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Upgrading your Netduma R1 to DumaOS from a version lower than 1.03.6

Netduma Admin

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On 10/25/2018 at 1:31 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

We could not access your router. Please ensure the R1 WAN IP is in the DMZ of your ISP hub, UPnP & Port forwarding is disabled on your ISP hub and that remote access is ticked on the R1 in settings > miscellaneous.

Tick ‘Allow remote access to Netduma tech support’ -> done
Go to Settings >UPnP and enable the feature if it's not already enabled -> done
Go to Settings > Port Forwarding and remove any rules -> done
Netduma WAN IP manually set to which is also configured as the Huawei router's DMZ address -> done
Port forwarding disable in Huawei router's settings -> done
Try disabling Huawei router's firewall -> done
Port scan 7777 -> FAIL

I'm starting to think that my 4G connection does not support incoming connections at all. Btw, my laptop had no problems connecting to Huawei router in bridge mode (public IP received and internet worked nicely) but Netduma somehow fails.

Is there really no other way to upgrade to latest R1 firmware besides allowing remote access?

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On 10/26/2018 at 5:05 PM, omni72 said:

Hi - Thanks for the update. The settings had changed from the last time I set them so i'm guessing some of them got reset after I rebooted yesterday. Should be set now:

open (57ms)

Thanks & take care

You're good to go. Please do not reboot before upgrading.

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14 hours ago, Shymmy1981 said:

I would like the fix for my router to be upgraded.


We could not access your router. Please ensure the R1 WAN IP is in the DMZ of your ISP hub, UPnP & Port forwarding is disabled on your ISP hub and that remote access is ticked on the R1 in settings > miscellaneous.

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Thanks Dyllon - are you on the 1.03.3 then? We will need to do this next week as we are moving the fixing machine to the new office. Please bear with us!

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15 hours ago, bbursley said:

I havent been on the forums for quite a while ( sorry) I have the latest version (or what was the latest version of netduma OS) for a while now. I submitted mt email for testing but ive never gotten any links or anything for downloading the Duma OS beta

Think you posted in the other thread to say you found it. Let us know if not.

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