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Congestion control

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So, if no one is using the Internet is good to go 100 % on bandwidth and ps4 , also i have decided to using the Duma on its own and not have my asus ac87u connected, I'm not impressed with speed test over wifi ,on asus hit 72mb and then on Duma 34 mb and this was tested straight after I decided to switch.,and congestion was allocated 100 % on my iPad for the test, hardware needs improving

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I'll take that back ,.... Set reactive and put iPad @100 and it's hitting the test, just putting it through paces...still needs 5ghz though

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So, if no one is using the Internet is good to go 100 % on bandwidth and ps4 , also i have decided to using the Duma on its own and not have my asus ac87u connected, I'm not impressed with speed test over wifi ,on asus hit 72mb and then on Duma 34 mb and this was tested straight after I decided to switch.,and congestion was allocated 100 % on my iPad for the test, hardware needs improving


What is your wired speeds, or what speeds are you paying for?


If it's more than 120mbps follow the guide below to maximize the R1's speed.




Keep in mind the Asus AC87U is an AC 5ghz router which can outperform any 2.4ghz router's wifi. Even on the best router a 2.4ghz N wifi connection will only hit about 40mbps.


What you can do is use your R1 as your main router, and connect the Asus in AP mode so you can keep your 5ghz AC wifi.



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I'm basically going to test the r1 against the ac87u, I know wifi will not compete but want to see if the congestion can outperform the asus qos in adaptive mode when using its priority index

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I'm basically going to test the r1 against the ac87u, I know wifi will not compete but want to see if the congestion can outperform the asus qos in adaptive mode when using its priority index


The congestion control and the qos on the asus is two different things. Congestion control basically makes sure you never max out your connection and cause packets to back up. That's why when you're gaming it's good to set it to ~70% so nobody can max out your connection and cause you to lag.


Now if you're talking about device prioritization then they are pretty similar. The R1 just has a simpler interface to adjust anything.

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Hello there in my opinion those two r1 and asus can work just fine together.


Sure they are pros and con on both routers no doubts about that. Following that why not then combine them in to one intergated system and have the best of both of them.


At the same time a can speak only for my slef i bought this router for gaming only as its a device that supostu inchance my gaming. For me gaming always means wire.


If i ever need fast wifi i have my tplink waiting on a shelf

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Well the qos works in a similar way by using the the app analysis it lets you see how much bandwidth is being used by each device and then you can drag and drop the priority for each device , such as say setting ps4 to highest and an iPad that is using YouTube to the lowest to stop the iPad from taking all the bandwidth , though the r1 is more refined in how distribution is given in percentage, think I might try asus in ap with qos disabled, anyone the best way to to get the best out of both in this mode.

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Hm.. When it comes to QoS i am on the same page as a friend above. Device prioritization is essentially your standard QoS with the simple interface.


Where the anit flood is a unike additon/extention of this concept.


I always think of it as a few lanes road. QoS it like seting rules of usage of those labes aveliable to the trafick. Like who go first etc.

Now the antiflooad feature in thia picture its like a mayor who comes in and says the left lane is now only for one thing and no one can access it. Therefore is always free of trafick.

Where rest of the lanes are still used with this same rules.


So in sort way QOS. Allows you to shape the trafic where antiflooad ensure there in no trafic

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Well the qos works in a similar way by using the the app analysis it lets you see how much bandwidth is being used by each device and then you can drag and drop the priority for each device , such as say setting ps4 to highest and an iPad that is using YouTube to the lowest to stop the iPad from taking all the bandwidth , though the r1 is more refined in how distribution is given in percentage, think I might try asus in ap with qos disabled, anyone the best way to to get the best out of both in this mode.

well thats sounds like what i just sad about trafic shaping.

Also the bandwith that every device gets its a feature that will be implemented in the next update

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Hello there in my opinion those two r1 and asus can work just fine together.

Sure they are pros and con on both routers no doubts about that. Following that why not then combine them in to one intergated system and have the best of both of them.

At the same time a can speak only for my slef i bought this router for gaming only as its a device that supostu inchance my gaming. For me gaming always means wire.

If i ever need fast wifi i have my tplink waiting on a shelf

That's fine and dandy but the trick to maintain broadband speeds and no errors on the line is to have equipment optimal set up so never to disconnecting from the DLM and to prevent it from putting error protection on the line and applying interleaved ( which mine has now done but trying to get shitty BT to reset it) .so I will try ap and leave it alone I think, o and just some info if using an openreach modem and to see your line stats then this is the way to do it. http://www.mydslwebstats.co.uk/Container.htm

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And also divice protization works in that way to.


As soon as you keep the share exces untick. You are teling in procenteges with divice will get what. And again if you keep that share ezesc unticked those wont change.


So its letary this smae thing only differenc is that you cant set exact numbers but again that will change soon

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That's fine and dandy but the trick to maintain broadband speeds and no errors on the line is to have equipment optimal set up so never to disconnecting from the DLM and to prevent it from putting error protection on the line and applying interleaved ( which mine has now done but trying to get shitty BT to reset it) .so I will try ap and leave it alone I think, o and just some info if using an openreach modem and to see your line stats then this is the way to do it. http://www.mydslwebstats.co.uk/Container.htm

sure buddy you are knowledgeable in those a lot more the i am. Just wonted to share what i have learn so we can both benift from it
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well thats sounds like what i just sad about trafic shaping.

Also the bandwith that every device gets its a feature that will be implemented in the next update

I like the idea of setting the bandwidth for each device. Just one thing do you know that if no one else is using the network and setting the congestion to 100% on ps4 that this will give it all my bandwidth ,I thinking that it will but may be wrong

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Sure funny enough that feature was push more beacuse people wanted to thorthel their internet speeds to the consol to avoid lag comp system.


Gaming int self uses a very litle bandwith so if you are running a fiber you are already giving you gaming full bandtwith.


I would sprade it more like different activites use diferent bandwith sort of speak. So for example if you wanna stream a 4 k movie on ps4. Then yes have only psr connected and give 100 on both and it will use all of your connection

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And this is also a good example of share execs feature.


Folowing the idea of activites. In stead of giving stable numbers or procentages of bandtwith to devices. You can tick the share axecs. What that will do it will distribute you bandwith according to what you set in procentages to each device but if one of the devices is not using the whole amout asingned to it and a other ones need more it will share that un used bandwith. That way bot devices are geting what they need when the need it.


On the top of that keep one lane always clean any home congestion will nevere afect your gaming

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Ok cheers for the info,also I was wondering about setting the bandwidth on the R1 and if it should be set to the actual sync speed or just above as for instance setting it at 80 when you always sync at say 57809,then really it should be set at say 60 as that what your line profile is giving you.

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Yes defently setbit to what you are actually geting. This is a logict thing to do that way features like anitfload and device prioritization can work fully and acurate.


For instance if you getting lestbsay 50 and you set the numbers in r1 bandwith 70 each mathematically you are putting a error to the system.


So yes set what you are getting

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That's fine and dandy but the trick to maintain broadband speeds and no errors on the line is to have equipment optimal set up so never to disconnecting from the DLM and to prevent it from putting error protection on the line and applying interleaved ( which mine has now done but trying to get shitty BT to reset it) .so I will try ap and leave it alone I think, o and just some info if using an openreach modem and to see your line stats then this is the way to do it. http://www.mydslwebstats.co.uk/Container.htm

If you have been placed on interleaving this mean's either your modem or modem/router does not have G.inp enabled FW as interleaving does not exsist for G.inp enabled machines apart from older firmware version's on bt modems / routers.


Make sure you have G.inp FW on your equiptment or you will find it very hard to get your pings down.


G.inp was enabled on the up stream and down stream but the ECI cabs do not have G.inp on the up stream , so loads of people on these cab see interleaving as so they have now disabled up stream G.inp for all cabs.


I am guttted as i am on a Hauwei cab and could hand both up and down.


G.inp = on the fly error correction instead of interleaving.

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so really when setting the banwidth Netduma should be saying set it to what your line is syncing at and not what your ip has said you will get.???

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If you have been placed on interleaving this mean's either your modem or modem/router does not have G.inp enabled FW as interleaving does not exsist for G.inp enabled machines apart from older firmware version's on bt modems / routers.


Make sure you have G.inp FW on your equiptment or you will find it very hard to get your pings down.

Zennon, thats OK saying that but to actual find out if G.INP has been enabled on the street cabinet is difficult,also as you are not doubt aware the openreach modems stats can not be accessed unless unlocked and these are supposed to be auto update firmware on the modems ,mine is ECI to go with cab.I`m trying to get BT to reset my line but they are completly stupid and do not even understand what I am talking about

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G.inp should be enabled on all cabinets.


If you are on interleaving then you are definatley not on G.inp as it uses fast path with on the fly error correction.


I flashed my own modem with the latest G.inp capable fw , as i had an old fw on there and i was on interleaving because of this i was waiting for it to drop back to FP but it did not.


I went snopping around for some answers and found out about G.inp and that i needed new fw i updated and that second i was back on fast path.

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