TV. They were the only two devices using the network yet I'm still lagging. Any ideas on how to improve this would be appreciated.  

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I wonder if your brother watching YouTube is being incorrectly prioritised?

Try the following steps:

  • Go to QoS > Traffic Prioritization
  • Disable the DumaOS Classified Games service
  • Press ADD DEVICE, choose your console
  • Under Basic, select Games Console

Now see if the problems continue or not.

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Ok, so the NAT issue is completely fixed (thanks again!). But it seems whenever there are several devices connected or using the NetDuma it causes hitching and lag spikes across all the devices (my brother mentioned this to me yesterday also when playing on his PC), I'm 99% certain bandwidth is not the issue as whenever I look at the network snapshot when lagging it never seems to be above 15mbps usage at any given time. I've disabled the Duma OS classification as suggested and only have the xbox programmed in as a games console. Any further suggestions to improve this issue?

When I'm home alone the connection is 100% fine even when using my phone and watching youtube at the same time, it's only when several people are home that issues arise, even when they aren't using their devices. The lag spikes are fairly bad, however they only last 1-3 seconds then go for 15-30 seconds before returning again.

Edited by ArcaPulse
extra infomation
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Great to hear that! Are ALL devices now connected to the R1 or are there still some connected to the hub? If the latter then that makes sense as the R1 can't control them. What are your Anti-Bufferbloat settings and are you using share excess for bandwidth allocation?

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Only the smart TV is connected to the hub, everything else is going the the netduma. The anti-bufferbloat is set at 55% on both upload and download. The download is set at 35mbps when I get usually 44 just to allow for the TV and upload at 7.5mbps when I get 10/11. Share excess is on for both upload and download and I have QOS at 40% for both upload and download to my Xbox. 

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I'd recommend you follow this guide to find the percentage that works best for you, saturate your connection and try different percentages while following the guide: http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-diagnose-modem-internet-service-provider-issues

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Ok will do, what’s the best method to easily saturate the connection? Stream on smart TV and the what other activity will best do it, not really looking to have 5/6 devices on YouTube at the same time but can do that if there’s no other way. 

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I'd keep your smart TV off for this as it's not ideal that it's connected where the router can't control it so that already impacts it. Streaming or big downloads, you can download Ubuntu as it's quite big and legal, we often use that to help saturate our connection in tests. 

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On 3/27/2020 at 1:18 PM, ItsInkss said:

Alright so 

Alright so i did the DMZ step and i still had double nat. I saw something online about putting my main router into bridged mode which i did for now but i can no longer access my main routers GUI like i could before. Before putting it into bridge mode i could still access the GUI with the DMZ enabled but i still had double nat. Any suggestions as to what i could do to still access my main routers GUI? I want to keep all my devices on my r1 and for now this is the only way i can get it to work.

Edit: Even when directly connecting to my main router through ethernet i cannot connect to the GUI so i guess the only way to fix that is to reset the router to factory.

Usually the IP address will change when it is put into a mode like that so you may need to have a look on the manufacturers website or the manual to find out what that is.

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