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Denied Servers and Players

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34 minutes ago, Kahari said:

Couldn't agree more with you bro! It's gotten so bad on my end, that I don't even connect to servers I've allowed anymore. Only Denied one's!!

I've passed both the topics on to the team as clearly something is happening, hopefully they'll respond soon after this most recent topic.

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Have they found a solution to this issue? I remember you said they were able to reproduce it about 2 weeks ago.  All yesterday I connected to denied servers. I even denied the servers again (that are already denied under my list) and 5 mins later I connected to the exact same server I had just denied 5 mins earlier! This is ridiculous.

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Yeah I've escalated the problem, the team are aware of it, the process is underway! I've also set myself a reminder to check the status of this frequently so that I can let you know as soon as there's progress.

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I appreciate that Alex and Fraser. Now no disrespect, but in less than 2 months it will have been a YEAR and this issue STILL hasn't been resolved. I have been told different things these past 10  1/2 months.. that they are working on it, it's been duplicated, etc. but I  honestly don't think this issue has been much of a priority to the team because it has been almost a year and there is still no solution. I understand they're extremely busy and have countless issues to fix, but I believe this issue has been put on the back burner for quite sometime to be such a serious issue.  Other consumers have been experiencing this problem and I believe we have been more than patient.  

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Totally understand your frustration, there is lots of work for the developers to undertake and there will be some issues that have to be taken care of first before issues like this can be looked into properly. Now that more people are experiencing the issue it is my hope that this gets escalated higher than other issues.

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I've decided that this issue will need some more testing before we declare it a bug, so i'd like to try and narrow down exactly where/if things are going wrong.


I've got an XR500 here and i've been testing it with the hotfix firmware. Playing Apex on PC, I seem to be able to block servers successfully.

In spectating mode, I connected to the game, and when it pinged all of the servers on the map, I blocked a couple, brazil and australia.

Then I put my radius on maximum (so the whole map is covered) and turned on filtering mode

I then shut down Apex and opened it again, and I waited for a minute, pressed ESC twice so that the Data Center option appeared on the title screen.

I then looked down the list of servers and saw that there was 100% packet loss on San Paulo and Sydney, and those were the ones i'd blocked.

So it seems to have passed my rather basic test, but maybe results will be worse once I actually try to play a game.

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