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Keep in mind with that setup that QoS won't be as effective as it won't be able to control the other devices on the network so really you could have any variation of settings for it as the PS4 is the only device as long as it has enough bandwidth. 

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No I mean in this situation the router can only control the bandwidth of the console and not the other devices in your home so as the purpose is mainly to prevent local congestion and it can't achieve that properly in this setup the % doesn't matter too much, just ensuring that you leave enough bandwidth for the console so it can play online would be fine. Ideally you want all the devices connected to the router so it prevents local congestion and have Anti-BB at 70% each way and choose to apply it depending on how much the internet is used.

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Got it. ONE MORE THING I've notice that it's been giving me Unprioritized Packets still with One system being connected to the Router? Why is this do I have something wrong connected on my side? And I have to keep Resetting the Router everyday before I start playing? 

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Unprioritized packets could be a sign of packet loss. How many Unprioritized packets are you seeing? If it's fewer than 20 or so, this is normal and shouldn't be a problem.

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So I'm still continuing to have these same issues on getting these Unprioritized packets on Background coming from both sides download and upload idk what to do at this point it's getting very annoying and COD games are really horrible on my side of experience and I also see packet loss on Connection Meter in the game? What else can I do to fix this please!

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If you have a slow connection, you might need to be a little more aggressive with the Anti-Bufferbloat sliders. Call of Duty doesn't use a lot of data at all so what you're really trying to do is limit other devices on your network so that your bandwidth doesn't fill up.

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Are you using your tablet for gaming? If so, you should add it to traffic prioritisation. If not, it's a bad idea to add it because the tablet will be causing a load of traffic to interrupt your gaming.

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So is this Normal? Because this keeps happening alot and I've tried doing everything I can also Fixed my iSp? So any further help please? I Believe Everything has to Stay on 0 No? Because for some reason my Tablet started Freezing and I've been Laggin horrible on #Bo4 #MP #Blackout it's all bad what's goin on with my side with everything I have is practically New? I heard it could be a corrupt Firmware that didn't install right maybe? But like I said I reset it back to Factory like more than 5 times and still same Problem?  Unfortunately I dont have a PC to ping plot anything :( #Help?


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Anything Wrong I did let me know please? I have 2.4ghz (Disabled) dont need it and idk if having Smart Wifi Disabled is better off? I have BOTH Download and Upload on Qos and Most importantly on the Last Pic on the Signal area in Wireless the (Dbm) goes up and Down alot idk if that's Normal either so please let me know 








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You’re referring to the 1,200 unprioritized packets right?

Could you do a PingPlotter test on your line. It’s possible you have an issue with it that’s causing packet loss, rather than there being anything wrong with your router. 

Here’s a quick guide on how to do this. Let us know your results:


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On 5/18/2019 at 6:21 PM, ViciousSavag3 said:

I dont Have a PC to PingPlot? :( So I wouldn't know?

Do you have an iPhone or iPad? If so, there's a version of PingPlotter available in the app store.

If you're on Android, you could try PortDroid Network Analysis or something similar.

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Well in PingPlotter you can see where along the line the delay is occurring, so you could see if it's an internal or external problem. You could also just use it to test your ping when you're doing various activities and see how it changes, maybe narrow down which activity causes lag.

Regarding the idea of corrupted firmware... We have had some issues where people cannot get ping assist to work. In this situation we recommend that they downgrade to the previous firmware and then upgrade to the latest. Both links are below. The only problem with this is that it will wipe your settings, so maybe best to leave that as a last resort.

DOWNGRADE to: https://kb.netgear.com/000060127/XR500-Firmware-Version-2-3-2-32
Then UPGRADE to: https://kb.netgear.com/000060464/XR500-Firmware-Version-2-3-2-40

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