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Which takes priority: Allow/Deny or Strict Mode?


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Need a quick refresher for my memory. Now that we can allow or deny servers I can try out a geofilter setup I couldn't use on the old firmware due to how close an ideal server would be located to others I wanted to exclude. For example there's no way to be able to access Spanish, Italian, Danish and Polish servers without bumping into French, Dutch or German ones in one way or another. 


I'm just about to test this now but, to save time (as I fear new servers will keep popping up from the same bank, meaning I'll need to spend time blocking those from my radius), could someone remind me if Allow/Deny takes priority over strict mode? I'm thinking the best bet is to keep strict mode ticked (in order to block servers off the continent and in Russia) but widen the radius to include all 8 servers in my Allow/Deny list - 4 I've blocked and 4 I've allowed. Then I can load up a game and see if that wide radius allows all possible pre-lobby hosts, before transferring to a server I want while keeping the others blocked. Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer. 

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I thought Allow was the same as whitelisting and the R1 will connect regardless of the GEO filter range.

This ensures you can connect to certain servers for game profiles etc

Would be good to know final answer though 

The help comments in th DumasOS say you can block a dedi which confused me.

Last night I blocked one and it said denied but kept putting me back on it


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1 hour ago, Dan said:

The help comments in th DumasOS say you can block a dedi which confused me.

Last night I blocked one and it said denied but kept putting me back on it


Wow, please tell me that was just another server from the same location? If we can't block servers I'll just go back to the old firmware. The ability to do that is a fair trade for no ping assist (yet) but there's no other real reason to use DumaOS lol ☹️

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per the help icon on DumaOS......... a second reason I want the original firmware

"Allow & Deny lets you whitelist or blacklist other connections, no matter the size of your Geo-Filter. Choosing to Allow another connection will mean they can always connect to you, even if they are outside your Geo-Filter range. Choosing to Deny another connection will mean it will always be blocked, even when it is inside your Geo-Filter range. You cannot block a dedicated server. To either Allow or Deny, left click on the connection on your Geo-Filter Map. Then in the Ping panel that opens on the right hand side, choose either ALLOW or DENY."

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2 hours ago, Dan said:

I thought Allow was the same as whitelisting and the R1 will connect regardless of the GEO filter range.

This ensures you can connect to certain servers for game profiles etc

Would be good to know final answer though 

The help comments in th DumasOS say you can block a dedi which confused me.

Last night I blocked one and it said denied but kept putting me back on it


We'll need to look into this - you should not be able to reconnect to a blocked server. Do you still have the server ID?

@lllRL - to answer your original question, Allow / Deny takes priority over strict mode


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1 minute ago, Netduma Admin said:

@lllRL - to answer your original question, Allow / Deny takes priority over strict mode

Thanks - I thought so but wasn't certain 😄


I guess we need some clarification though. Can we actually ban servers now or not? XR500 and DumaOS beta testers have told me you can, and the fact that the Irish Demonware matchmaking server has a greyed out deny button but regular dedicated servers do not would lead me to infer that you can ban them, but the Allow & Deny tip page says you can't ☹️

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You absolutely SHOULD be able to ban them unless it's an authentication server which is permanently whitelisted. You can tell if it's one of these because it will have a white ring around it.

You don't ever want to ban this because it would prevent you from joining the game. Plus there's no need to ban it, because it's not a dedicated server that hosts your game.

As for the tip - GREAT SPOT! On earlier versions of DumaOS you couldn't block dedicated servers, it's a feature we added recently. We'll update this. Thank you!

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15 hours ago, Netduma Admin said:

You absolutely SHOULD be able to ban them unless it's an authentication server which is permanently whitelisted. You can tell if it's one of these because it will have a white ring around it.

You don't ever want to ban this because it would prevent you from joining the game. Plus there's no need to ban it, because it's not a dedicated server that hosts your game.

As for the tip - GREAT SPOT! On earlier versions of DumaOS you couldn't block dedicated servers, it's a feature we added recently. We'll update this. Thank you!

Awesome! I guess that was just an accidental copy and paste from an R1 original firmware guide then 😏


I like that we can see the Irish authentication server now. I think I saw one on the west coast of the US too. I always thought that was just an Xbox CoD server before, but I believe it was visible to early adopters on PS4 who had Admin mode too right? The deny button is greyed out and inaccessible anyway so there's no chance of anyone messing up there haha. Cheers! 

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Oh, sad news I'm afraid. There seems to be a big problem between the geofilter and allow/deny feature. 


Yesterday I spent some time connecting, disconnecting and reconnecting to online services just to spot as many servers as I could, and then either allow or deny depending on my needs. I covered the entire region, expecting only to possibly see new ones from the same location (since obviously there are more than just a single server in each location)... 


I got on today, with the populated allow/deny list, filtering mode enabled, and strict mode applied. I rebooted the router just to lock in any settings, assuming it works the way the original firmware did on the R1, then started up my PS4 to check it was working. 


I connected to online services and while I saw a different type of dot for the Russian server outside of my radius, two banned ones appeared in my radius. You'd think they were just new ones from the same location as the others I'd banned, but in fact they both appeared with their names already stored because they were already on the deny list. One was German, the other was one of the mislocated "Dutch" servers I reported which is based in California. I double checked I was in filtering mode, with strict mode ticked, and flushed the cloud. I then rebooted my console, reloaded the game, and this time I saw four allowed servers pop up... only for another mislocated "Dutch" server to appear - the second of the two I'd already banned yesterday. As you can see below from the screenshots, the already banned "Dutch" server (among others that are already banned) will pop up at will. 


Pretty annoying. I don't want to play without the filter because the servers I've banned play like crap for me, and simply placing a radius around a single server won't suffice as they populate so sporadically; I need the four I've allowed in there to find a game without a wait. 


Either there's a problem with filtering mode, or you simply can't ban servers. If that's the case I'd rather go back to the old OS tbh. 





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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Its the ban part thats the issue, had trouble reproducing this before but managed it once. Thanks for the info, should be able to fix that quickly.

Appreciate the quick reply/transparency. I've been waiting for this feature for so long 😭😄

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Oh another quick update while I'm here. I decided to play anyway, trying a smaller radius over just two allowed servers. However while searching for a game, I kept seeing dots that weren't blocked outside of my radius off the west coast of Africa. There were many (I stopped pinging them after finding the NINTH) and all had private IPs, but none matched anything on my Netduma (which I left at the default 192.168.88.x) and all gave me 7ms with some jitter. Any idea what that's all about? A few examples below. 





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It's just basically one of your local IPs. I can't remember exactly why it happens but it always appears at lat long 0, 0. I spoke to a dev and they said it'd be too hard to fix, it won't impact your connection in any way though

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17 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

It's just basically one of your local IPs. I can't remember exactly why it happens but it always appears at lat long 0, 0. I spoke to a dev and they said it'd be too hard to fix, it won't impact your connection in any way though

Alright cheers, nothing to worry about then. 


I've discovered another issue but as it's to do with traffic prio, I'll open a new thread in the DumaOS feedback section. 

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18 minutes ago, lllRL said:

Oh, une autre mise à jour rapide pendant que je suis ici. J'ai décidé de jouer quand même, en essayant un rayon plus petit sur seulement deux serveurs autorisés. Cependant, alors que je cherchais un jeu, je continuais de voir des points qui n'étaient pas bloqués en dehors de mon rayon au large de la côte ouest de l'Afrique. Il y en avait beaucoup (j'ai arrêté de leur envoyer des requêtes après avoir trouvé le NINTH) et tous avaient des adresses IP privées, mais aucun ne correspondait à rien sur mon Netduma (que j'avais laissé avec la valeur par défaut 192.168.88.x) et tous m'ont donné 7 ms avec un peu de jitter. Une idée de ce que c'est? Quelques exemples ci-dessous. 





Je l'ai aussi sur le xr500 je me demandais ce que c'était j'avais l'impression que duma os me localisé au large de l'Afrique alor que je vie sur Paris au moin je suis pas le seul lol

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Ok I think this is a very crucial topic which I think makes a major factor for connection with me. I really love the preemptive connection on original r1 better than duma OS. Im a a really competitive gamer. I need that no lag advantage preemptive gives me. However like people have said original r1 doesnt have the features of denying dedis permanently if I'm not mistaken. Can Netduma give me the peace of mind that you will still work on improvements for original r1 in the future not just dumaOS features.. Can we get the same options/features on host filtering with original r1 regarding denying servers?

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7 hours ago, carl0024 said:

Ok I think this is a very crucial topic which I think makes a major factor for connection with me. I really love the preemptive connection on original r1 better than duma OS. Im a a really competitive gamer. I need that no lag advantage preemptive gives me. However like people have said original r1 doesnt have the features of denying dedis permanently if I'm not mistaken. Can Netduma give me the peace of mind that you will still work on improvements for original r1 in the future not just dumaOS features.. Can we get the same options/features on host filtering with original r1 regarding denying servers?

There is the ability to perma ban servers as we always could with hosts, but it just requires some tweaking to get it fully working right now. 


With the R1 we could only temp ban, which was pretty useless as by the time you'd banned one and got another in the same location to pop up, you'd end up reconnecting to more from the same bank once the temp ban expired ;) plus ping assist seems to be coming too. Soon we'll have 100% control! 

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18 hours ago, carl0024 said:

Ok I think this is a very crucial topic which I think makes a major factor for connection with me. I really love the preemptive connection on original r1 better than duma OS. Im a a really competitive gamer. I need that no lag advantage preemptive gives me. However like people have said original r1 doesnt have the features of denying dedis permanently if I'm not mistaken. Can Netduma give me the peace of mind that you will still work on improvements for original r1 in the future not just dumaOS features.. Can we get the same options/features on host filtering with original r1 regarding denying servers?

The whole point of developing DumaOS was that it was too hard and too many restrictions on the old firmware. We will not be making updates to that firmware, only to DumaOS. We will be adding options to the Geo-Filter beyond what the R1 has now, ping assist etc is coming. 

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On 10/16/2018 at 5:05 AM, Netduma Fraser said:

The whole point of developing DumaOS was that it was too hard and too many restrictions on the old firmware. We will not be making updates to that firmware, only to DumaOS. We will be adding options to the Geo-Filter beyond what the R1 has now, ping assist etc is coming. 

Hi Fraser,

Understandable that you guys wont update anymore on original r1. However can you just clarify for peace of mind. If I stay on original r1 firmware. Does the geo filter cloud update for me as well as when you update cloud for DumaOS in the coming years? I already have this idea that the geo filter cloud is most likely the same for orig r1 and DumaOS. But I need to hear from you guys for clarity and peace of mind if its alright.

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Hi Carl - yes the Clouds remain the same so both firmwares will benefit from any updates to our IP Database.

If this were to ever change in the future we would announce it far and wide!

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Thanks Admin! Thats brilliant. Please don't change this cloud syncs. I am most certain I'll be staying with Orig R1 in the coming years. I got xr500 for DumaOS and R1 for original so I'm covered for both anyways. Because in all honesty I'm getting better games in orig R1. I die less. DumaOS I kill faster but I also die faster.

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Cheers Carl. 

Honestly, I think you’re probably just seeing the effect of randomness there. But at the end of the day, if it works for you and you’re happy with it, then don’t change a thing!

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4 hours ago, dpk_ydv said:

One question, Does the Allow/deny work even if the router is in spectating mode?

I believe spectating mode acts like unticking enable on the pre-DumaOS R1. It's recommended for games that already have a server browser so it would make sense; I don't think allow/deny would be in effect in that case. 

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