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Day 3 of netduma. First impressions!


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received my r1 last Tuesday and with work and having kids it's delayed me setting up until a few days ago, first impressions! Awful.. :-(

I'm a positive k/d player and not the whiney kid kind that screams lag every time I'm killed but lag is there in some shape of form and its apparent in some games more so than not.

I heard about the r1 after watching sims YouTube vids and it really interested me to have a router to put me in the game and not behind it. First day of the R1 I didn't play for long and went 38-9 tdm, it was a heavy lagged game with the majority of players 1-2 bar and me on 3 so I didn't think much but was impressed as without the r1 I would of really struggled I imagine, played a few more and went fairly positive, anyway. Fired the xbox up yesterday and just kept going negative negative negative?? Today very much the same but would say even worse couldn't even break 10 kills and while I'm not a great player I can join half way through a game and break that, I'm not getting my shots off, getting melted easily with plenty of wtf moments? My experience so far has been dreadful, I was really hoping for a piece of what everyone seems to be having but to be honest I'm not having fun, I refused to play aw for 2 weeks before I bought the netduma until I received it and to be frank it's worse :-( I'm a little disgruntled at the moment, I'm assuming (hoping) it has something to do with my settings as I'm no networking whiz. There is no doubt in my mind this is a wonderful piece of kit, customer service is top notch and the guys I've met on the forum have been great and please don't take me as bad mouthing it as that's not what I'm doing but maybe it's a piece of kit that just doesn't work for me :-( I would love to be put in the right direction so I can hope to enjoy this r1 as much as everyone else does, cheers guys


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  • Netduma Staff
  On 6/27/2015 at 3:55 PM, Matt_Akira said:

Hi mate, yep no probs, give me 10 mins bud


Awesome! - Hopefully those screen shots can explain why your games are still laggy. There is always the possibility that it is just that AW severs aren't playing very well - hopefully it is a network issue that you can fix though :)

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Hey Matt, from what I can see your base ping is around 42ms, so already thats not too great, so based off the ping to the host thats quite a good ping for you. Also I'd recommend in the device prioritisation part of the congestion control that you give your console a higher priority to ensure your console gets the bandwidth it needs. You could also try with strict mode off, this may not get you as good games but its all about testing what works best. Also go to settings > miscellaneous and make sure auto cloud and bleeding edge are ticked, this will ensure that you get the latest cloud updates. Hope that helps :)

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Welcome, Matt_Akria  :)


Aside from the technical aspects... If you have not played AW in two weeks, you ARE going to be rusty. This happens with ALL games. I took a several YEARS long break from Counter-Strike, and I am now getting back into it and I am getting "rekt" as the kids say. However, I'm old enough to understand WHY. So, it may not just be the R1?


AW is a very unique game in that it tries to widen the skill gap with the Exos, but at the same time it compresses it even more because it takes away any form of tactical thinking... Because of the Exos... So, it becomes a twitch shooter in the purest form e.g. whomever sees who first wins vs. previous CoDs and other games where map control and power positioning is more important than just twitch reflexes.


I consider myself a holistic video game player which is why I brought in the psychological / time aspect since Fraser, Ian and others can cover the technical aspects a Hell of a lot better than I.

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I was having some terrible lag as well, but moving both sliders inside the congestion control from 100% to 50% seemed to help me out a lot. Lag compensation is in every single Call Of Duty game, believe it or not. In the next update, I look forward to the Bandwidth Control feature, 768/Upload & 384/Download always seems to work. We'll just have to wait for Iain to work his Dynamo magick trick. :D  :lol:  :blink:

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thanks for all the replys guys much appreciated @handsomeking yep if we could throttle those numbers it would be ideal haha just have to wait and see on future updates I suppose but I'm sure it was 384 upload? Correct me if I'm wrong :-p haha!@JConnor yep the exo's took a while to get use to but now I still try and boost dodge on BF3 so it's going to take a while to get use to not using it on other fps games haha! A twitch shooter I agree but shoot first and get rekt? That's me currently. The r1 is going back in the box till after clan wars as I've seen others have problems on this weekend

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I have one question about our setup i see that you have chosen preempive algoritm may i ask you on what internet plan are like 100mg 50 mb etc and also what is your setup in terms of phisical setup

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  On 6/27/2015 at 8:58 PM, Matt_Akira said:

5mb down 1 up bud

yebs that is a sufficent bandwith for gaming but if you are running just gaming on that yet if you have other users using internet at this same time you may run in to some serious issues with bandwith there fore you probobly need more fine tuning of you congestion control. Another thing is what is your set up in terms of netduma router how its connected like mine for example is


Wall-----ISP router setup in modem mode only------ net duma r1 router--------all other devices that use internet in house hold

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sure in congestion control are you keeping share exxes ticked? well i keep my isp router in modem only mode as i use virgin and i am able to do that not sure if you can do that on sky setup have someone have chcecked if you setup with sky is all good ? if not you may wanna ask someone who is more technical knwoledgbale them me to have a look at this. Also if you could tell me if anybody else is using internet while you game and what they do etc?

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I'm sorry man but I don't understand what mode my router is in? All my settings are in place but to be honest, unfortunately I have a shit ping, base at around 42ms, there's not really a lot that can negate that unless I throttle my UL and D I guess.

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Hey Matt.  Can you read through Raddy's guide to setting up a Sky hub- this is for Fibre, but it's basically the same.




Throttling wont help your base ping, but 42ms isn't terrible by any stretch :)


From memory, your Sky hub doesn't have a specific router mode, so no need to worry about that. Is the router an SR101, or SR102? A White one or Black one basically?  Have a look at the link and post back with any questions  :)

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Ok to be able to access internet you need a laine which i am getting form virgin you are getting form sky then to be able to use internet at home you need modem that is sort of a first getaway and here the thing some isp routers like the one form virging is a combo of modem nad router in one thats why in stead of using my Isp router i use only modem part of it i think every router have to have some sort of modem ether build in or external but i may be worng on this one. So thats what modem mode is for me i set it this way so that i can have internet in my R1 its not an extra thing to reduce lag its just basicaly to make my R1 primary router and to actually have internet

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