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Apex legends will not work with Geo Filter


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So I have to say I am kind of frustrated.  I "upgraded" to the new os and find it slow and less user friendly than the old OS... that aside, the GEO filter for Apex legends is not working for me.  I followed the guide and it maybe will connect to one game, then I will get booted back to title screen after game and it will say attempting to login to EA servers.  It then sits in a loop until it finally says that connection to EA servers could not be made.  I then cannot get into another game unless I remove the PS4 from my device list and reboot the game.  

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What do you find slow about it? We actually designed it to be MORE user friendly, what don't you find user friendly about it?

I'm not sure if that is completely related to the Geo-Filter as I have experienced this many times when testing through ISP hub. We released a cloud update this week for Apex, flush the cloud, does it improve your experience then?

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I flush the cloud and it works for maybe one game - then same problem.  It will kick me back to the title screen and try to reconnect 9 times.  After the 9th try i get the message "Unable to connect to EA servers Please check your internet connection and try again.".  It then only works again if I flush and repeat.  Works for maybe (maybe!) one game then the same problem.  

As for the new front end, I guess I am just old school.  It takes a while for each app to load and I do miss the ability to put VPN settings directly into the router as well.  It literally takes like 20 - 30 seconds for the apps to load.  Maybe its a problem with the router itself as my geo-filter clearly isn't working either.

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Okay so to clarify: 

  • No Geo-Filter/Spectating Mode = Can game no problem without being kicked back to the lobby?
  • Geo-Filter in Filtering Mode = 1 game works, then kicked to lobby, flush cloud, allowed back to the lobby and then one game allowed and repeat

Is that correct?

R-App loading should be at a decent speed. Have you done a factory reset since updating to DumaOS? If so have you cleared your browser cache/cookies? They should speed it up. You can still put the same VPN Settings into the router that you did with the original firmware. If you're not sure how to do so let me know what you're wanting to achieve and I can help.


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Ok the first screen is what I get when looking for a game at first.  Note the only server that ever shows is in Michigan.  If I don't set circle that far I can NEVER find a game to begin with.  Then, after a game or two (just this morning I got two!!!) it kicks me back to title screen saying attempting reconnection and this is what is on my router screen.  Nada.  I then have to delete the ps4 and start all over again (which frankly I have not even bothered to do because its so time consuming).  Just really frustrated because this game is terrible with bad connections.  

r1 issues.png

r1 issues 2.png

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Update,  I reset my router to factory settings and the problem persists.  Now there is a new wrinkle:  I can get into the game but literally every time it says starting server, it drops me back to title screen and says : Connection to Host lost.  I give up.  It simply does not work.  Too much work to try and get a game that isnt laggy.  Sigh.

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Can you zoom out of the map please as theres most likely something blocked elsewhere and have a look. Rule of thumb: If the Geo-Filter isn't working zoom out of the map to make sure you're not missing anything

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  • 10 months later...
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2 hours ago, EricSe7en said:

I also get this issue. I have to close the game and restart to get back into the lobby.

So, after a match you get kicked to the start screen and have to restart the game?

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A35DAC01-7BEA-4647-A69C-CB1B2BB1C403.thumb.jpeg.cfbd3ad27e9559c7e201ec7a2f8a190e.jpegIt's not every match, but it does happen regularly - it's the code 'leaf' message.

If i'm using spectate mode, there are no issues, it's only when filter mode is on.

Sometimes it will re connect to the lobby, other times it will try many times, but ultimately fail. Once this happens, the only way to reconnect is to close the game and restart it.3E956D8A-36B7-4500-971E-6B1D91095F02.thumb.jpeg.96d58ab8ecb4f3ec0f273e1ce6a58a56.jpeg





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There will be something being blocked on the Geo-Filter when that occurs, look at the Geo-Filter Map quickly and allow the icon that appears blocked and that should resolve it. Please also then let us know the ID so we can whitelist it in the cloud.

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comment fait lorsque  l'on trouve un hôte super pour que dans les parties suivantes cela soit cet hote et non un autre qui heberge notre jeux? Je narrive plus à me connecter sur l'hote avec lequel ma partie na pas laguer

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Vous ne pouvez pas conserver exactement le même hôte à la fin du jeu / serveur et vous ne pouvez pas continuer à partir de ce jeu. La sélection du même emplacement de serveur est la meilleure que vous puissiez faire à cet égard. En théorie, vous pouvez littéralement bloquer chaque serveur, même les autres à cet emplacement, mais ce serait une tâche impossible.
You cannot keep the exact same host as the game/server ends and you're not able to do a continuation from that game. Selecting the same server location is the best you can do in this regard. In theory you could literally block every single server even the other ones in this location but it would be an impossible task.

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alors enfait je viens de remarquer que c'est vachement aléatoire ..


J'étais en mode filtrage avec mon pc de jeux (toujours sur apex legends) et les parties étaient toute laggy.


Puis je change en mode spectateur avec l'emplacement de mon domicile en pleine mer avec une distance maximale fixée à 111 klm avec un ping assist de 30 et là, comme par magie, j'ai pu faire 15 parties vraiment parfaite, sans lag. SAUF que, d'un coup sans prévenir, toute les parties sont redevenues toutes laggy ......


Comment expliqué cela? à chaque fois c'est pareil, ça marche pendant quelques heures et après c'est repartis, plus rien ne marche de façon constante, il y a toujours des réglages à tester, à essayer, ça deviens vraiment horrible..

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En mode Spectateur, il n'aurait pas été filtré du tout, mais en supposant que vous ayez conservé le serveur comme vous l'avez sélectionné dans le jeu, il n'y a pas de différence. Si vous avez de bons jeux en mode Spectation et que vous ne l'avez pas fait, cela ressemble plus à un problème de congestion local.
Spectating Mode it wouldn't have been filtering at all but assuming you kept the server the same that you selected on the game then there is no difference there. If you got good games in Spectating Mode and then you didn't then it sounds more like there is a local congestion issue.

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Les bonnes parties sans lag en mode spectateur n'ont pas durées bien longtemps. Que me conseillez-vous au niveau local à modifier?



Pensez-vous que je dois ouvrir les ports NAT sur le routeur netgear pour le jeu apex legends ? Si oui, comment dois-je faire

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